  • How to pluck your eyebrows?

    Tweezers, but one that does not cut the hairs, but pulls them with the root. Sometimes at the bottom there are black dots - they can be scraped off with a fingernail, just pressing the skin. If the "penechki" is not so easily removed, powder these places or use light shades with mother of pearl. Before plucking and after it, the skin should be disinfected with alcohol lotion.

    If you started to pull out your eyebrows, then you have to watch them every day, look out for where that appeared, and immediately delete, otherwise they will look sloppy.

    When choosing the most natural and expressive color for eyebrows, be sure to consider the color of your hair and skin.

    For light-skinned blondes, eyebrows of a light brown color or a brown medium hue are best suited. For "honey" or golden blondes, the same brown medium shade will be ideal. Brunettes should prefer dark brown or dark gray color, black hair can use the same shades and black color. For redheads, the most harmonious color is golden chestnut and terracotta. Gray-haired ladies who prefer naturalness, we can advise you to tint your eyebrows brown medium color, as well as dark gray.

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    Now a lot of beautiful hypoallergenic paints, which hold up to 3 weeks, for every taste and color. There is also a rich choice of decorative pencils, especially for women with light eyebrows.

    Use eye shadow to color your eyebrows: it's much easier to use them than with a pencil. They lie more evenly and naturally. If you still chose a pencil, then gently draw them the missing hairs in the direction of their growth. Never tint your eyebrows with mascara. It looks rather sloppy.

    If the eyebrows fall out and lose silky, nourish them for 2-3 weeks, castor or burdock oil. The 10-minute compresses from warm vegetable oil also have a stimulating effect.

    Under the eyebrows draw a thin strip of the lightest, what you only have, pearly shadows. This will make the eyebrows more expressive, and the eyes larger( remember this secret).

    The color of the shadows is selected according to the color of the clothes. In the middle of the upper eyelids and in the inner corners of the eyes we put light pearly patches of light, slightly shading them. Eyes "played."You can draw a thin arrow and in the eyelids: black, green, purple, blue - the one that suits make-up. Thanks to this, eyelashes will appear thicker and bigger.

    I paint eyelashes with mascara. First 2-3 strokes from above, and then from below.