  • Healing baths

    Bath is not only a means of purification. Adding water to the water, you can make the bath healing, so you can get rid of the dryness of the skin, increase its elasticity, etc.

    If you want to take a bath using special means( decoction of herbs, sea salt, milk, etc..), then first remove sweat and dirt by taking a regular bath or shower and then take a special bath - only when the skin is clean, nutrients are maximally absorbed and bring the best effect.

    After the healing bath, the skin simply gets soaked with a towel, you do not need to wash it - let the medicinal substances soak into the skin.

    This method of taking special baths is the right one, and this is exactly what happens when taking a bath, for example, the Japanese.

    Milk bath for all skin types

    Pour 1 cup of cream or fatty milk into a warm bath. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

    This is a wonderful remedy that helps to soften and moisturize the dry skin of the body. Vitamin B, contained in milk in large quantities, eliminates flabbiness and skin fatigue, vitamin E rejuvenates and renders a regulating effect.

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    Herbal bath for all skin types

    This bath is very useful for health and skin rejuvenation. It should be taken in the evening before bedtime.

    To prepare such a bath, you need to take an equal amount of chamomile, linden, mint, valerian root - only 250 g boil in 2 liters of water, drain, pour into a bath.

    Bath for dry skin from cotton grass

    After taking such a bath, the skin becomes elastic and supple.

    250 grams of herbage boil in 2 liters of water, insist for 40 minutes, strain, pour into a bath( temperature - 35 ° C).

    Bath for oily, acerbid skin

    For 25 grams of juniper, lavender, chamomile, herb St. John's wort, 50 g. Lime-colored, thyme, peppermint folded in a gauze pouch, dip it into a saucepan, pour

    2 liters of water and boilon high heat. Then mix the mixture for another 30 minutes on a small fire. Broth pour into a bath. Such a bath can be done daily, but it is enough and 1 time a week.

    Bath, smoothing the skin

    Recommended for "goose" or keratinized skin.

    In warm water, fill in 500 g of potato starch( or a thick broth of oatmeal) and 2 tbsp.l.coniferous extract. After the procedure, it is good to rub the nourishing cream or cosmetic milk into the still moist skin.

    Cleopatra Bath

    This bath beneficially affects the skin, which becomes tender and smooth.

    Warm up 1 liter of milk without bringing it to a boil. In another bowl - in a water bath - heat a cup of honey. Dissolve honey in milk. Add 2 tbsp.l.almond, pink, olive or other vegetable oil.

    Bath for increasing skin elasticity

    Take 100 grams of chamomile and flaxseed, boil in 1.5 liters of water, insist 40 minutes and pour into a bath.

    Orange bath

    Pour 1 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice into the tub. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

    This bath perfectly tones up the skin, makes it firm.


    Essential oils perfectly work on the skin, rejuvenating and toning it. Fill the bath with hot water( 37-40 ° C), take a bottle of oil from your favorite plant and drop 5-8 drops into the water. Wait a few minutes and then take a bath. The water should cool down to 35 ° C during this time. The time spent in the bath should not exceed 20 minutes.

    Bath beauty

    The recipe for this bath appeared thanks to the Korean beauties who dreamed of forever young skin. Ginseng, which is one of the ingredients of the bath composition, contains active plant ingredients, due to which the skin becomes silky and smooth. Honey - the second ingredient - helps to remove slags and gives the skin softness. To enhance the effect of taking such a bath, it is recommended to conduct a preliminary self-massage. To do this, take a little honey in the palm of your hand and pat your palms on the problem areas.

    Recipe for bath preparation: fill the bath with warm water( temperature - 37-39 ° С), lower 3 sachets of ginseng tea, dissolve in water 3 tbsp.l.honey. Dive slowly, so that the skin has time to get used to the temperature and composition of water. To be in the bath for 5-8 minutes( no more than 10 minutes).This time is enough to ensure that the pores of the skin are opened and absorbed useful substances.