  • How to accelerate the growth of nails at home

    For one month the nails become longer by 3 mm. If their growth is much slower, it is worth considering the lack of vitamins, proteins and fats in the body. Solve the problem will help special vitamin complexes and proper nutrition. Excellent addition - cosmetic procedures, available for use at home.

    Gelatine baths
    Dissolve the gelatin sachet according to the instructions, and then put the fingers in the resulting composition so that the nail plates completely immersed in the liquid. The procedure time is 15 minutes. Then the fingers should be thoroughly washed with water. On the cuticle area it is recommended to apply the cream and perform a light massage.

    Baths with gelatin should be carried out 1 to 3 times a week.

    Fire mask

    The use of a mask promotes extremely fast nail growth and lightening. To make a burning composition, take 1/2 st.spoons of dried red pepper, art.a spoonful of mineral water without gas, art.a spoonful of any fatty hand cream. Components should be mixed in a glass container, which should then be placed for 5-10 minutes in a bowl of hot water. When the mask is heated, it should be applied to the nail plates. The duration of the mask is 20 minutes. Wash off the product with warm water.

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    Repeat the procedure should not be more than once a week. The mask has a very strong effect, so the result will be noticeable after the first session.

    Trays with olive oil

    Olive oil - an indispensable assistant in the pursuit of youth and beauty. Masks based on this component are often used by cosmetologists to take care of the skin of the face and body. Olive oil will also help in nail care.

    To prepare the accelerating growth of the nails of the bath, about 100 ml of oil and a little sea salt are required. In the prepared bath, you should lower your fingers and hold for at least 5 minutes.

    The cold pressed oil is more effective for preparation of trays. The procedure can be repeated every other day.

    Nail plate massage

    The procedure carried out with the use of a toothbrush and baby soap will help make the nails stronger and get rid of the light yellowness. Massage is recommended to be done every day in the evening. And that the growing marigolds do not break down and do not separate, do not forget about the use of gloves during contact with household chemicals!