  • Relaxation with swaying

    Comment. This is the most useful of the existing relaxing movements. It will relax your brain, eyes, neck and spine. This exercise stimulates blood circulation in the neck, eyes, increases the sensitivity of all parts of the retina.

    The most modern threat to eye health came in human dwelling with a TV.Black and white TV is recommended to watch from a distance of at least two and a half meters, and color - at least five meters. Otherwise, too much radiation is applied to the eyes. This is especially harmful for children.

    Remember: not only the sight, but also the psyche suffers! When watching TV, try to provide yourself with the same ventilation that you can get while visiting a good movie theater. Under a good movie theater, we mean the one in which ventilation works first of all.

    A harmful effect on eyesight is provided by smoking tobacco and consuming alcohol. In youth, nicotine and alcohol can cause severe damage to the optic nerve. Under the influence of irritating gases in tobacco smoke, the eyes of smokers begin to water, eyelids blush.

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    When dust enters the eyes, it irritates them. Together with dust in the eyes can

    be infectious and pathogenic microbes. Infection sometimes gets into the eyes not only from dirty hands, but also from an impure towel, a handkerchief. This can cause various eye diseases, which often lead to poor eyesight, and sometimes blindness. That's why you need to protect your eyes from dust, do not rub them with your hands, wipe only with a completely clean towel or handkerchief.

    Most shortsighted people are found, as a rule, among people who are engaged in mental work, and much less often - among manual workers or athletes. Eyes with poor eyesight will be useful if their owner takes part in some entertainment or sports games, regardless of whether he is a participant in the game or just an observer.

    When the eyes are watery, you should rinse them with an alum and apply solarization. With conjunctivitis, you need to rinse your eyes with saline, do solarization and before bedtime lubricate your eyelashes with petroleum jelly. Barley should never be squeezed out, you just need to make a hot poultice with castor oil.

    Sometimes people ask: if you screw up your eyes, you see better - is it good? No, this is not good, because squint puts pressure on the eyeballs, and pressure is already a stressful state, leading, in turn, to some other strain of the eyes.

    It should be borne in mind that the functioning of the eyes largely depends on the state of affairs throughout the body, primarily on the state of the nervous system and metabolism. Therefore, along with the exercises for the eyes, it is necessary to maintain the general health of the organism, performing asanas, pranayama, bandhas and purification procedures.

    Since the eyes depend on the intensity of the circulation, they reflect the state of the physical organism as a whole, and even more than hair or skin. Everything affects them: wrong diet, lack of sleep, loss of vitality, dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction, depression, despondency, etc.

    It is no accident that diseases can be diagnosed on the iris of the eyes. The state of the skin under the eyes determines the state of some organs and systems of the body. Thus, circles under the eyes, that is, a dark shade of the skin under the lower eyelid, indicate insufficient blood circulation or changes in its composition.

    Similarly, bags under the eyes, that is, swelling or swelling of the eyelids, is a symptom of an approaching heart disease or kidney disease. Therefore, our attitude to the eyes should be cautious and delicate. We must comprehensively maintain the health of the eyes by taking care of them, observing the diet, performing exercises that contribute to sufficient supply of their arterial blood. Delivery of arterial blood to the eyes is improved with the help of inverted asanas and other postures, which increase blood circulation in the head and face area.

    With weak eye capillaries, the sign of which is red, bloodshot eyes, one should be careful, performing exercises that increase blood flow to the eyes. Check your eyes after performing each pose with a flipped body and, if the slightest reddening of the eyes appears, immediately stop performing these exercises for a while.

    A deficiency in the body of nutrients always causes a visual disturbance. If you want to improve your vision, then you must eat right. It is useless to do exercises for the eyes and at the same time not give them proper nutrition.

    Without power, without the rich building material and life-giving elements of blood, the muscles of your eyes can not properly develop or maintain a shape. Therefore, the diet should include fruits and vegetables, especially apples, grapes, pineapples, carrots, celery, cabbage and colored cabbage, parsley,

    radish, currants, citrus, onions, garlic, cereals, apple cider vinegar, honey, eggs( yolks), fish of all kinds, yeast.

    Remember: tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea, refined sugar and other dead and poisonous foods that are not food at all steal the power of your eyes!

    Often people say: "I would like to improve my vision and I know that I could quite do it. That's just not enough time. "However, for this, perhaps, more is needed desire, determination and attention than time. We all go by different types of transport: car, train, metro or bus. The time of this trip can be turned into a training time. When you drive yourself, do not tilt your head forward, peering through the windshield. Instead, keep your head( and your attention too) in a slow, gentle motion while exploring the landscape on one side of the freeway, then on the other, from the left to the right and back. If you are still wearing glasses, then whenever you go as a passenger, take them off and look with your eyes.

    When you walk down the street, no matter how good or bad you see, keep your eyes wide open, but do not look at objects intently, but instead turn your head, noting to yourself what is happening on one side of the sidewalk, on the other. Do not forget to blink and breathe deeply. Many people with poor eyesight either cover their eyes, or stare somewhere in space. Both of these habits do not contribute to the acquisition of good vision.

    No holder of good vision tries to see anything from the side of himself, straining his eyes, and keeping his head and neck immovable. Instead of turning his eyes and straining to see anything away from himself, a person with good eyesight turns his nose toward the object, which is of interest to him at that instant. This prevents the appearance of tension and tension of the muscles of the eye. Eyes, therefore, move, but use their own free vibrations, which for them are rest.

    Do not make an effort to see any object, just do not prevent your eyes from freely doing what they want. If you close your eyes and cover them for a minute with your hands to rest your optic nerve, you may be surprised at how this rest helps to strengthen the nerves and relax the muscles. You can improve your vision if you want it enough. Well, if your desire is not strong enough, then you will have to be content with what you have, provided that you deliberately avoid the factors that we have designated here as truly destructive.

    According to Ms. Corbett, the correct visual habits are as follows:

    1) blink and move the view continuously and automatically;

    2) to breathe easily and continuously;

    3) look at near and distant objects, coordinating the activities of the psyche and the eyes;

    4) arouse interest - while viewing an object to travel on it with a look;

    5) perceive what is seen without effort;

    6) often close your eyes to give them a rest.