
The recipe for a gelatin mask for the hair: an incredible effect on the photo before and after

  • The recipe for a gelatin mask for the hair: an incredible effect on the photo before and after

    Recipe for a gelatin mask for hair: the effect of lamination at home

    The gel mask has long been known as an amazing remedy for hair restoration. Gelatin makes them stronger and shiny, delivering the necessary protein inside the hair. The gelatinous hair mask, the recipe of which would be universal, has simply not been invented, as women adore trying different ingredients. First of all it should be said that gelatin is a natural source of protein( protein) and collagen, as well as valuable elements - proline, hydroxypropylene, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, B and E vitamins, glycine andstarch. Such a solid list of substances useful for hair suggests that the harm from the gelatin mask should be minimal and associated more with individual intolerance of the product. This is indeed so. For example, with regular dosing of gelatin in a cosmetic mask, serious bleeding problems are possible. However, this problem is easily eliminated with proper control over the preparation of the mask.

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    The main advantages of the gelatin mask:

    1) Collagen, which is part of the gelatin, envelops the hair and, as it were, covers them with a protective film.

    2) With the help of gelatin mask, lamination effect at home is easily achieved. At the same time, at a price this procedure is available to both the housewife and the business lady.

    3) Gelatin is often used for hair growth, because it contains vitamins.

    4) Gelatine masks, if done regularly, facilitate hair styling. The hair itself becomes obedient and shiny.

    Hair types for gelatin mask

    Specialists advise occasionally to make a gelatin mask on any hair, but the following types of hair are especially needed:

    1) Mixed type

    2) Hair with split ends

    3) Thin hair that does not have volume

    4) Naughty, poorly behaving when laying hair

    5) Painted hair

    Reviews on the

    procedure How to make gelatinous hair mask can be read on the Internet. We will give only a few reviews of women who have ever done this procedure.

    Here is what Tel writes: "Not so long ago I learned that hair can be perfectly laminated with gelatin. Girls, I share the recipe for a mask. I took 1 tablespoon of gelatin and diluted 3 tablespoons of boiled water. I waited until it swelled, and then added honey( 1 tablespoon).Instead of honey, you can add an egg yolk. Both ingredients are needed to enhance the shine. Then you need to wash your head with shampoo. On a clean hair, apply a gelatin mask and put on a hat. We wait from 45 minutes to 1 hour( you can do household chores).Then just wash off the mask with water. Look at the photo - what an incredible effect now my hair has! "

    Tatyana tried the same lamination procedure. Tatyanochka and also was delighted. She writes: "All women know that lamination is useful for hair, since it creates a film on the hair that protects from harmful external influences. Nevertheless, not everyone has money for an expensive salon procedure. I found a way out: laminating with food gelatin. So, buy food gelatin( 15 grams) and dilute it with boiled water. If desired, you can add gelatine balm or essential oil( burdock, castor, almond).

    Also in this mask milk, honey, lemon juice is sometimes added. I clean my head with a cleansing shampoo and comb my hair well, to facilitate the application of the mask. The mask is applied by hand or brush over the entire length of the hair. We put on a hat and go for 30-40 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. The gelatinous mask is washed off very easily, and the result is noticeable at once - the hair is shiny and silky! See the photos before and after. In general, I recommend this laminating mask to everyone. "

    However, the user Higher high has also found some negative effect from the gelatin mask. The girl writes: "I tried gelatinous lamination and was generally satisfied. First, we dilute gelatin with water to make it swell( 1: 1).While the gelatin swells, we quickly put my head on. The mask will be applied to damp hair. When applying the mask, it is necessary to "smear" it over the hair along the entire length. We go with such a mask, putting a cap on the head, about 40 minutes, and then wash off with warm water. Hair at this stage is shiny and soft as silk. The lack of such lamination, in my opinion, is the same: the effect lasts only 2-3 weeks, and then it is necessary to repeat the mask. "


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    The gel mask has long been known as an amazing remedy for hair restoration. Gelatin makes them stronger and shiny, delivering the necessary protein inside the hair. The gelatinous hair mask, the recipe of which would be universal, has simply not been invented, as women adore trying different ingredients. First of all, it should be said that gelatin is a natural source of protein( protein) and collagen, as well as valuable elements - proline, hydroxypropylene, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, B and E vitamins, glycine andstarch. Such a solid list of substances useful for hair suggests that the harm from the gelatin mask should be minimal and associated more with individual intolerance of the product. This is indeed so. For example, with regular dosing of gelatin in a cosmetic mask, serious bleeding problems are possible. However, this problem is easily eliminated with proper control over the preparation of the mask.

    The main advantages of the gel mask:

    1) Collagen, which is part of the gelatin, envelops the hair and, as it were, covers them with a protective film.

    2) With the help of gelatin mask, lamination effect at home is easily achieved. At the same time, at a price this procedure is available to both the housewife and the business lady.

    3) Gelatin is often used for hair growth, because it contains vitamins.

    4) Gelatine masks, if done regularly, facilitate hair styling. The hair itself becomes obedient and shiny.

    Hair types for gelatin mask

    Experts advise occasionally to make a gelatin mask on any hair, but the following types of hair are especially needed:

    1) Mixed type

    2) Hair with split ends

    3) Thin hair that does not have volume

    4) Naughty, poorly behaving when laying hair

    5) Painted hair

    Reviews on the procedure

    How to make gelatinous hair mask can be read on the Internet. We will give only a few reviews of women who have ever done this procedure.

    Here is what Tel writes: "Not so long ago I learned that hair can be perfectly laminated with gelatin. Girls, I share the recipe for a mask. I took 1 tablespoon of gelatin and diluted 3 tablespoons of boiled water. I waited until it swelled, and then added honey( 1 tablespoon).Instead of honey, you can add an egg yolk. Both ingredients are needed to enhance the shine. Then you need to wash your head with shampoo. On a clean hair, apply a gelatin mask and put on a hat. We wait from 45 minutes to 1 hour( you can do household chores).Then just wash off the mask with water. Look at the photo - what an incredible effect now my hair has! ยป

    Tatyana tried the same lamination procedure. Tatyanochka and also was delighted. She writes: "All women know that lamination is useful for hair, since it creates a film on the hair that protects from harmful external influences. Nevertheless, not everyone has money for an expensive salon procedure. I found a way out: laminating with food gelatin. So, we buy food gelatin( 15 grams) and dilute it with boiled water. If desired, you can add gelatine balm or essential oil( burdock, castor, almond).

    Also in this mask sometimes add milk, honey, lemon juice. I clean my head with a cleansing shampoo and comb my hair well to facilitate the application of the mask. The mask is applied by hand or brush over the entire length of the hair. We put on a hat and go for 30-40 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. The gelatinous mask is washed off very easily, and the result is noticeable at once - the hair is shiny and silky! See the photos before and after. In general, I recommend this laminating mask to everyone. "

    However, the user Higher high has also found some negative effect from the gelatin mask. The girl writes: "I tried gelatinous lamination and was generally satisfied. First, we dilute gelatin with water to make it swell( 1: 1).While the gelatin swells, we quickly put my head on. The mask will be applied to damp hair. When applying the mask, it is necessary to "smear" it over the hair along the entire length. We go with such a mask, putting a cap on the head, about 40 minutes, and then wash off with warm water. Hair at this stage is shiny and soft as silk. The lack of such lamination, in my opinion, is the same: the effect lasts only 2-3 weeks, and then it is necessary to repeat the mask. "


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