  • Slow hair growth

    Slow hair growth can be caused both by your individual characteristics( in some people hair grows faster, others slower), and by the lack of protein foods, vitamins, and even - if you believe - the "heavy" hairdresser's hand.


    The following tools will help you to speed up hair growth:

    Recipe 1

    1. Take 1 tbsp.l.crushed in blend of onions, add 1 tbsp.l.lemon juice and 1 egg yolk. Mix.

    2. Apply the mixture to clean damp hair, gently rubbing into the roots.

    3. Top with a cellophane cap, wrap the head with a towel. To sustain 2 hours.

    4. Rinse off with warm water.

    Mask applied once a week.

    Recipe 2

    Take 300 g. Of dry pumpkin seeds and, without cleaning them, grind into a meat grinder. Pour 0.5 liters of hot water and stand on a water bath, not allowing boiling mixture, 2 hours. Allow the broth to cool slightly, then remove the oily film from it, drain the broth, dilute

    with half of water. Hair grease 7 consecutive days at night.

    Alternative version of

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    You can quickly get long hair using the method of building up( though it's expensive).To increase hair, you need to have your own length of at least 5-6 cm. The procedure of building a long( 3-4 hours), laborious( a lot of strands are attached to the hair at a distance of 1 cm from the roots), but effective( you can increase hair to 60-70cm).Strands are selected for your color and hair structure, while using only natural hair.

    There are hot hair extensions - strands are heated and glued with the help of the apparatus, and cold build-up - the hair is not exposed to heat, and the strands are glued manually. Mixed use of hot and cold hair extensions is also used. With the high professionalism of the master with hair extensions, the soldering of the hair will be completely unnoticeable from the outside.

    New hair can be painted, curled, laid;they are not afraid of a sauna, a hair dryer, but you just need to comb them carefully. Accrued hair can be worn for 4-6 months. After the end of life donor strands are removed and the build-up can be repeated.