  • Types of pedicure

    Pedicure at home

    Nothing complicated in carrying out pedicure at home. The main thing is patience and skill. Perhaps, for the first time a pedicure will take 2-3 hours, then later, when the "hand will be shaken", half an hour is enough.

    Pedicure is best done at the end of the day, especially well - at night. The thing is that the trimmed feet and pumice-treated feet should be protected from moisture, and the feet in any shoes begin to sweat quickly, rubbed even with the softest and most comfortable footwear.

    Home pedicure procedure

    The first and most important stage of a home pedicure is a softening of the legs. This is facilitated by a bath with mineral salts, aromatic oils, foam or herbs. The temperature of the water should not be too hot - otherwise it will not be possible to avoid burns and a sharp jump down the blood pressure in people sensitive to temperature changes, and not too cold - otherwise you will have to sit for hours trying to steam the

    feet in a lukewarm water. On average, taking a bath should take 15-20 minutes.

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    The next step is the treatment of heels and soles with pumice or razor scraper( you should use the razor very carefully and do not try to cut it with corns).To process the toes, there is a small nail file: it should be rubbed from below with little fingers, and thumbs on the sides.

    Then you need to cuticle. It is softened with a special remedy, and in the absence of special means any vegetable is suitable.

    After softening the cuticle is removed with an "orange" stick. Cut the skin is strictly not recommended: first, through the wound can bring an infection, but in fact home tools for pedicure can hardly be called sterile. Secondly, if you cut the peel, it will grow even thicker and rough. Third, one careless movement with scissors - and in a moment there will be cuts and small wounds, which in time will turn into unpleasant and disturbing burrs on the toes.

    After the cuticle has been processed, the nails are shaped accordingly. The optimal shape for the nails on the legs is square, the optimal length of the free edge is about 2 mm. Nails on the legs are cut in a straight line, they should not be too short, so they do not start to grow inward and an ingrown nail is not formed. For the same reason, you can not cut corners on the nails, round them. For the treatment of corners, a soft nail file on a rubberized base is intended, and not a metal one.

    After manipulations with scissors and nail files, it is necessary to disinfect the nails with any suitable means - hydrogen peroxide, boric alcohol, etc.

    The next step is polishing the nails. If they are healthy, straight, not wavy and have a natural pink color, they can simply be polished with a soft nail file. When the nails are not in order, a more rigid saw blade is used for grinding, for example with diamond spraying. If there is no nail file, then pumice, which can be drawn on the surface of the nail, can be removed, removing all irregularities and cavities. The nail will become smooth and bright. You can apply a little emollient cream to nourish the nails, preparing them for staining. Then the nails are degreased with a nail polish remover to remove droplets of moisture and cream residues.

    Apply varnish: the first layer is basic, transparent. After it has dried, two layers of the main varnish are applied. Do not put it on the entire width of the nail - much slimmer and longer nail looks if you leave the corners unpainted. The last layer is the fixative lacquer. Even when it completely dries, do not wear shoes, socks or pantyhose on your feet for half an hour, otherwise the pedicure will lose its fresh appearance.

    After that, the hair is removed from the fingers with tweezers( by no means a razor, otherwise the hairs will grow thicker and thicker) and then massage the feet with a moisturizing foot cream or softening cream for the feet with rapeseed. Any aromatic oil is also suitable. Massage promotes blood flow to the feet. It should be the last element of the procedure for a home pedicure.

    Classic edging pedicure

    Classic edged pedicure is the most popular foot care procedure. Everyone likes the feeling of thin skin on the legs after such a pedicure, because here the master shaving machine removes the top layer of skin on the foot together

    with hives, calluses and thickening on the heels. However, it is these advantages of the pedicure that are at the same time its drawbacks: any interference with the skin with a cutting tool does not exclude cuts and infection. As a consequence, the main rule of the correctly executed edged pedicure is the complete disinfection not only before the procedure, but also during it, with observance of all requirements for the use of disinfectant solutions and the strictest provisions of antiseptic.

    Best if a classic edging manicure will make a professional. The explanation is simple: if you steam up your legs and cut off your nails somehow you will manage, then you will not be able to completely process the foot and each finger, and even walk around the surface of the foot with a shaving machine.

    By the way, the use of the shaving machine goes to the background, giving way to numerous pumice stones of different rigidity. The fact is that after processing the razor, the growth of the skin tissues of the

    cover is intensified and it will have to be repeated again and again.

    To keep your feet in perfect condition after a pedicure, you need to apply a nutritious or moisturizing cream every day before going to sleep.

    Tools for classic edged pedicure are used the same as for manicure: scissors, tweezers, nail files, as well as finger separators or cotton swabs.

    Procedure for classic edged pedicure

    1. Cut the nails evenly, without rounding the edges.

    2. Saw nails with a fine-grained nail file and treated with a polishing file.

    3. Immerse your feet in a warm bath with infusions of herbal or sea salt for 20 minutes.

    4. Use a rough pumice to heal the heel, and with a softer pumice, the sawing movements are the entire foot. It is not advisable to use a shaving machine, but if there is no other option, then walk along the entire foot, carefully removing the thickening of the skin.

    5. "Orange" wand to clean the nail bed, raise the cuticle and gently remove it with scissors.

    6. Wash your feet with warm water, wipe thoroughly and massaging movements rub a little softening foot cream into the soles and between your fingers.

    7. Degrease nails with nail polish remover and cover with a layer of clear varnish.

    8. Apply a coat or two layers of colored varnish, top coat with a fixer.

    Hardware( European) pedicure

    The hardware pedicure was invented in Germany in the 60s of the last century and quickly gained popularity. This is a variant of classical pedicure, only here the cuticle is not cut with scissors, but gently shifted to the base of the nail with a stick, previously dissolving it with a special remedy. With the regular use of this remedy, the cuticle slows growth and gradually becomes thinner.

    Unlike the classical, the European version of the pedicure is carried out not only without the use of a machine and blades, but also without water. Instead of water that softens not only the dead skin but also the living layers of the skin and is a fertile soil for the reproduction of the fungus, a special softener is used in the apparatus pedicure that separates one layer of skin from the other and does not reach the living layer, but prepares only the rough one for the pedicureupper. Thus, the risk of traumatizing delicate skin is minimized.

    The machine itself is a machine with a lot of grinding tips and caps of different diameters. Grinding caps of small diameter penetrate into inaccessible places under the fingers and between them, and also grind the area of ​​the okolonogtevogo roller and the tips of the fingers. Due to the variety of attachments, the hardware pedicure takes less time than the non-hardware procedure. The mechanisms of the apparatus are so precise that they guarantee the absence of damage and infection of the skin.

    The hardware pedicure perfectly removes calluses, corns and heel cracks and slows their possible growth. Since corns are drilled with a special boron that does not affect the living skin, this procedure is absolutely painless and does not cause unpleasant sensations. The apparatus is supplied with grinding attachments, by means of which the edges of the cracks are thoroughly treated without any discomfort.

    The ideal result is achieved after the first procedure of the European pedicure. However, it is more suitable for well-groomed legs, in cases where women regularly monitor the condition of the legs.

    For those who do pedicure from time to time, you should alternate the classic edging and the European hardware pedicure.

    The result will be visible after about 6-7 procedures, and you can be sure of the effectiveness of the complex application of various types of pedicure.

    SPA pedicure

    The last innovation in the salons - SPA-pedicure. Like any of the SPA-procedures, it is very pleasant and useful. In addition to treating the legs by any chosen technique - classical or European, the SPA pedicure also offers foot care with the help of creams, masks, scrubs, peelings. Of course, massage of active points on the feet is always suggested. SPA-manicure is a great complex for relieving the stress of tired legs, and also includes cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and restoring the skin of the legs.

    SPA pedicure includes:

    salt bath, which in combination with massage stimulates blood circulation and relieves muscle tension;

    unedged pedicure( treatment of the nail plate and softening of the cuticle with the help of preparations);

    removal of keratinized skin particles with a scrub;

    nutritious mask, moisturizing the skin, saturating it with vitamins.