  • The secret of choosing ready-made clothes

    Before you go shopping, write down the dimensions and proportions of your body.

    All the mass-produced clothing is designed for symmetrical figures with a horizontal arrangement of the girths of the chest, hips, etc.

    If your figure has no defects, then with the right selection of clothes by size and color, you will immediately buy a perfectly fitting model.

    In order not to feel uncomfortable about the selection of clothes by size, carefully study the label. The first number on it is growth. Now let's find out how to choose the right clothes, if the number on the label, indicating the growth, does not match yours? Adhere to the following rule. Your height should fall within a range of ± 3 cm from the value indicated on the label. For example, if the height is 162 cm, then you will need clothes with a marking 164 cm( 164 - 162 = 2, less than three).Recommended selection of clothes, if the difference between your height and specified on the label does not exceed 3 cm.

    Breast circumference is the next number indicated on the label. The size of the clothing is the chest circumference divided by two( for example, the circumference of the chest 88 cm corresponds to the 44th size, etc.).

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    If you received an intermediate value in the measurement, for example 90 cm, then you should choose the clothes of the nearest larger size( in this case 92 cm, ie, 46th size) Do not buy clothes for a smaller size, in which you will look slightlyreplenished, which can cause a feeling of conscious discomfort and psychological discomfort.

    Thigh Circumference is the next number on the label. Measured usually at 18-19 cm below the waist, with a centimeter tape placed so that it passes

    at the most prominent points of the buttocks and closed in front, given the bulge of the abdomen.

    For European sizes:

    S - small size, 42-44;

    M - medium size, 46-48;

    L - large size, 50;

    XL - very large size, 52-54;

    and very large size XXL - more than 54.

    If you find it difficult to find ready-to-wear clothes, this is most likely due to the different individual features of your figure. If you do not have a horizontal waist line( for example, the front waist line is higher, the back is lower) or a horizontal waist line and steep hips, then you also need individual clothing, especially trousers and skirts.

    Wear knitwear, and for sewing, have the courage to turn to the tailor. It will sew not only comfortable clothes, but also with the help of our recommendations disguise your shortcomings, will emphasize in you femininity.