  • Bags under the eyes

    Bags under the eyes are a problem affecting many people. Such defects do not adorn anyone, and can undermine confidence in their own attractiveness. It is all the more insulting to have this disadvantage to a woman who puts a lot of effort to look beautiful. ..

    Causes of the appearance of bags

    The cause of the appearance of bags under the eyes can be hereditary predisposition. If by nature you have a thin membrane, located between the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the eye area, the chance to buy bags under your eyes is very large. In addition, predisposes to the appearance of such defects a dense body type and some individual features of the bones of the skull.

    In most cases, the causes of swelling may be:

    a number of diseases( violations in the liver, kidneys, diseases of the cardiovascular system, hormonal disorders, chronic constipation, allergies);

    age-related changes in the body;

    severe general exhaustion and lack of sleep;


    long work at the computer;

    instagram viewer

    poor nutrition;

    regular consumption of alcohol.

    Prevention and treatment of

    If puffiness is a sign of a disease, treatment of the underlying ailment will be a priority. So, for example, with the improvement of the kidneys, the fluid will stay less in the body, hence, the swelling under the eyes can also become less.

    If the bags under the eyes are caused by other reasons, then it will be much easier to cope with the problem. Even if swelling is a result of age-related changes, you can still reduce the negative effect.

    First you need to take care of your body - sleep for at least 7-8 hours, before ventilating the room;to eat properly, including a sufficient amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in the daily diet;systematically cleanse the intestines, not allowing constipation;daily do exercises, which improves blood circulation and improves muscle tone;more to walk in the fresh air - better in the evening or early morning.

    If you spend a lot of time at the computer, feel tired, be sure to get special glasses - they protect the eyes from exposure. Working in them, you will feel much better. Also for your eyes it will be much better if you have a protective filter installed on your monitor.

    Prevent the appearance of bags under the eyes, relieve eye fatigue, strengthen the skin and improve muscle tone will help special gymnastics for the eyes. During exercise, the position of the head should be static. It is better to perform gymnastics in front of the window.

    Do the exercises for the first time, it may seem complicated. But with each subsequent time, doing gymnastics will be easier for you, since the eye muscles will gradually strengthen.

    Eye Exercise Exercise Kit

    Exercise 1. Close your eyes. Slowly and maximally open your eyes, aiming your gaze into the distance. Again, slowly close your eyes, squeeze your eyelids tightly. Repeat the exercise 2 - 3 times.

    Exercise 2. Close eyes very tightly, then open them as much as possible. Exercise 5-6 times, resting for 30 seconds.

    Exercise 3. Close your eyes, squeezing your eyelids tightly. In this case, it is desirable not to wrinkle. Count to yourself to five, at the expense of "five" open your eyes, look up, again count to five, relax the eye muscles. When looking up at the eyebrows, you need to put index fingers - this will prevent the formation of wrinkles on the forehead.

    Exercise 4. Look to the left, count to five. Then look straight ahead and close your eyes for a few seconds, then look right, count to five. Again look straight ahead and close your eyes for a few seconds. Exercise repeat 3-4 times for each side.

    Exercise 5. Blink your eyes as fast as you can for 10 seconds. Close your eyes, do not wrinkle your face. Count yourself to 4-6.Quickly open your eyes, relaxedly peer at a subject in the distance for 3-5 seconds. Weaken your eyes. Exercise 3-5 times.

    Exercise 6. View up-down, then right-left. Run 3-5 times.

    Exercise 7. Perform a rotation with the eyes clockwise, and then against. That is, look up - right - down - left - up, and then left - down - right - up.

    Exercise 8. Repeat exercise 1. Gymnastics for the eyes should preferably be performed 2-3 times a day. After doing the exercises, you need to let your eyes rest.

    Home remedies against bags under the eyes

    To reduce puffiness help the lotions from the leaves of birch. For the preparation of infusion 1 tbsp. A spoonful of chopped birch leaves should be poured a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, drain, cool. In the resulting composition, moisten cotton pads and put on the area under the eyes for 10 minutes.

    If bags under the eyes are accompanied by general fatigue, as well as red eyes, you can regularly make lotions from the infusion of chamomile, green or black tea. You can make

    lotions from tea bags. To do this, tea bags without flavors should be doused with boiling water, then lightly cool them in the freezer and apply to the closed eyes for 10 minutes.

    In order to reduce puffiness under the eyes, you can use ice cubes - they are applied to the skin under the eyes for 5 minutes. Very good, if the ice will be made from the herbal infusion - chamomile, linden, calendula, sage.

    Excellent effect in the fight against bags under the eyes give masks and compresses.

    Mask from parsley. Parsley leaves chop, apply under the eyes, put a moist cotton pad on top. Hold for 10-15 minutes, after removing the mask, wash with cold water. Mask from parsley and sour cream. Parsley chop, 1 teaspoon of greenery mixed with 2 teaspoons of sour cream. Apply the mask to the skin under the eyes, after 15 minutes, rinse with cold water.

    Mask of potatoes. Raw potatoes cleaned, washed, chopped, add 2 tsp flour and 1 tbsp.spoon of milk. Apply the mask to the skin under the eyes, after 10-15 minutes, remove the composition with a damp cotton pad.

    Mask of potatoes and parsley. Raw potatoes peeled, chopped, mixed with finely chopped parsley. The resulting gruel is wrapped in gauze, put on the area under the eyes and swollen eyelids. Hold for 10-15 minutes, then wash with cold water.

    Compresses from sage.1 teaspoon of dry sage leaves pour half a cup of boiling water, let it brew for 25 minutes, drain. Then, half of the resulting broth is cooled. The second half of the broth needs to be warmed up so that it becomes warm, but not hot. Then you need to wipe one cotton disc in a warm broth, and the second - in a cold. Alternately, for 2 minutes apply to the skin under the eyes of warm and cold discs. The procedure should be performed before bedtime every other day.

    In addition to these masks, you can also use cosmetic discs to eliminate eye fatigue.

    After removing the masks and carrying out compresses( if the instructions do not state otherwise), a cream chosen by a cosmetologist must be applied to the area around the eyes. It is very important to apply the product on the massage lines: above the eyes - from the inner corner of the eye to the outside, under the eyes - from the outer corner of the eye to the inside.

    You can also use cooling gel goggles to combat puffiness under the eyes. Another device that can help you - massage glasses. They not so long ago appeared on the domestic market, but already managed to gain popularity. Massage glasses not only help to remove swelling, but also help to remove dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes.

    In the beauty salon

    To combat bags and swelling in the eye area, cosmetologists use microcurrent therapy and massage. If stagnant phenomena are strongly pronounced, it is advisable to use endermology - a combination of roller and vacuum massage. Usually, to eliminate bags under the eyes, it is necessary to perform 10-15 procedures, and then one more time per month it is desirable to carry out maintenance therapy.

    Plastic surgery

    For the radical solution of the problem of bags under the eyes in plastic surgery, blepharoplasty is used. This

    surgical intervention can be carried out both in the lower eyelid and on the upper, eliminating not only the bags under the eyes, but also overly overhanging folds of the skin. Like any operation, blepharoplasty can cause complications, for example, "dry eye syndrome", when the secretion of tears decreases, etc.