  • 32 "for" in favor of fitness

    Each of us in the childhood heard repeatedly and for certain has remembered, that physical exercises are very useful. And many of us with full confidence will say: "Yes, of course, to do gymnastics, running, swimming is much better than sitting at the TV."But the simple question: "Why is it so important to play sports?" - most likely, not everyone will be able to give a clear answer. Often give a common argument: "This is good for health."

    Therefore, we offer you a list of 32 positive points that will give you fitness.

    If you find at least one item that will motivate you to join the ranks of athletic, smart, energetic people, we will assume that our goal is to tell about the benefits of fitness performed.

    Fitness for a healthy heart

    The heart is the "motor", thanks to which our body functions. Vessels are our "pipeline", delivering blood from the heart to every remote corner of the body. What benefit do they receive from fitness?

    Regular exercise can help you I water excess weight. Consequently, the load on the heart will decrease.

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    Your body will "learn" to maximize the level of oxygen in the blood, therefore, all internal organs will receive much more oxygen. This will benefit

    on their functioning and resistance to diseases. The walls of the vessels will become more elastic.

    Your heart rate at rest will decrease, because the heart will be able to inject more blood into the body in one stroke. Therefore, when you begin to rest, your heart will also not work unduly actively.

    Blood pressure will drop or will not change uncontrollably. This is especially important for hypertensive patients.

    The weight coefficient( the ratio of body weight in kilograms to growth in meters) will decrease. The higher this coefficient, the lower the indices of physical health and longevity.

    Cholesterol level will decrease.

    The level of fatty acids in the blood will decrease.

    The risk of heart disease will decrease.

    - Thanks to fitness, you will increase sensitivity to insulin, which will prevent the development of diabetes.

    If you are forced to run or climb the stairs quickly, the heart will not overexert.

    Fitness against aging

    The unique body system needs to be maintained in working order, to ensure that it is in order. How can fitness help in this?

    Thanks to regular exercises, immunity will increase, the immune system as a whole will come back to normal.

    Regular physical exercises increase muscle strength.

    The ability to work continuously will appear.

    Increase the mineral content, which will prevent osteoporosis.

    Stamina will increase.

    Increased metabolism will reduce the risk of obesity.

    Our body will become less vulnerable to physical injuries and damage.

    Solve problems with joints.

    Being a strong and healthy person, you can lead the most active and active way of life.

    The work of the vestibular apparatus will improve.

    Reduces the risk of cancer of the rectum.

    The probability of developing breast cancer will decrease.

    Fitness for beauty and good mood

    Fitness will give you peace of mind and good moodIMIIC.

    Your appearance will noticeably improve, because you will radiate, and health and good mood.

    You will learn to quickly and deeply relax - consequently, you can rest "in full force."

    Regular exercise will reduce the level of anxiety.

    You can learn to avoid stress.

    Self-confidence and peace of mind will increase.

    Possible depressions will be carried much easier.

    If you smoke, it will be much easier for you to quit this bad habit.

    If you are suffering from migraine, it is easier to bear the pain.

    Your sleep will improve, become deep and calm.

    We are sure that each of you after fitness classes will have something to add to this list. Dare! Be healthy and have fun!