  • Return of the physical form after childbirth

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    The key to the return of your old figure is a healthy diet combined with strengthening-toning physical exercises. But do not rush - your body will go through a huge recovery path, and this will take time.

    Some weight gain during pregnancy is healthy and necessary for the proper development of the child. Your body will postpone fat in response to elementary signals of survival for the preparation in case of starvation, to cope with breastfeeding. Fortunately, hunger rarely occurs in developed countries, and after the birth of a child you will be more concerned with how to get rid of stored fat in a healthy and safe way. It is important to adhere to the right, balanced diet and not to apply weight loss programs. However, additional weight gain or prolonged maintenance of excess weight after childbirth can adversely affect the health of the mother.


    If you are breastfeeding, the body continues to get used to its new role. The body of a young mother puts forward her demands, so try not to overdo it with exercises and do not allow dehydration.

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    If you still have lochia after childbirth, do not start a moderate exercise program until the bleeding stops and you do not get "good" from the doctor at the first postnatal checkup. Before that, if you feel fine and you did not have any complications during childbirth, start with walking with the baby.

    When you are ready for physical exercises, you can start with the simplest for problematic parts of the body, especially weakened over the past nine months and who need a lot of "work" to return to the state before pregnancy. But always listen to your body - if you feel tired, then rest.

    Test your readiness for classes

    Before starting any exercise program, make sure that a pair of vertical abdominal muscles do not separate during pregnancy. This often occurring condition, called diastasis recti, occurs when the muscles of the abdominal wall are divided in the middle during pregnancy, providing space for increasing in size of the uterus. After the birth of a child, the muscles remain stretched.

    To check for muscle disparity, lie on your back and bend your knees. Place two fingers horizontally on the abdomen below the navel. Be careful if you gave birth through caesarean section. If you can move your fingers more than two of their widths to the side, then the muscles are separated. Check yourself every 3-5 days until the separation disappears. If this does not happen within 12 weeks after the birth of the child, consult a doctor.

    At this time, use the "embrace principle" to strengthen the abdominal muscles. For this, lie on your back, bend your knees and cross your arms at the waist with your head and shoulders torn from the floor.

    Another way is to keep the abdominal muscles in a tight state during daily duties, for example when washing.

    Slopes from the prone position

    Physical exercises are necessary to restore the tone of the abdominal muscles. They will improve posture and reduce the likelihood of pain in the lower back. Small loads now prevent future problems.

    The following easy exercise, you can start doing the day after giving birth. Lay down on your back and slowly raise, and then lower your head, looking at the ceiling and holding your shoulders on the floor. Do not perform this exercise in bed, since it is necessary to lie on a hard surface. You can try an isometric exercise: straining your abdominal muscles, and then relaxing them. Exercise is recommended because it does not lead to overstrain of the muscles.

    Exercises for the pelvic floor

    Immediately after birth, the muscles of the pelvic floor are likely to be sore, but once you feel better, start doing some light exercises. The earlier you start, the sooner you strengthen the muscles of the vagina. Squeeze the muscles of the pelvic floor ten times in a row. Each time the exercise will be easier. If you experience pain in the perineum, compressing the pelvic floor muscles and keeping them in a compressed position while sitting will provide you with greater comfort in sitting position. The painful muscles of the perineum will be pulled up and inward, and a chair or bed will press down on the buttocks. Most of the swelling will take place within a few days, and the pain will disappear in about a week. Exercises for the pelvic floor muscles should be part of your regular exercise program for the rest of your life, they can help reduce the risk of urinary incontinence immediately after childbirth and later, and help maintain vaginal tone after menopause.


    After normal delivery without complications, a woman can usually perform a program of aerobic exercise around 6-10 weeks. If you gave birth through caesarean section, to recover

    Exercise with the child

    The following exercises will help you develop problem areas and direct your body to the path of recovery. But do not do anything that can cause pain.

    Remember that before you load your muscles with physical exercises, you need to perform light aerobic exercises for about five minutes. During exercise, follow the breath-do not delay it. And also drink water in small sips, before, during and after training.

    Hands of Place the child on the floor, lean over it, placing your hands on the sides of the child( 1).Drawing in the abdominal muscles, bend your arms in the elbows and slowly bring your face closer to the child( 2).Then straighten up, leaving your elbows somewhat bent. Try to do so ten times, then take a few minutes to rest. Do two more series ten times.

    Buttocks Face the wall and put your hands on it( 1).Squeeze the buttocks, then, keeping the back straight and the stomach tightened, pull back the left leg( 2).Hold it for a while in the raised position, then return it to the floor. Repeat until the buttocks are tired. Change your foot.

    Hips Lie down on the floor next to the child. You can do the stretching exercise while the baby is sleeping or watching you. Lying on the left side with a bent left foot for support, slowly lift your right foot slightly upwards, repeat 10 times. Repeat the exercise by bending the right leg. Lie down on the other side and do the exercise for the other leg.

    Muscle of the stomach This is an excellent exercise for strengthening the abdominal muscles. It will please your child. Lie down on your back and gently put the baby on your stomach and your bent knees to provide support to his head. Take yourself from the sides behind the hips and slowly tear off the head and shoulders off the floor. Try to keep your neck straight and do not rest on your chest with your chin. Repeat ten times, rest and make two more series of ten.

    will take at least 10 weeks, until the pain in the seam ceases. To begin physical exercises follows after the permission of the doctor.

    Remember that you need to start gradually. You should have a good supporting bra, but not sporty, since the latter pulls the breasts and can prevent lactation, or wear two bras to keep your heavy and tender breasts maintained during exercise. If you are breastfeeding, you may wish to practice after feeding the baby or after expressing the milk, so that the breasts are not full. Try not to think about anything serious until you stop breastfeeding, as lactic acid( a byproduct of physical activity) can get into the milk.

    Warm-up and relaxation

    Do not forget that any aerobic workout should be preceded by a good 5-10-minute warm-up and the same duration of relaxation that you should consider when planning your classes. In them you can include stretching and relaxation exercises, both preparatory and final, or they can be used for the main complex.

    Strengthening Strength and Endurance

    The advantage of the exercises for muscle development is the in that they can be performed at home. Exercises affecting individual parts of the body are given below.

    If has you have a nanny and you have the opportunity to attend a fitness club, you can perform

    exercises for muscle development in the gym. You can even find a fitness club where you will follow the child while you are engaged, and in some clubs there are special exercise programs for newly-given women. If you want to engage in the program with lifting weights, either arbitrarily or on the simulators, safety is very important. Talk to a qualified instructor to find safe exercises for you. Limit yourself a little weight - you must lift the weight without tension in two series of 12-15 reps.

    Heart and lung training

    As with pregnancy, when choosing your aerobic program, you must use the FITT principle. Depending on the state of health and availability of free time, start classes three times a week. Then gradually you can bring the number of classes up to five times a week. Finding that you are too tired, go back to classes three times a week. A day later, you should do it because you need to let your body recover after training, especially if you are breastfeeding. Remember to drink small amounts of water before, during and after classes, if you do not make up for the liquid that has been expended, dehydration may occur and the amount of milk will decrease.

    First cardiovascular monitoring of the heart rate after 15 minutes after the start of training. Then increase the duration of the classes by 5 minutes every week. Most people exercise from 40 minutes to 1 hour. However, if you are tired or you have the opportunity to exercise only 20 minutes before the control heart rate, reach this level and support it.

    When choosing aerobic exercises, you can start with your loved ones or start new ones. You can start with classes where attention is paid to maintaining weight, such as biking, swimming or aquafitness. However, do not apply to aquatic species until you have stopped lochia or until the caesarean section has healed. Regardless of the chosen type of occupation, do not try to reach heights quickly - listen to your body.


    Signs that should be discontinued As with any training, you may experience some painful sensation until the previous physical readiness returns. However, you should not bring yourself to pain. If it occurs, you feel dizzy or fainting, stop exercising. If pain or dizziness persists, consult a physician.