  • Forsythia

    Daphne is still blooming, and in the garden there is a golden fountain of Forcing flowers. She, like Daphne, blossoms before the appearance of the leaves, star-shaped bells of golden color, which are arranged in bunches on the branches. Under the weight of these flowers, the branches of the forsytia slightly incline.

    Forsia is a low shrub, about 1.5 m high. She blossoms for 20 days. After this, leaves appear. There are two kinds of this plant - Chinese and European. Not in color, not in the form of a flower, they do not differ from each other, it's just that the Chinese formation is more frost-resistant and has darker leaves. In autumn they acquire a purple hue, and shoots of brown color bend, why the bush has a weeping shape, so this is a very elegant shrub.

    European forsytsia - upright, it has greenish-brown shoots, which form a vertical narrow crown. Leaves do not change color and remain bright green until late autumn. But the thing is that, firstly, it is higher, in height it can reach 2 m, and it freezes in winter above the level of the snow cover. Since the level of snow cover in the North-West region does not exceed 1 m, it freezes all the time. When thaws occur after-thaw -18. ..- 20 degrees, they can already damage it. Therefore, to the inhabitants of our region, I advise you to purchase the Chinese fortification.

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    You can propagate forcing only by dividing a bush, and the Chinese form is also a layer. For multiplication by the layer, proceed as follows: scratch the lower branch with a needle with a needle in the place that will touch the soil. It is best to cover the branch with moss or plenochkoy, until it sprouts. It will germinate when new leaves appear at the end of the shoot. To water it is necessary constantly, that the appeared root system has not dried up. You can propagate and seeds, but you need a two-, three-month stratification at a temperature of 2-5 degrees. It is best to plant seeds directly in the fall in autumn, and then there will be no problems. If you have purchased seeds in the winter, then you need to proceed as follows. In wet sand, seeds should be kept for 2-3 months in the refrigerator in a polyethylene unbound package. And then sow them in the soil. But, in my opinion, it's easier to sow in a cup of yogurt. Fill them with moist soil and sow seeds. Then put the cups in an open plastic bag and put in the refrigerator. After 2-3 months take out these cups, put in a bright warm place, and the seeds will germinate.

    Forzitsia requires a solar location, this applies to both European and Chinese forcing. You should also know that this is a very drought-resistant plant, which, moreover, does not tolerate acidic soils, and therefore, drainage should be provided or planted on sandy soils. In addition, a couple of times a season will have to pour the soil next to her lime milk.

    It is possible to plant all small-bellied flowers under the forsyses, it will look very beautiful, especially if you plant blue muscaria or cannon. They bloom simultaneously with forcing, and on their blue background yellow bush flowers look exceptionally elegant.