  • Eye makeup: a look from the innocent to the fatal

    Look: Innocent( Fig.).


    Technique: draw a strip of saturated green under the lower eyelashes, slightly curving it at the outer corner. Rastuchuyte brush. The upper eyelid is slightly underlined by transparent shining shadows. Ink: Brown.

    Face: pink-beige blush and shiny lipstick of brown or berry shades.

    Look: memorable( Fig.).


    Technique: draw a wide strip in the dark gray pencil over the upper eyelid. Rub your fingers to the corner of the eye. Apply silver-gray shadows over the pencil strip with an applicator. Draw a strip of silver shadows under the lower eyelashes.

    Mascara: gray.

    Face: a blush of warm bronze tone and a transparent sheen on the lips.

    Look: flirtatious( Fig.).

    Technique: with a blue pencil or eyeliner, draw a wide arrow along the eyelashes in the upper eyelid, completely covering it. Very carefully outline the corner, correcting errors with a cosmetic stick dipped in lotion to remove makeup."Fix" with shiny blue shadows.

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    Ink: not needed.

    Face: transparent brown shades of blush, glossy pale lips.

    Look: cat's eye( fig.).

    Technique: apply on the eyelid foundation and powder. With a liquid black eyeliner, draw an arrow along the upper eyelashes and gradually expand it to 5 mm. The corner should be slightly elevated. Ink: black.

    Face: a minimum of foundation, a blush of warm peach shade and bright lipstick, emphasizing the expressiveness of the eyes.

    Sight: fatal( fig.).

    Technique: soft shadows of a plum-blue hue, apply an even line on the upper eyelid and fold over it, outlining the corner and continuing under the lower eyelashes. To enhance the effect, walk a little over dry shiny shadows. Ink: gray or blue.

    Face: blush is not needed, lipstick is soft, neutral color or transparent shine.

    Look: romantic( fig.).

    Technique: Using your fingertips, apply a shiny bronze shadow to the corner of the upper eyelid and the crease above it. In the upper eyelid, brush the golden shadows. Put a brown speck( shadows or a pencil) over the pupil and rub with your finger, covering this place with bronze shadows. Apply shadows of the same tone under the lower eyelashes. All slightly shake with a broad brush.

    Mascara: not needed.

    Face: rouge dark, lipstick brown tones.