  • How to hold on to work

    So what to do, if suddenly everything went wrong, and your work smoothly flows "on the table" to your colleague? Understand why this is happening. Maybe, this is your fault - at some point you relaxed and gradually began to throw off some of their affairs on a sitting colleague? Or maybe he himself takes the initiative and acts almost behind your back: come to work - and find out what the next exhibition is preparing. .. Katya. Why? But because yesterday after work she came to the authorities and outlined her ideas, which were appreciated. ..

    Express discontent. Do not pretend that nothing happens! Anyone who does your work for you, should know that you are not satisfied with this state of affairs and you want to return their legal duties. Call the "invader" on a frank conversation and tactfully, but firmly state your claims. Say that you do not want to share your work with someone else and such a breach of professional ethics is extremely unpleasant for you. Yes, the conversation is unlikely to please you, but you need to hold it.

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    Propose a solution. If some time ago you yourself took off your work for a colleague - thank him for help and explain that now you have gathered strength, learned a lot and are ready to take matters under your control. Say that you will always be happy with a good advice and be happy to tell your boss about your colleague's contribution to your project, but you prefer to do it yourself on your own.

    Arrange all points above the "and". Talk to the boss: what exactly made him redistribute his duties? Maybe he did it without hesitation and gotskv recognize his mistake? Or is he dissatisfied with the way you work? Then ask him to list( by points, not "in general") your miscalculations. Perhaps the boss believes that your colleague will cope with the task better than you? Find out why he thinks so and whether there is any opportunity to give you this chance. Maybe he believes that one head is good, but two is better? In this case, offer this option: on all complex issues, you consult a more experienced colleague, but you lead the project yourself. After this conversation, you can safely write down on your account one more point: for professional interest. Such things always cause respect.

    Bring clarity. If you have a job description, ask the boss to consult with him: over time, he could lose clear guidelines. If not, this is an excellent reason to compose it, and it is better in writing.

    And what if you are faced with another problem: your desk is overwhelmed by someone else's work and you bite into it, letting it go your own way?

    Evaluate the forces. First of all, honestly ask yourself, are you able to perform such an impressive amount of work without sacrificing quality? Maybe it makes sense to refuse, if not from everything that you have undertaken, then at least from some part, and focus on the most interesting and promising?

    Find the reasons. Maybe it's very simple: you have become uninteresting to do what you have done so far, and the duties of colleagues are much more in line with the current stage of your career? Or maybe you do not know how to refuse when you are asked for help, or are afraid to confess to the boss, that you simply do not have time for additional work, and he enjoys it happily?

    Return someone else's. Talk to the employee, whom you helped with the kindness of the soul, explain that you are going to deal with your own affairs and can no longer deal with his work problems. It sounds, at first glance, very trite, but in reality it's not so easy to get rid of the image of the "wand-burglar".

    Legalize the acquired. If you like someone else's work - talk to its "owner" about redistributing responsibilities. It is possible that he has his own plans, so he will gladly agree with your proposal. For this, even the sanction of the chief is not always required - in case of it one can simply inform that now the work will be done this way and so and so. Most often it is important for the bosses that the work is done in principle and done well, and it will not go into details.

    Restore the justice of .If you yourself are determined to expand the scope of your activities, or if the boss for some reason believes that you should do this, ask to review your employment contract and improve its conditions. Do not hesitate to talk about money: heroic efforts should be marked not only with gratitude and a commendable letter.