  • What your child can do after birth

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    Your child may seem helpless at birth, but in fact he is already a person and knows something. With the passage of weeks and months, he will develop his skills very quickly - is what he's "programmed" for.

    Since the birth of the child's feelings, the information is overflowing, turning the brain into the engine of development. Neurons( nerve cells) begin to work nonstop, creating thousands of connections with other cells. The structure of the brain is stimulated to develop various types of messages, physical changes take place in it. If the child's brain does not receive enough information, the development of one of its areas may slow down or deteriorate. For example, if the squint of the left eye is not corrected for a long time, the brain will learn to look with one eye, and this habit can not be corrected even with the help of glasses. On the other hand, if the mother talks, sings and plays with the child from an early age, it stimulates the formation of neural pathways.

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    You can not get the child to do anything before the corresponding conditions have appeared, and they will appear at a certain time according to the child's own development speed. The child's brain will double in size during the first year of life. To ensure this rapid growth, the brain will absorb 60% of the energy received from food. But since this process takes some time, the child will already have some physical functions and certain reflexes that will help him to survive.


    Perhaps the most wonderful skill required by a child is the art of independent breathing. When the baby was in the uterus, he did not need lungs, because the placenta provided him with oxygen from the mother's blood. At birth, the child must switch to using the lungs to receive vital oxygen. When you inhale

    , contact with the surrounding leads to an expansion of the lungs and movement of the blood directly to them, and not to the placenta. The child's first breath can be accompanied by a coughing fit to clear the airways, but as soon as he starts to breathe normally, he will probably immediately cry.

    First a newborn can have a lot of hiccups, but attacks of hiccups will not upset him. They are caused by sudden irregular contractions of the underdeveloped diaphragm, which does not provide a constant rhythm of inspiration-exhalation. When the muscles become stronger, the baby will hiccup less.

    The newborn is fully ready to consume and digest food. Bring it to your chest, and it probably will immediately take it due to a strongly developed sucking reflex.


    At birth, all the child's senses work and are ready for use. He can see, although it is not clear;hear, taste, distinguish between smell and feel touch.

    Newborn's vision of

    Immediately after birth, you can see that the child is looking at his mother. He can see you well enough, but focuses best at a distance of 20-25 cm from the object. It's interesting that this is the approximate distance between you and the baby when you hold it by the chest. The child likes to look at you, he will watch your movements for a short period of time. Sometimes you may notice that the child's eyes converge, this is normal and is only a consequence of the lack of control over the muscles of the eyes. More frequent use of vision after a few weeks will eliminate the named "defect", but if the problem persists, consult a doctor.

    The hearing of the newborn

    At birth, the children also hear well. You can notice that the child turns in your direction, when you say, he determines the presence by the voices that he heard while he was in the uterus. You can also notice that the child "lights up" when the mother's voice hears a voice - this is a useful natural reaction, since the mother is vital for his survival.

    The child will not like loud voices and noises, it will frighten him and even cause crying. If the baby cries or is irritated, white noise - for example, the low frequency sound of a washing machine or a dishwasher - can have a wonderful soothing effect. This is probably due to the fact that this sound reminds the child of the noises that he heard while in the womb. Similarly, if you sang a special song to a child when you were pregnant, singing it after birth can cause the desired reaction.

    A sense of taste in a newborn

    Newborns are believed to be able to determine some tastes from the moment of birth, and many experts believe that children have a more subtle touch than adults. Studies have shown that if a baby is given bottles of water with a slight difference in sweetness, the baby will spend more time sucking the bottle with the sweetest water.

    Sense of smell from newborn

    Newborns have surprisingly clear pre-inguinal preferences. A child can distinguish the mother's breast milk from another woman's milk, expressing the best reaction to it. The sense of smell even helps the newborn to find the mother's breast. Children also prefer certain smells, expressing the child. The child usually very clearly understands his surroundings from birth, which is why the time you spend together in the first few hours and days is important for both. Immediately after birth, press the baby to yourself and look into his face. Children have an innate ability to distinguish people from other objects, and your child will look you in the face, not anywhere else. Look into his eyes and smile, so that affection can arise.

    Pass your strong feelings to the child through close physical contact. During the initial anxious period for the newborn immediately after birth, keep it naked on your skin so that he can feel the feelings and smell of the mother. Talk to him in a quiet, soothing voice - he recognizes your voice, because he was familiar with it even before birth. Becoming older, the child will copy the noise that you generate by against it, and will simulate the expression of the mother face. Thanks to this connection, the child will begin to recognize the mother, learn to rely on her and trust her. Make sure that your husband spends a lot of time with the child, so that the

    develops a sense of attachment to his father. The initial stage of your relationship with the child will affect them in the future, and understanding the child that he can rely on his parents will give him the confidence to explore the world when he becomes older and more independent.

    reactive to unpleasant for them, and positively relate to the pleasant.

    Tactile sensations in newborns

    All small children love when they are hugged and pressed to themselves, which usually calms them and encourages them. The child will calm down from the sound of the beating heart of the mother, the fact that he is in the safety of your warm body. It is found, in particular, that premature babies, feel better with physical contact or, as it is also called, "caring for a kangaroo".Studies have shown that when a premature baby from an incubator is placed on the body of the mother every day even for a short time, this leads to faster weight gain and faster development of the baby.

    It used to be that newborns were not mature enough to feel pain, but recent studies by

    showed that they feel it just like adults, if not more. Even being in the uterus, the child will try to move away from external pressure during examinations.


    Your child has his own personality from the moment he was born. He has his own preferences and rejections, as well as unique reactions to you and the environment.

    One of the most exciting aspects of motherhood and paternity is an understanding of the child's behavior pattern, as no one else can do. The newborn is limited in the ways of communicating with parents. But, watching him, you gradually learn the features of his personality, and the more you interact with him and play, the easier it will be for you to understand what the kid wants.

    Recognizing the child

    Some children like to roll, others prefer to lie still. Some children like to be tightly swaddled, others want the hands and feet to be free. One child quickly bothers to lie in a wet diaper, others, it seems, do not notice at all. The picture of the child's behavior is affected by their temperament. You will quickly learn the temperament of your child, but in the early days you will probably have to experience different approaches to caring for it in order to find the most suitable.

    Understanding the Temperament of a Child

    If your child cries a lot, it means that he is very sensitive to irritants. Sensitive children are sometimes worried about regular sleep or nourishment. If your child is related to such children, he can respond better to peace and quiet, and not to bright lights and a lot of irritants. Slowly adapt it to new people and situations, so that he has time to adjust.