  • Detection of human papillomavirus

    Human papillomavirus( HPV) is a small DNA containing oncogenic viruses that infect epithelial cells and induce proliferative lesions. Currently, more than 70 types of human papillomavirus have been isolated. Epidemiological analysis of research data for the presence of human papillomavirus made it possible to put forward the concept of the participation of viruses of this group in the development of epithelial malignant neoplasms.

    More than 90% of all cervical carcinomas are positive for the presence of human papillomaviruses. Most often, types of viruses 16 and 18 are found in the material from cervical tumors.

    Human papillomavirus types 6 and 11 are recognized as the etiologic onset of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, usually affecting the nasopharynx, trachea, larynx, which can progress and become a common bronchopulmonary disease. In most cases, papillomatosis is benign, but can be transformed into squamous cell carcinoma.

    Human papillomavirus type 16 DNA is often detected in urogenital carcinoma cells in patients with immunodeficiency.

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    The only method for detecting human papillomaviruses in these diseases is the PCR method. The material for the study is punctate tumors, lymph nodes, separated from the vagina, nose, trachea, urine. Detection of a specific type of human papillomavirus in the material under study does not mean that the patient has a malignant tumor, but requires a histological study of the substrate of the disease and subsequent dynamic monitoring of it. Those women who persist for a long time the human papillomavirus virus in the cervix have about a 65 times higher risk of developing cervical cancer. The risk is even higher( 130-fold) in women older than 30 years, if they are infected with types 16 or 18 of the human papillomavirus.

    Express an opinion on the important role of detection of human papillomaviruses in lymph node biopsy specimens in cervical carcinoma to determine the amount of surgical treatment and detection of intact and metastaticized lymph nodes. When finding human papillomaviruses in the lymph nodes, even in the absence of histological signs of their tumor lesion, the results of the study should be regarded as the presence of metastases in the lymph nodes.

    Based on the results of studies on human papillomavirus by PCR, conducted before and after treatment, its effectiveness can be assessed.