  • Proper nutrition

    About how proper nutrition should be, the first serious Arab doctor, Avicenna( Ibn Sina, 980-1037), spoke first seriously. His recommendations basically boiled down to the fact that food should be varied and how important it is not to overeat. These councils remain relevant even after a millennium and are at the heart of modern theories of proper nutrition.

    Today, the doctrine of proper nutrition has a powerful scientific rationale and continues to be studied and developed. So, scientists have been shown tables of recommended consumption of calories, essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals per day. In the following articles you will learn a lot of new and interesting about the principles of proper nutrition, and also get acquainted with the so-called Pyramid of Nutrition. Established in 1992 in America, the Food Pyramid clearly demonstrates how the ratio of these or those products should be in the daily diet. The food pyramid has been repeatedly criticized by health organizations, but nevertheless nutritionists are advised to take note of this scheme and plan their nutrition in approximately the same way. Interestingly, in most countries, it is the figure of the pyramid. However, Austria, Sweden and part of the European countries use the pie chart instead of the pyramid, in Canada - a rainbow, in the UK and Mexico - a plate, and in China and Korea - a pagoda drawing.

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    Unfortunately, after getting to know the principles of proper nutrition, the food of most people does not become more valuable. The reason for this - high workload at work, lack of time, fatigue. And in society there is an opinion that cooking should not take much time and effort: they say, it's better to spend them on something else.

    However, we, on the contrary, for the fact that the person is most attentive to his nutrition, to what and how he eats. Of course, it takes more time to put out the meat yourself or go to the store for fresh fruit, but it will pay off with excellent health, good health, beautiful appearance!