  • FPS in the office

    No. 1

    I.P. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, an expander is missed underfoot. Depending on the level of preparedness, the expander can be passed through either one or two stops, which will increase the load. Take in hand two free ends and take them in front of you for a distance of 5-10 cm, slightly bending at the elbow joints. Please note that the brushes are as close to each other as possible.

    From the starting position, raise your hands to the chin, while the elbows should be above the hands. Movement should be at the expense of the movement of the elbows, not the brushes. They in turn "catch up" the elbows.

    №2 IM - sitting on a chair, the legs are connected, under the feet is a rubber shock absorber, the two free ends of which lie in your hands. The body is tilted forward, the muscles of the back and abdomen are strained. The elbows are pointed clearly upwards. Stretching the shock absorber, on exhalation raise your hands up. The angle of the

    and the elbow joint remains constant. Then on inhalation return to the starting position.

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    During the exercise, try not to round your back, do not move your elbows back and bend your arms in the elbow joints.

    No. 3

    I.P. - sitting on a chair, together together.

    Raise the right hand to the level of the shoulders and press it to yourself, clasping it with your left hand and pressing it just above the elbow. Shoulders should remain on the same straight line and be on one level with respect to each other. Repeat with the left hand.


    IM - standing or sitting on a chair, behind the back is a shock absorber. One end of it is fixed with the left hand in the waist region, and the other end is with the right hand at the level of the head. The muscles of the back and abdomen are strained. Legs shoulder width apart.

    From the initial position, on exhalation, straighten the right arm upward, keeping the left elbow motionless ^).

    Change hands. Exercise to perform 15-20 times for 2-3 approaches.

    After this exercise it is recommended to do exercise number 5.


    IM - sitting on a chair, feet shoulder width apart, back straight.

    Place a right hand brush on your left shoulder and raise your right elbow upwards, helping your left arm to twist your elbow back and slightly to the side. During the exercise, you should try not to bend the lower back. Change hands.

    No. 6

    IM - standing erect, feet shoulder-width apart. Under the stops is missed the expander. Hands are lowered, hold the expander.

    Pull the expander up to the level of the chest. In this case, the movement should be at the expense of elbows, not brushes. The elbows must be parallel to the floor.

    Make 2-3 approaches 15-20 times, while choosing a rubber expander with such resistance to feel fatigue between 15-20 repetitions.