  • Exercises to focus on the sources of light

    Comment. The exercise is usually done in the evening, after sunset, in the dark

    or semi-darkness.

    1. Set the lighted candle at eye level or slightly higher, at a distance of 0.5 to 1 meter from the face - as you will introduce yourself more conveniently. According to the classical canons, this distance should be equal to the distance from the eyes to the pubic area.

    2. Take any firm posture and do not blink at the candle. Nothing should distract you at this time: no objects, no sounds around, no thoughts inside you.

    3. Look carefully at the flame, gradually narrowing the area of ​​vision to a minimum. Eyes are wide open, you can not blink. The tongue of flame begins to turn into one bright spot, which will grow as the exercise continues. Ideally, the spot should occupy the entire field of view. Reflect on the purifying element of the world fire - Agni. Yogis keep this state for half an hour or more.

    Comment. We repeat that during the exercise the head should be free from any extraneous thoughts. You have to learn how to just look. This is the most difficult, and the skill comes only after a long workout. At first, all sorts of thoughts will constantly appear, and this is perfectly normal. Realizing an alien thought in itself, do not discard it in irritation, for such a reaction is completely useless. Better internally smile and switch to the center of the flame. Applying the central fixation, try to see something in the flame of the

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    . Separate yourself from your thoughts, evaluate everything as if from the outside and completely benevolent.

    The first weeks of the flame should be watched until the eyes get tired. In the future, this time can be increased to 10-15 minutes. It is strictly forbidden to engage in this exercise through force. Whenever there are tears and tears, the eyes must be closed and continue to look at the candle with a mental gaze until the bright spot between the eyebrows disappears. Each time one should try to increase the time of this residual glow and to see the flame mentally as clearly as possible.

    During exercise, do not forget about posture! It is very important to keep your back and head straight. Having found out that the head has lowered, and the back is bent, it is necessary to straighten immediately. Yogis also prefer to perform all such exercises, sitting in Padmasan.

    4. Finish the exercise with a cleansing breath and relax your eyes. It is best to make a pest.

    Comment. The long fixation of the gaze on the candle flame is applied by the yogis at the stage( concentration) of Dharana for the development of the ability to concentrate. But the exercise is very beneficial to the eyes and improves visual acuity.


    CIRCUIT To focus on the reflected flame, you can proceed after several months of performing the previous exercise. The technique of doing this exercise is similar to the technique of the previous exercise, but fix the view not in the language of the flame, but on its reflection in the water. To do this,

    , place a basin, a plate or a large bowl, pouring water in there. The use of a mirror is undesirable. Watch at an angle of about 30 degrees to the surface of the water. Fixing a look at reflected light improves the ability to focus and calms the nervous system.


    COMMENT. Exercise is performed in the morning or evening, when the sun touches the horizon, that is, about half an hour after sunrise or half an hour before sunset. Generally, yogis prefer to their morning hours. It's impossible to watch the bright sun in the daytime.

    1. Accept any firm posture, straighten your back, keep your head straight.

    2. Take a look at the sun.

    3. Look carefully at the center of the sun, trying to reduce the field of view to the size of the solar disk. Look with your eyes wide open, without straining them or blinking.

    4. When there is a feeling that tears are about to come forth, you should close your eyes and keep the mental trace of the sun between the eyebrows. Eyes remain relaxed.

    Comment. If it is impossible for you to look at the sun, then fix the view in the space next to the sun, gradually bringing it closer to the disk. With a little excerpt, it is better to repeat the exercise several times than to prolong it by force.


    The exercise is similar to the previous one, only look not at the sun itself, but at its reflection in the water - in a pond, river, lake. You can do at any time of the day.

    Comment. Focusing on the sun and its reflection is very useful for the eyes. The eagle can look directly at the sun, so the yogis believe that the systematic practice of viewing the sun likens human eyes to eagles. In India, solarization is used to eliminate myopia, hyperopia( including senile), inflammation of the eyes, astigmatism, trachoma.


    REFLECTION It is exactly the same as looking at the sun. To look from

    3 to 10 minutes. It is desirable that the moon was to the eyes at an angle of 45 degrees: so the eyes become less tired. Here it is only necessary to say that people with an unstable nervous system should not look at the moon with a concentrated eye. Quite healthy people on the moon or its reflection( the latter, I must say, preferable) to focus is recommended no more than once a week.

    The view on stars, clouds, mountain peaks, sea open spaces and landscape beauties also benefits greatly from sight.