  • Caloric content of food

    What is calorie content? This is the amount of heat generated by a person as a result of the absorption of a product. A person must eat 2500-5000 calories a day.

    The number of calories depends on the work performed, on physical activity, on gender, age, on geographical latitude( cold or hot climate).

    It is estimated that the energy expenditure of a woman weighing 55 kg, living in a temperate climate, is 2,300 kcal. Initial data: 8 hours - working day standing, 8 hours homework, 8 hours sleep.

    If your food has more calories than the body needs, then the balance is broken. As a result, the fat layer is deposited.

    An average working woman consumes about 2,000 kcal per day. If you want to lose weight a little, you can reduce the number of calories. Reducing the number of calories, remember that the lower limit is 1200 kcal. On a reduced diet, you can stay no more than 2 weeks. Then try to maintain the weight in the norm.

    And remember: during daily walks, gymnastic exercises burns a large number of calories. Therefore, gymnastics not only trains the muscles, but also prevents the appearance of the fat layer. Below is the amount of calories per 100 g of product.

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    Fruits and vegetables

    Peaches - 50

    Sweet cherry - 52

    Figs dry.- 294

    Pistachios - 680

    Pears - 50

    Apples - 52

    Raspberries - 45

    Almonds - 635

    Morel - 47

    Chicory - 18

    Beans - 340

    Asparagus - 38

    Peas dry.- 325

    Green peas - 76

    Mushrooms - 45

    Cauliflower - 30

    Sauerkraut - 28

    Baked potatoes - 215

    Nuts - 660

    Dried fruit - 240

    Strawberries - 45

    Raisins - 270

    Plums - 56

    Cherries -22

    Boiled potatoes - 120

    Potatoes in a jacket - 96

    Boiled carrots - 42

    Tomatoes - 20

    Radish - 20

    Spinach - 16


    Cooked egg - 85

    Fried egg - 110

    Kefir skimmed - 74

    Kefir fatty -125

    Sour milk - 60

    Tbaked fat - 295


    Margarine - 729

    Butter - 758

    Vegetable oil - 900

    Cottage cheese skimmed - 165

    Sour cream - 160

    Milk - 65

    Cheese - 540

    Cream - 300

    Skimmed milk - 40

    Extra virgin olive oil -700

    Goose fat 980

    Pork fat 940

    Meat, game, sausages

    Boiled mutton - 140

    Fried lamb - 165

    Boiled beef - 115

    Fried veal - 150

    Veal legs - 142

    Boiled beef - 110

    TBoiled beef - 165

    Boiled fat beef - 205

    Stewed pork stew - 245

    Fried pork - 275

    Fatty pork - 390

    Sirloin - 140

    Lenten ham - 140

    Language - 98

    Liver - 268

    Fried goose - 490

    Fried duck - 345

    Boiled chicken - 135

    Boiled fat chicken - 195

    Fried chicken - 210

    Partridge - 105

    Hare stewed - 190

    Pork sausage - 500

    Sausage - 302

    Sausages - 238


    Boiled crackling- 44

    Flounder roast - 75

    Smoked sausage - 90

    Boiled carp - 95

    Crayfish - 75

    Boletus pike - 30

    Sardines in oil - 271

    Boiled pike - 68

    Fried carp - 145

    Lin - 40

    Roasted salmon -145

    Smoked salmon - 380

    Boiled salmon - 45

    Eel - 310

    Roasted pike - 195

    Marinated herring - 155

    Smoked herring - 218

    Fried herring - 180

    Tuna in oil - 300

    Dough and cereals products

    White bread -265

    Rye bread - 253

    Pearl barley - 330

    Porridge manna - 325

    Flour - 320

    Other products of

    Sugar - 395

    Chocolate - 680

    Chocolate sweets - 460

    Cocoa - 400

    Liqueur( 1 glass) - 150

    Oatmealflakes - 375

    Rice - 345

    Sweet flour crumbs - 350

    Sweet products - 400

    Mayonnaise - 500

    Honey - 365

    Beer( glass) - 120

    Wine white( 1 glass) - 60

    Wine red - 70

    For a woman who watches herself and wants to be slim, it is useful: breadof wholemeal flour, oatmeal, buckwheat( especially rich in vitamins and well digested), milk and dairy products, game, fish, liver, lean pork, lean beef, butter, sour cream, vegetables and fruits without restrictions, in the winter season drink fruitjuices, tomato juice, carrot, milkshakes from juices.