  • Tea Hybrid Roses

    A group of tea-hybrid roses appeared as a result of the repeated crossing of repairing varieties with tea roses. Currently, this is the most numerous group of varieties, less winter hardy than.the first two, but attracting everyone's attention almost continuous flowering, graceful shape of flowers, a great variety of their colors and subtle aroma. This is the most versatile group of roses used for landscaping and cutting in both open and closed ground.

    The group of tea-hybrids includes Perinezian roses, which are obtained from the crossing of repairing varieties with Persian yellow rose and their hybrids with tea-hybrid varieties. The new forms successfully combined the ability to re-flowering, the grace of the flowers of repair and tea-hybrid varieties, dense glossy leaves and golden shades of Persian yellow rose flowers. Further crossings between tea-hybrid and perinezian roses gave varieties of a wide range of colors and completely blurred the boundaries between these groups.

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    The best grades of the modern assortment of tea-hybrid roses are the following:

    Alaska - bushes are strong, the leaves are shiny. Flowers are white with a cream center, large, fragrant.

    Americana - shrubs of medium height, good shape, with strong peduncles. Variety with large, not losing shape, non-burning and resistant in cutting light-red-red flowers, blooms abundantly, good for planting, cutting.

    Baccarat - shrubs vigorous, erect, drought-resistant, leaf dark green, shiny. Flowers are medium, dark brick-red, on long,.strong peduncles, resistant to scrub and cutting. One of the best cut and pastoral varieties.

    Bakkenir - bushes vigorous, erect. . Flowers yellow, large, fragrant, solitary, on sturdy peduncles. Used for cutting and groups.

    Bettina - a variety with very large fragrant, orange flowers, with salmon-red veins on petals.

    Brandenburg - bushes very vigorous, leaves large, dark green. Flowers are light red, large, beautiful, single, on strong peduncles. A first-class cut variety, it is also recommended in landscaping for groups.

    Vkner charm - shrubs vigorous, resistant. A variety with an unusual light orange-brown coloration of flowers, very large and fragrant. Good for cutting and groups.

    Virgo - shrubs of medium height, erect. Variety with snow-white, large, beautiful shape, I have fragrant flowers, single, on strong peduncles. Used for groups and cuts.

    Gile Borden - bushes vigorous, abundantly blooming until late autumn. Flowers are light pink with an orange-yellow hue, very stable, on long, strong peduncles. Very good for cutting.

    Hertz as - bushes highly branched, blooming very abundantly. The flowers are large, stable, light red, with a light aroma, solitary.

    Gloria dei - widely distributed in all countries is a wonderful variety, vigorous and stable. Flowers are light yellow with a pink border along the edges of the petals, very large, single, on strong peduncles. Equally good for landscaping and cutting.

    Golden Masterpice - bushes are strong, erect, blooming abundantly. A variety with very large, good shape, fragrant, golden yellow flowers. Applied to groups and cuts.

    Grus an Berlin - the bushes are erect, the shoots are powerful, the leaf is dark green, the flowering is plentiful until late autumn. The flowers are very large, elegant, pure red, stable. Used for trontovyh landings.

    Dr. Verhage - shrubs are squat, compact. A variety with beautiful slowly blossoming bronze-yellow fragrant flowers. Recommended for groups.

    Josephine Bruce - bushes are medium, spreading, blooming abundantly. Flowers are dark red, velvety, beautiful in shape, with a light aroma, persistent, more often solitary. Good for groups.

    Kazakhstan jubilee - domestic variety of selection Sushkov, Besschetnova( Alma-Ata Botanical Garden), shrubs vigorous, resistant. Flowers large with a high center, sharlough-dark red. The leaves are dark green, leathery.

    Keniglichhe Hohayt - bushes very strong, erect, strong stems, leaves dark green, shiny. Variety with flowers of unusually pure, gentle pink color, large and fragrant. Recommended for landscaping and cutting.

    Klimentina - domestic variety of breeding VN Klimenko( Nikitsky Botanical Garden), bushes strong, erect, stable, leaves large, shiny. Flowers are brilliantly pink, large, fragrant. Applies to groups and cuts.

    Confidence - bushes strong, widely built, blooming abundantly, leaves light green, shiny. Flowers are soft pink with a yellowish center, medium, fragrant. The variety is very stable. Good for groups and cuts.

    Chrysler Imperial - bushes are compact, strong, strong stems. The flowers are large, with a high center, bright crimson-red with a dark outflow. Used for groups and cuts.

    Crimson glory - bush medium, highly branched, blooms abundantly. An old, widely spread variety with karmazinovo-red goblet flowers, located two or three on the peduncle.

    Madame Jules Boucher - the bushes are medium, sometimes sick with powdery mildew. Old fine variety. The flowers are medium, beautiful, elegant, white with a weak pink tint and a delicate aroma. Good for groups and cuts.

    Madame Butterfly - bushes are medium, compact, strong peduncles. Very old, but not lost the charm variety with delicate apricot-pink fragrant flowers of beautiful shape. Used for groups, cuts, forcing.

    Mainzer Fastist - bushes are tall, erect. Flowers of this variety are rare for roses, pure lilac coloring, good shape, fragrant. Good for groups, cutting, forcing.

    Message - flowers are white, with a soft cream center, very good shape, wide-flared, large, fragrant.

    Mirandi - shrubs vigorous, upright, winter-hardy, blooming abundantly. A widely spread variety with pomegranate-red very large fragrant flowers, located to one or three on sturdy peduncles. Good for groups and cuts.

    New Yorker - bushes are medium, loose, blooming abundantly, resistant. Widely known variety with bright red goblet flowers, without aroma, on strong long peduncles. Applies to groups and cuts.

    Opera - bushes are strong, erect, blooming abundantly, resistant. The flowers are alo-red, with yellowish tones at the base of the petals, large. Recommended for groups and cuts.

    Pope Menyan - bushes are medium, stable. The flowers are very large, beautiful in shape, dark purple, with a strong, pleasant scent. Used for groups and cuts.

    Perfume de la Neige - bushes are medium, compact, blooming abundantly. Flowers are medium, oval, greenish-white, very fragrant. Good for forcing, groups, cuts.

    Rose Gozhar - the bushes are strong, the leaves are dark green, shiny. Very hardy variety with large, beautifully shaped buds, copper-red tone with a creamy white lining. Flowers are single, on sturdy peduncles, resistant to cutting. Recommended for groups and cuts.

    Sutters Gold is a very strong, strong variety, with golden-yellow flowers of good shape, on long, sturdy peduncles. Used for groups and cuts.

    Saint-Exupery - the bushes are strong, densely branched, stable. Flowers are dark purple, with a silvery tint, broad-leafed, beautiful form. Recommended for groups.

    Sterling - bush vigorous, wide. An old variety, with large pink-yellowish petals at the base of the petals with fragrant flowers, solitary, on strong peduncles. Good for groups.

    Sterling Silver - bushes are high, bloom abundantly and continuously. A variety with lavender-pink flowers of medium size and good shape. Recommended for groups and cuts.

    Super Star - bushes vigorous, winter-hardy, fast-growing, bloom abundantly. Variety with flowers of unusual pinkish-orange coral color, large, very fragrant and persistent. Suitable for mass cutting and forcing.

    White Swan - bushes vigorous, erect. Flowers white, center yellowish, goblet, large, very fragrant, solitary, on long sturdy peduncles. Used for groups and cuts.

    The morning of Moscow is a domestic variety of selection by I. I. Shtan'ko( the Main Botanical Garden), very hardy, with porcelain-pink large flowers collected three to five on the peduncle. Bushes strong, spreading, blooms very abundantly. Suitable for groups.

    Freiheitsglocke - bushes vigorous, strong peduncles. The buds are very large, full, always beautiful in shape, slowly blossom into a huge clean pale red tone with a yellowish lining, fragrant flowers. Good for cutting.

    Yasnaya Polyana is a domestic variety of selection by I. I. Shtan'ko( Main Botanical Garden), with apricot-pink flowers of good shape. Bushes are medium, erect. Recommended for groups and cuts.