  • Dry skin

    Dry skin is thin, light pink, does not tolerate water and soap, it often flakes and is sensitive to external influences. Such skin must be protected in winter from frost, and in summer from sunlight. Long stay under the influence of unfavorable factors of the environment leads to premature appearance of wrinkles, deep furrows and aging of the skin.

    Dryness of the skin can be congenital and acquired, for example, as a result of poor care for it, improper washing, poorly selected creams, prolonged use of peeling drugs( cream against freckles).Dry skin requires very careful care.

    Regardless of whether there is cosmetics on the face or not, the face before evening washing is wiped with cosmetic milk or a washing cream. So treated face should be washed with greasy soap and rinsed with boiled water. If the skin does not tolerate soap, you can wash it with lime decoction( 1 teaspoon per glass of water) or liquid tea with milk( 4 tablespoons fresh milk per glass of tea) after cleansing. Scaly skin can be washed with a warm decoction of flaxseed( 1 teaspoon of seed pour a glass of cold water, boil and cool).

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    At night, nourishing creams or creams containing vitamins are used. If the face has wrinkles, then alternate regenerating and vitaminized creams.

    In the morning, the face is rubbed with cosmetic milk, and the eyes are washed with weak, spilled tea. In the afternoon, a thin layer of bold cream is applied under the powder, in winter it is preferable to use a fat cream. It is applied in a thin layer so that the skin can soak it. Cream and powder form a layer that protects the skin from cold. In summer, the cream is applied more thickly, especially when staying in the sun.

    Cold weather, wind, or even a prolonged stay in a room with central heating can cause a strong tightening of the dry skin of the face. In these cases, you should rub your face with cosmetic milk or infusion of medicinal herbs during the day. If you intend to re-enter the street, you need to lubricate your face with a fat cream. When further indoors, you can apply a moisturizer to your skin.

    Especially a lot of trouble brings dry skin in winter and spring. It begins to peel, there are red spots, in a number of cases there is a burning sensation and itching. During this period, care for dry skin should be particularly careful. It is also necessary to pay attention to nutrition, so that in the diet there was no shortage of vitamins( in particular vitamins A, B and C).

    The following nourishing masks can be recommended.

    Yolk mask. Mix 1 yolk with 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil, adding 5 drops of lemon or cranberry juice.

    Honey mask.1 teaspoon of honey to grind to white, adding a little fresh milk.

    Fruit masks. Strawberries, raspberries, apricots, peaches are ground into a slurry with the addition of a small amount of fresh milk.

    Cucumber Mask.2 teaspoons of crumbled cucumber pulp mixed with 1 teaspoon of fresh milk.

    The mask is held on the face for 15-20 minutes, after which the face is washed with warm, then cold boiled water, slightly drained with a towel and greased with a fatty nutritious cream.

    Masks with honey and strawberries can cause skin irritation, so when doing this mask for the first time, you should make sure that there is no allergic reaction. To do this, a small area of ​​the skin, best of all behind the ear, you need to put a little honey or pulp of strawberries. After 15 minutes, honey or strawberries are washed off with boiled water. Hypersensitivity can manifest immediately in the form of nettle blisters or strong redness and burning, and sometimes after a while.