  • Fats burn in the flame of carbohydrates

    The only real way to get rid of excess body weight is to use the body of our fat deposits as energy sources for muscles that work in a particular mode. The problem is that the body does not begin to part with fat immediately, as soon as we begin to engage. He has another more familiar "fuel" - carbohydrates, and the "fatty store" is a reserve.

    For this reason, weight loss begins no earlier than the 30-40th minute from the beginning of the lesson. Loads that will contribute to this, should be

    long and feasible. Effective for this purpose will be: running, swimming, aerobics, cycling, sports games, dancing - all that you can do for a long time and continuously.

    When starting workouts, many people make mistakes by performing isolated exercises for the press in order to eliminate fat on the abdomen. If 3 times a day to do 10 minute exercises for the abdominal muscles, then we will strengthen them, and a layer of fat above them will not go anywhere. But if 40 minutes or more to run or participate in the game sports, you can achieve good results in fat burning.

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    Therefore, it is erroneous to consider that step-aerobics or a bicycle simulator is a leg-only exercise. This is a load for the whole of our body, increasing the backup capabilities of your heart and lungs, requiring a lot of energy obtained from known sources( carbohydrates and fats).

    The problem of losing weight - is inextricably linked with the diet. Remember, to enhance the fat burning effect, it is very important to limit yourself in high-calorie foods just before and after classes. Strictness regarding the intake of carbohydrates after the end of the load is also justified. You rest, and the body continues to work in an enhanced mode - the recovery processes are very energy intensive. The first 15 minutes after the end of the training is called the "carbohydrate window" phase, that is, this time of intensive demand for fuel resources. After training, there is a chance to use the fats extracted from the "depot", that is, continue to lose weight during the next hour.