  • Narcissus hybrid

    Family amaryllis.

    Bulb perennials;bulbs of fleshy scales with perennial don;pedunculate leafless stem;leaves up to 75 cm long, radical, linear, gray-green;flowers with b "petals" - segments of the perianth and a characteristic crown( pricenikom) in the center, often differing from them in color;a fruit - a box. There are more than nine thousand varieties, divided into 11 groups with subgroups differing in coloring of perianth, tube and crust.

    Group 1. Tubular. The flower tube is equal or longer than the perianth fraction. Varieties: "Atlas" - flowers up to 9 cm in diameter, perianth yellow, crown with a wavy edge;"Covent Garden" - flowers up to 9 cm in diameter, the proportion of perianth is lemon-yellow, the crown is yellow with a wavy edge;"Ol Glory" - flowers up to 10 cm in diameter, perianth white, crown bright yellow with a wavy edge;"Eskimo" - flowers up to 9 cm in diameter, perianth segments creamy-white, light-brown tube, etc.

    Group 2. Large-rimmed. Crown somewhat shorter than perianth. Varieties: "Amur" - flowers up to 11 cm in diameter, perianth white, crown yellow with orange wavy edge;"Carlton" - flowers up to 10 cm in diameter, perianth yellow, crown dark yellow, etc.

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    Group 3. Fine crustaceans. Crown flower not more than 1/3 the length of the perianth. Varieties: "Arguros" - flowers up to 8.5 cm in diameter, perianth white with a greenish strip in the middle of the outer side, crown greenish with an orange margin;"Barret Browning" - flowers up to 8 cm in diameter, perianth white, cone corrugated, dark orange, etc.

    Group 4. Terry. All terry varieties. Varieties: "Gol-den Dukat" - flowers up to 8.5 cm in diameter, the proportion of perianth lemon-yellow with a green spot on the outside;"Snowball" - flowers up to 8 cm in diameter, perianth white, in the center rosette of smaller lobes;"Chirfulyess" - flowers in little-flowered( 3 - 4 pieces) brushes, up to 5 cm in diameter, perianth in the beginning of flowering cream, later - white with yellow outgrowths, very fragrant, etc.

    Group 5. Truandruose. On the pedicel from 2 to 6 drooping flowers, the perianth lobes slightly curved back. Varieties: "Silver Chimes" - up to 6 flowers, perianth white, crown is pale yellow;"Havera" - 4-6 flowers, perianth and crown light yellow-yellow, etc.

    Group 6. Cyclamenoid. Tits of the perianth are strongly bent back, early-springing varieties. Varieties: "Baby Doyle" - flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, perianth segments elongate, bright yellow( like the crown), crown with a strongly wavy edge;"Jenny" - flowers up to 8 cm in diameter, lobes of perianth narrow-lanceolate, pale cream, cream crown, etc.

    Group 7. Jonkilievye. Flowers up to 6 pieces on the peduncle, the proportion of the perianth is not bent back, very fragrant."Golden Smile" - flowers up to 10 cm in diameter, perianth segments and crown bright yellow;"Svintes" - flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, perianth and crowns are lemon-yellow, etc.

    Group 8. Tatsetnye. Flowers up to 5 pieces per peduncle and larger, medium in size, fragrant. Varieties: "Geranium" - up to 7 flowers per peduncle, flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, perianth white, yellow-green at the base, cup-shaped crown, orange-scarlet;"Ishgansans" - perianth white, crown-yellow crown, etc.

    Group 9. Poetic. The flowers are single, the perianth segments are white, the crown is flattened, small. Varieties: "Actaea" - flowers up to 8.5 cm in diameter, whitecolor pure white, crown yellow with green base;• "Milan" - flowers up to 9 cm in diameter, perianth white, crown of limonio-yellow, etc.

    Group 10. All other cultural types of daffodils.

    Group 11. Other, with separate shares of the acquirer.

    Narcissus can be attributed to relatively unpretentious plants with some stretch.

    Humidity requirements: moderate.

    Requirements for heat and light: not winter hardy, it is better to cover the bulbs left in the ground for the winter;warm and sun-loving( in the shade they do not perish, but worse bloom, I lose decorativeness).

    Requirements for soil: any fertile, well-drained soils. The main fertilizer( full mineral and humus in the amount of 5 -10 kg per m2) is made before planting. Mineral fertilizer is also introduced in the spring along the snow that has fallen.

    Reproduction: bulbs planted in September, seeds - only for breeding purposes.

    Features: in one place plants can grow up to 10 years, but it is better not more than 4 - plants left in the ground for a long time do not necessarily die, they can gradually begin to lose varietal features and reduce decorativeness in general;bulbs are excavated after yellowing of the leaves( June - July).Better grow on sites well protected from the wind. They suffer very much from the neighborhood with weeds, so the narcissus needs a very careful weeding.

    Use: flowerbeds;for cutting and forcing.