  • Meeting the needs of the child

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    For a child to be healthy and happy, one simply needs to satisfy his needs. In addition to feeding, the baby needs love, comfort, safety, warmth and protection against diseases.

    After learning your child, you will begin to understand what he needs and what he wants. First, changing diapers or bathing a child will confuse you, but if you use the tips below, you will not need much time to learn this.


    All children cry from time to time, and this is their only way to tell their parents what they want. If your child cries, then he is hungry, wet, tired or too hot or too cold. First, pay attention to these points, but if the child continues to cry, try to reassure him in one of the following ways.

    Take the on your hands. Take the child and press him to him, talk to him, sing, shake or dance.

    Use the movement. Ride with the baby in the car or take a stroll with the stroller, put it in a swinging chair or sit in a rocking chair, holding the baby on your lap. But do not overdo it - too much movement can cause the opposite effect.

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    Use noise Music or sounds of working equipment( vacuum cleaner, washing machine, etc.) can calm some children, you can use a musical toy.

    Bathing If the child likes to swim, make him a warm bath. After two months, you can try to add one or two drops of lavender oil, it gives a soothing effect.

    Swaddling Fold the top right corner of a light cotton blanket about 15 cm. Place the baby on the headboard on the fold. Close the body of the child with the left corner of the blanket

    and bend it under the back. Lower the part under the chin. And finally, the right angle, cover the body and also bend it under the back. The blanket should hold the child, but do not squeeze, and if he likes, leave the handles free. Regularly feel the back of the baby's neck so that it does not get too hot.

    Massage Place the baby on your stomach on your lap and pat his back and legs. Alternatively, hold the child in the "tiger in the trees" position. To learn other kinds of children's massage, sign up for courses in your area.

    SNAKE If your child likes to suck, the blende will work. Ask your visiting sister what to use, and wash it before each use.

    Sucking a child A constantly crying child can upset some parents. However, whatever you feel, always treat the baby gently with and carefully. Swaying can lead to brain damage and even death. If you are crying out a child, contact your doctor or the parent support team.

    If the child does not stop crying, regardless of all your actions, consult a doctor;constant crying can be caused by a variety of reasons. But if the doctor believes that with the child all in order, do not scold yourself for his crying. Some children will cry, whatever you do, they just need to "cry out".


    The newborn has a very small bladder, so the first few weeks they urinate 20 times a day. In some children, a chair appears after each meal, therefore, replacing diapers at the first stage becomes an important part of caring for the baby.

    The type of diaper will depend on what you prefer and what suits your lifestyle. Remember that you should not get hung up on one kind, you can change them, using the appropriate to your needs.

    Disposable diapers are popular with many parents, because they are most convenient, save time and are easy to use. You do not need to wash and dry them and worry about buying individual waterproof panties, diaper covers, trinkets and clamps. For these reasons, disposable diapers are especially convenient if you are away from home or on a trip. Modern diapers differ

    in that they absorb moisture well and protect the baby's skin from irritation and diaper dermatitis.

    However, if you always use disposable diapers, it can fly in a pretty penny. It is also believed that they damage the environment, since they are mainly made of cellulose, processed with chemicals, and getting into landfills, decompose there for hundreds of years. When choosing disposable diapers, try to buy not treated with chlorine, as they are less harmful to the environment. Also, never dispose of used in sewers. Diapers are available in different styles and sizes, so try the products of several manufacturers to choose suitable for your child.

    Cloth diapers can eventually be cheaper than disposable diapers, as they are only bought once. They can then be used for another child. Reusable diapers over the past decade have changed dramatically. Many have such a shape that it is convenient to change them, some are equipped with a lip stick One of the oddities of motherhood is the need to deal with the contents of your baby's diapers. In fact, this is a very important phenomenon, as feces allow you to judge the health of the child. The first couple of days from the child will be meconium. This sticky greenish-black substance is the remains of the amniotic fluid that the child swallowed in the uterus. Then the child's chair will change depending on his diet: if the baby is breast-fed, the stool will be yellowish-orange, soft and not strong smelling; if a child is fed artificially, the stool will be light brown, firmer, with a distinct smell.

    Immediately after birth, baby diapers may have dark pink or red spots. This is a normal phenomenon, a consequence of urate in the urine. If you are concerned about any changes in the frequency, color or consistency of the aul or urine, consult a visiting nurse. If blood is found in the stool, it is frequent, watery and light in color, the child should be checked.

    kami, replacing the trinkets and clamps. There is also a waterproof layer that helps and replace the diaper, and wash it. If the money you have bought is not equipped with this layer, you will have to buy waterproof panties to put them on top. Consider purchasing a diaper cover that allows you to remove moisture from the baby's skin and prevents contamination of the diaper.

    Wash of cloth diapers

    Thorough washing, disinfection and drying of tissue diapers takes time, but it is necessary to prevent the infection in the baby. You can wash the diapers at home or find a laundry nearby for washing diapers, which from the environmental point of view is more appropriate.


    The newborn has very sensitive skin and limited ability to get dirty, which means that only the face, neck, hands, lower body and legs of the baby need to be washed daily. First, wash the upper part of the body, and then lower. After a week or two after birth, you can bathe the baby. However, at this stage you will need to wash it at most once or twice a week. When washing and changing diapers, do not use soap, lotions, creams or oils, as some cosmetic products may over-dry the baby's skin or lead to diaper dermatitis.

    When caring for a child, treat the umbilical cord and genitals carefully, if the boy is circumcised.

    The baby's skin is very sensitive, and many children suffer minor irritation of it, for example, at a certain moment neonatal diaper or seborrheic dermatitis appears. With this you can successfully fight at home.

    The first signs of diaper dermatitis can become reddish specks or pimples on the buttocks. The skin can be irritated and moist with bright spots or blisters around the buttocks and between the legs.

    Since diaper dermatitis is mainly caused by prolonged contact with urine and feces, the best way to prevent it is to replace the diaper in time. If the rash has already appeared, carefully, but carefully clean the affected area and apply the cream against diaper dermatitis. Get rid of the rash will help the child stay in the air naked, for example, after

    removal of a wet diaper. If the rash can not be removed with conventional creams and the skin remains bright red, with white or red pimples in the folds, it is possible that it is affected by thrush. In this case, consult a doctor.

    Seborrheic dermatitis is common and is a harmless condition, which is the fatty or yellowish scales

    on the baby's head( 1).Seborrheic dermatitis disappears by itself, but it may be invisible. If you want to get rid of scales, try using a water-based massage cream or warmed baby oil, rubbing it into the baby's head for the night, then comb( 2) or wash the head. Never tear off scales, so you can bring the infection.

    In complex or prolonged cases of seborrheic dermatitis, consult a doctor, as skin problems can be caused by eczema.

    Cord care

    Usually, after 5-10 days, the child's umbilical cord turns black, shrinks and falls off. At this time, it must be kept clean and dry with chilled boiled water, surgical napkins or antiseptic powder in accordance with the advice of your doctor. As often as possible, leave the umbilical cord in the open air, so it will sooner heal.

    CHILD'S CLOTHING The best clothes for a child will be one that is easy to put on, can be washed in a washing machine and made of natural fiber( cotton or wool), giving heat and allowing the skin to breathe. For more information on clothes for a child, see p.200.

    When dressing a child, remember that the purpose of clothing is to create heat, but do not overheat. In the first week or immediately after birth, the baby can not regulate the temperature of his body, so it is important not to "dress too much" and "under-dress" it. If your home is not very cold, the baby does not need anything other than a diaper and a vest at night and a rasp, diaper and sliders in the afternoon or a ruff and diaper in warm weather. On the street for the season, add a sweater and socks or booties to it, and in very cold weather - warmed overalls, mittens and a hat. Take care that the child does not overheat when you go shopping;in the car or in the store, remove the hat, gloves and outer clothing.

    To protect the child's delicate skin, wash his clothes with non-biological detergents, for sensitive skin. Avoid conditioners and bleaches for the fabric, as they can cause skin irritation. If the child has a rash or reddening of the skin that you think is associated with detergent, rinse the clothes again to remove traces of soap or detergent. If skin irritation persists, consult a physician.


    The first weeks of life the child will fall asleep and wake up at random. First you can take

    to yourself in the evenings or be with him before you go to sleep. You can also determine the regular sleep mode from the very beginning.

    Regardless of the chosen option, the way in which you will put the baby to bed is very important. Many parents are worried about the sudden infant death syndrome, also called sudden death during sleep, characterized by the fact that the child dies for no apparent reason. Fortunately, such cases are rare;studies show that their probability can be minimized by checking whether the child is sleeping in the right position and under appropriate conditions.

    Always put the child to sleep on the back This is the safest sleeping position unless the doctor advises otherwise. However, after awakening, the child must lie on his stomach to train the muscles of the neck, shoulders and hands.

    Fill blankets and sheets If there are blankets and sheets in the bed, tuck them under the mattress so that the child's face is not covered.

    Blankets and sheets should only reach the middle of the chest. Alternatively, you can warm up the

    baby and do not use any concealment tools.

    Check that the cot complies with the safety standards Do not put the child to sleep on a soft, such as sofa, armchair, a bed with a synthetic mattress, filled with water, rubber or soft cushions.

    Do not overheat the room. . Make sure that the child is not hot. The temperature in the room should be comfortable for an easily dressed adult - 16-20 ° C is ideal.

    Do not place soft objects in the baby's bed. Such items include quilts and blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, sheepskin envelopes and stuffed animals.

    Check that the baby's mattress is clean Ensure dryness, stiffness and good maturity of the mattress.

    Be careful if the child sleeps with you If the baby sleeps with the mother, ensure that it does not sleep on a soft surface and is not buried in loose covers. Do not sleep with a child if you smoke, drink alcohol or take illegal medicines, so as increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

    Try not to fall asleep while breastfeeding Or holding the baby in your arms on the couch or in the armchair.

    Ensure that the child sleeps in the same room where you sleep . During the first six months, the child should be as close to the mother as possible or use the baby monitor.

    Do not smoke Try to keep the child out of the smoky atmosphere.

    If the child is unwell, please find the cause of . Reasons to consult a doctor are shown in the sidebar.


    After giving birth, you will be invited to visit the children's clinic regularly, usually the one where the general practitioner works. Each visit will measure the weight and height of the child and the circumference of his head to determine that he is developing properly. The standard level of development checks will also be conducted between the 6th and 8th weeks, then approximately on the 8th-9th month of the and later on the 18-24th month. The purpose of all examinations is to find out as soon as possible the possible causes that affect the health and development of the child. They give an opportunity to discuss any questions concerning the health and well-being of the baby.

    Approximately from the 8th week for most children the vaccination period begins. At this age, vaccinations are made against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis and one of the types of meningitis. Later vaccinations of appropriate doses of other vaccines are made. Prior to vaccination, a doctor or health visitor will tell you about possible side effects.

    Symptoms of Young children often experience minor ailments, and it is difficult for young parents to determine what kind of medical care is required. Below are some recommendations about when to call a doctor, they are somewhat different from the situation with newborns, but if you have any doubts, build on the worst. Call your doctor if:

    ♦ Your child has seizures( seizures), or he is apathetic.

    ♦ A child breathes heavily, turns blue, or stops breathing.

    ♦ The child can not be awakened, he is unusually drowsy or does not react to the environment.

    ♦ The child has severe vomiting or diarrhea, which may be accompanied by severe pain, or blood is found in the stool.

    The child twice refuses to eat.

    ♦ A purple-red rash appeared on the body, similar to on bruises.

    ♦ The child has severe chills and a fever above 38 ° C.

    ♦ A child is unusually high on high notes or crying ceaselessly or screaming.