
Antibodies to TRICHINELLA SPIRALIS in serum

  • Antibodies to TRICHINELLA SPIRALIS in serum

    AT to Trichinella spiralis in serum is normal.

    For the early serological diagnosis of trichinosis, the definition of Ig-class IgG is used by ELISA.The sensitivity of the ELISA is 90-100%, the specificity is 70-80%.Specific ATs appear in the blood of infected Trichinella larvae and their concentration in muscles during migration. Their identification of serological reactions in individuals infected by eating the meat of domestic animals( pig) with high or medium intensity Trichinella infestation( 200-500 larvae per 1 g of meat) occurs at 15-20 days after infection. At a lower invasion rate, the detection time for AT is longer. When people are infected from wild animals( eg, bear, wild boar, badger, nutria), AT is detected after 4-6 weeks. Within 2-4 months, the titre of AT may increase, and after 4-5 months after infection it begins to decrease, but remains at the diagnostic level for at least 1.5 years, and with intensive infestation - up to 2-2.5 years or more. In patients with suspected trichinosis, when a negative or questionable result of the reaction is first received, the blood test should be repeated after 10-14 days, the increase in titers confirms trichinella invasion. Serological diagnosis of trichinosis is based on a 4-fold increase in the titer AT.If it is impossible to study the serum at the beginning of the disease, examine the serum obtained during the reconvalescence period.

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    Specific therapy trihinellotsidnymi drugs causes rise AT titles that are stored in the diagnostic values ​​for 6-12 months and then decline. Persons with suspicion of trichinosis who received preventive treatment, serological examination is carried out 2-3 weeks after treatment. In patients with trichinellosis, ATs persist for a long time - up to 2 years or more. False positive results

    analysis often recorded in the acute phase of a number of helminthiasis( opistorhoz, clonorchiasis et al.), And therefore the differential diagnosis requires careful clinical study-to-epidemiological history.

    Indications for serological tests:

    ■ presence of clinical symptoms( . Fever of unknown origin, face edema, myalgia, eosinophilia, etc.), myocarditis, meningoentsefali-you are of unknown origin, leukemoid reaction of eosinophilic type

    of unknown origin in patients who atepork, bear, boar and other animals - potential owners of trichinella;

    ■ transcript of cases of disease trichinosis Group( flash) and identification of contact in endemic areas( in non-endemic areas: in the presence of epidemiological history indications of eating animal meat - potential hosts of Trichinella).