  • Exercise for fitness

    After examining the exercises described below, pay attention to the muscle groups that will be involved in them.

    People with a weak vestibular apparatus and poor coordination of movements are advised to start with the simplest, and then move on to more complex options for physical activity.

    Doing alone, you must learn to correctly determine the degree of exercise that is appropriate for your body. The main criterion for this is your state of health during and after exercise. If you feel very tired, heart palpitations and shortness of breath, pain in the heart area is a sign that the load was excessive. Do not be so zealous, because you can harm your own orgiism. Get used to training gradually, in the course of regular classes.

    At the beginning of the session, rest more often, and if you feel the pain in your muscles, although you have done only 20 repetitions, do not overexert yourself. It is advisable to perform exercises in front of the mirror. Then you can watch yourself and better fix the movement. Breathing should be uniform, calm. Try not to delay it, otherwise the body will not get the amount of oxygen that it counts on.

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    Please note that you not only do not immediately lose weight, but, conversely, you can even increase your body weight. This is because the trained muscles weigh more than the flabby muscles.

    When doing exercises designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles, it also initially "grows up" for the same reason. But do not be scared: eventually everything will return to normal.

    Many of the complexes listed below can be performed at home, but for this you need to get a barbell, dumbbells, a gym mat. To perform other exercises you will need simulators that are in any good gym.

    For fitness classes, choose comfortable sportswear that will not restrict movement. During the classes you can sweat quite a lot, so after the workout do not forget to take a shower to wash off all the harmful substances that are released through the skin pores.

    And for very busy people who once engage in fitness after work, we offer a few simple exercises that can be performed during a work break right in the office.

    Hand Exercises

    Hand bending with the

    expander. The pile is standing, one leg is set forward, an expander is missed under its foot. Both ends of the expander are in the hands, hands are lowered.

    Holding the expander in this position, raise your hands to your shoulders, bending at the elbows. Hold hands in this position for 2 seconds, return to the starting position.

    Flexion of hands standing behind the vertical block

    . The stump is standing, legs are shoulder-width apart. Hands are down, are on the width of the shoulders. The hands grasp the grip, the grip is the opposite. At this moment, the load on the rope is raised.

    Slowly, without jerking, bend your arms at the elbow at an angle of 90 °.Back at the time of the exercise should remain straight.

    Bench sitting with a bar

    . The pier - sitting on a bench, feet shoulder width apart. Back straight, shoulder blades together. In the hands is the bar, taken by direct grasp. The bar of the bar is at the level of the chin.

    Completely straighten the arms by lifting the bar up.

    Bending of the hand on the "desk"

    I.P. - sitting on the "desk", legs not wider than the shoulders. The right arm is bent at the elbow at an angle of 90 °, the palm and forearm of the right hand are pressed to the "desk".The left hand is straight, lies on the "desk".In the left hand - a dumbbell, taken by a straight grip perpendicular to the "desk".

    Slowly bend the left arm at the elbow: when the elbow is bent by 90 °, brush your hand to your palm and continue flexing your arm. . With the dumbbell slowly lowered: when the elbow is bent by 90 °, brush your left hand with your palm inward and lower itdown to the end. Do the right number of times, then change your hand.

    Concentrated arm bending while sitting

    - sitting on a chair, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend forward, left arm bend at the elbow, put the palm on the left thigh. In the right hand, take the dumbbell with a straight grip, with the elbow of the right arm resting on the hip of the right leg. The right arm is straight.

    Slowly bend the right arm at the elbow: when the elbow is bent by 90 °, brush your hand to turn to your palm and continue

    bending the arm up to the shoulder. Then slowly lower the dumbbell: when the elbow is bent by 90 °, brush your left arm with your palm inward and lower down to the end. Do the right number of times, then change your hand.

    Bending of hands standing with a rod

    . The stump is standing, legs are shoulder-width apart. In his hands - the bar, taken by a narrow reverse grip. Hands are lowered.

    Bend your elbows by lifting the bar up to your chest.

    Folding of hands with dumbbells with a turn sitting on the ball

    . The ball is sitting on the ball, legs are shoulder-width apart, feet are on the floor, hands are lowered and slightly apart. Dumbbells in the hands, palms turned inward.

    Perform bending of hands, lifting dumbbells up: when the elbow is bent by 90 °, brush turn to yourself with the palm and continue bending the hand. Then the dumbbells are slowly lowered: when the elbow is bent by 90 °, the hands turn with the palms inside and lower down to the end.

    Push-ups from the

    chair. The stitches are bent at the elbows, with the palms of the hands resting on the edge of the chair seat, the heels rest on the floor, the buttocks are on weight, the legs are bent at the knees, the back is straight.

    To rise upward, pressing away from the chair. The back should remain straight.

    Bench press under the slope( head up)

    IM - sitting on the simulator, hips on the seat, socks on the stand, the back lies on an inclined plane. Hands bent it elbows, in the hands of the bar, taken by a direct grip. The elbows are turned outward, away from the body. The bar is pressed against the body and is located above the collarbone.

    Completely straighten the arms by lifting the bar up.

    Push-ups from the beams

    . The palm rest firmly on the beams, the arms are straightened, the body forms a straight line from the top to the heels, the feet in the air, parallel to the floor. Look - directly in front of you.

    Go down, bending your arms at the elbows by 90 °.Hands to keep as close to the body as possible.

    The straightening of the arms in the slope of the

    . The pivot is standing next to the horizontal bench, with the left hand leaning on the bench( the arm is straight), the left leg is bent at the knee and stands on the bench. The back is straight, parallel to the bench. The right arm is bent at the elbow at an angle of 90 °, close to the trunk. In the right hand - a dumbbell, taken by a direct grip.

    Completely to straighten the right hand, taking it back, along the trunk. Do the right number of times, change your hand.

    Extension of the arm sitting

    I.P. - sitting, feet together, feet on the floor. The back is straight. The arms are bent at the elbows and wound around the head. Hold the dumbbell with both hands. The dumbbell is lowered down perpendicular to the floor. The upper disc of the dumbbell should be at the level with the crown. Completely straighten your arms by lifting the dumbbell up. The back remains straight.

    Extension of the hands sitting with the

    restraint. The stitching is sitting behind the desk, legs are shoulder-width apart. Hands on the "par-ge", on the width of the shoulders. In the hands of the bar, taken in reverse grip. Slowly raise your hands to your shoulders.

    Extension of the hands standing

    . The sternum is standing, legs are shoulder width apart. The arms are raised upwards and bent at the elbows, hands are taken. ..... back. In the hands of the bar, taken

    Direct grip.

    Straighten your arms by lifting them up.

    Squats with dumbbells, hands up, with a rise on the socks

    I.P. - feet shoulder width apart, ioluprised. The arms are divorced and side, bent so that the elbows are in the same plane with the trunk. In the hands of dumbbells palms outward.

    To rise upwards, with a rise on socks. Simultaneously with how your legs straighten, raise your arms with dumbbells up.

    Bench press Standing

    - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered, also shoulder width apart. Hands tightly covered with dumbbells..

    Bend your arms in the elbows, continuing to hold the dumbbells with your hands.

    Press standing in a slope with dumbbells. The stern is standing, legs together, the body is tilted parallel to the floor, the back is straight. In each hand - on a dumbbell, which are taken by a direct grip. The arms are bent at the elbows, the shoulders are parallel to the floor.

    Without changing the position of the body, straighten your hands back, along the trunk.

    Bench press sitting with dumbbells

    I.P. - sitting, feet shoulder width apart, feet standing on the floor. The back is straight. In his hands - dumbbells, taken with a direct grip. Hands are raised upwards and bent at the elbows at a right angle, are in the same plane with the back.

    Raise the dumbbell up, completely straightened hands. The hands continue to remain in the same plane.

    Exercises that improve the shape of the humeral arm

    The front of the arm:

    . The stylus is standing, legs slightly bend at the knees, the trunk is held straight. Elbows are pressed to the body, hands are lowered, in the hands - dumbbells.

    Slowly lift dumbbells, not too widely removing the brush to the sides of the shoulders, elbows from the body can not be torn. Hands do not unfold. Then return to the original position and repeat all over again.

    This exercise can also be done sitting on a chair with a straight back.

    You can modify the exercise and perform the same movement, but if in the first case the palms are turned towards the legs, then in another exercise the palms "look" at the body.

    Back of the hand:

    IM - lying on the bench face down, arms with dumbbells freely hanging.

    Slowly lift dumbbells to the face until the arms are parallel to the floor. Then return to the starting position.

    The ulnar portion of the arm:

    , etc. - sitting on the edge of the bench, holding a light load with both hands, hands to rest on the legs so that the brushes are between the knees. Slowly lower the brush below, then return to the starting position. Care must be taken not to wriggle your wrists.