
Detection of MYCOPLASMA HOMINIS antigen in the material by direct immunofluorescence method

  • Detection of MYCOPLASMA HOMINIS antigen in the material by direct immunofluorescence method

    Mycoplasma hominis causes acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract, postpartum fever and sepsis, septic and spontaneous abortions. Mycoplasma hominis is detected by direct immunofluorescence in inflammatory diseases of the urogenital organs, according to different authors, in 15-90% of cases.

    The resulting smear with patient material is treated with polyclonal ATs to the cytoplasmic membrane Mycoplasma hominis labeled with FITC.When viewing the drug in a luminescent microscope, as a result of the reaction, Ag-AT is determined by the green fluorescence of mycoplasmas. A positive evaluation of the results of the study suggests detection of at least 10 bright green granules clearly visible on the reddish background of the preparation. When a smaller amount of luminous granules is obtained in the preparation and the epithelial cells are absent in the preparation, the study is recommended to be repeated. If the amount of epithelial cells in the preparation is sufficient, and the amount of luminous granules is less than 10, the result is considered negative.

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    In men, mycoplasma hominis( Ureaplasma urealyticum) most often causes urethritis, in women - endometritis and salpingitis, in newborns can cause meningitis, respiratory infections, septicemia. However, mycoplasmas are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that are part of the normal microflora of the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract, so it is very difficult to evaluate their simple detection, especially in the absence of severe clinical manifestations. Currently, it is believed that mycoplasmas are responsible for the infection only if they are present in large quantities. Therefore, laboratory diagnostic methods that are diagnostic not only allow identification of mycoplasma, but also determine their

    concentration in the test material. For these purposes, the diagnostic kits "Mycoplasma DUO" have been developed, which allow not only to identify mycoplasmas( Mycoplasma hominis and / or Ureaplasma urealyticum), but also to establish their titer. Urogenital mycoplasmosis by this test system is identified and differentiated by their ability to metabolize arginine - for Mycoplasma hominis, urea - for Ureaplasma urealyticum. The titre of mycoplasmas is determined according to the classical dilution method, they are considered pathogenic if mycoplasma hominis or Ureaplasma urealyticum is detected in a titer of more than 104 CCU / ml( color-changing units in ml).The results of the study can be obtained within 24-48 hours.

    Another problem for the clinician in detecting mycoplasmas in the test material in elevated titre is the correct choice of an antibacterial drug for effective treatment. Mycoplasma often meets strains resistant to various antibiotics, so it is necessary to simultaneously determine the titer of mycoplasmas, to establish their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. For this purpose, diagnostic kits "SIR Mycoplasma" have been developed, which allow to determine the sensitivity of mycoplasmas to doxycycline, tetracycline, josamycin, erythromycin, clindamycin and ofloxacin. The results of the study can be obtained within 48 hours.