  • Important trivia when practicing fitness

    Do not limit the intake of fluid

    There is a misconception that if we drink less and more actively remove water from the body, we quickly lose weight. This myth gave birth to such incorrect ways to reduce weight, like the abuse of sauna, grueling crosses in the heat in warmed suits, the taking of diuretics and laxatives, restriction in the liquid. Immediately warn: dehydration is dangerous, especially during training. During exercise, body temperature rises, thermoregulation changes, sweating increases, as a result of which the volume of circulating blood decreases, and the viscosity of the blood increases. This can cause a drop in blood pressure and fainting, especially in people with varicose veins. Loss of liquid leads to a risk of stone formation. Drinking water during training is an important component for health, from improving the complexion and ending with the prevention of thromboembolism, infarction, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. Temporary loss of water as a result of training or taking medications does not save us from excess fat. Fat cells can lose moisture, having decreased in volume, but not in quantity, and any glass of the drunk liquid will restore them in former sizes. This is short-lived: the effect of most anti-cellulite massages.

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    Recommended scheme of fluid intake during intensive training:

    for 1,5-2 hours before the load - 250-300 ml;

    for 10-15 minutes - 100 ml;

    during operation - 100-150 ml every 15 minutes;

    after training 150-200 ml every 15 minutes until full loss compensation.

    Specialists recommend drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day of weak and medium mineralization.

    Technical subtleties of

    All the exercises that we give will start with a reduction of "and.etc. "is the starting position, that is, the position in which you begin the exercise.

    In addition, in exercises with dumbbells and a bar, the concept of "direct" and "reverse" grip will be met.

    Direct grip - it's palms inward, reverse - palms outward.

    Warm up is required!

    No matter how long you have been engaged, no matter how easily and simply you were given exercises, you should not forget about stretching your muscles. Warm-up is very important. Without it, the risk of injury in the process of playing sports increases. Therefore, before the start of the exercises, it is necessary to take several minutes to warm up. If you do a cycle of exercises, then it is worth stretching the corresponding muscles and in between sessions. Those who consider this a waste of time are mistaken. The main task of the warm-up is to prepare the body for further work and workload.

    During warm-up, you bring your body into "combat readiness": blood circulation and metabolism that promote energy production improve;the viscosity of muscles decreases, their elasticity increases;joints receive an additional amount of the so-called synovial fluid - a kind of lubricant for the joints, which reduces friction during movement. All this will allow you to feel a rush of vivacity and without any risk to health go to the basic exercises.

    We offer you a simple set of exercises that you can do yourself, if you are doing fitness at home. If you want your morning to be cheerful and active, start with music. A cheerful cheerful melody will awaken the desire to move, will give strength and energy.

    Now let's proceed to the exercises. Begin with respiratory gymnastics. The starting position is feet shoulder width apart. A little squatting and standing up( hands up), do 3-4 deep breaths and exhalations. Be careful: inhale( hands up) must be done through the nose, and exhale( hands down) through the mouth. There is a kind of ventilation of the lungs.

    Now we will warm up the joints with the help of gymnastics, directed not only to tone up the muscles, but also to increase the amplitude of motion in the joints. Gymnastics for joints are all kinds of circular motions in wrist bands( wrists), elbows, shoulder, ankle, knee and hip joints. Perform 6-8 circular movements in one direction and 6-8 circular movements in another.

    Then warm up your back. The starting position for you will be the following: legs apart, knees slightly bent, body tilted forward, hands resting on hips. All you have to do is round your back and return to its original position. The pace of this exercise should be slow or rare, but by no means fast. It is enough 3-5 repetitions.

    The next part of the workout is more dynamic. Straighten, connect your legs together and go to walking or marching. If you are bored simply marching, then you can dance a little in time with the music. However, do not go into dancing, jump and jump, because your muscles are not warmed up, therefore, it's not safe. After moving a minute or two, put your hands on your belt and go to active walking with a high knee lift. This exercise is enough to perform for a couple of minutes.

    To finish the warm-up is best from where it began, namely with breathing exercises. They will help you regain your breath.

    All the workout will take you no more than 7-10 minutes. But believe me.) Of that time is enough to feel ready for more complex exercises.