  • General information about hair

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    There are a lot of interesting facts about the hair, which for sure you will be useful to know.

    Hair from different people grows at different angles to the skin of the head, and this angle can be from 30 to 60 °.The higher the angle, under which the hair grows, the larger the hairdo will appear.

    In different parts of the head, hair grows at different speeds - therefore periodically, even if you simply grow your hair, you need to do a haircut to keep a beautiful hairstyle. From one hair pouch consistently grow on average about 20 hairs. We just do not notice it, because such a "molt" occurs throughout our life: one hair fell out, another grows in its place.

    In summer and spring, hair grows faster than in autumn and winter. During sleep, hair also grows faster. Therefore, there is a reason to sleep for at least 8 hours.

    Female hair grows faster - about 0.35 mm per day, while male hair grows by 0.25 mm per day. If a woman never cuts her hair, theoretically they can grow to 10 m.

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    . To date, the longest-haired woman is considered to be a Chinese woman, whose hair length is 3.28 m.

    Hair attracts moisture - each hair can attract the amount of water equal to V3 of its ownmasses.

    Hair at 91-93% consists of protein.

    Chemical elements are contained in hair in such a ratio: carbon - 50%, oxygen - 23%, nitrogen - 17%, hydrogen - 6%, sulfur - 4%.

    Human hair is stronger than copper wire of the same thickness and in a healthy state can withstand loads up to 100 g.

    Hair grows most rapidly between 14 and 17 years, then with age, hair growth slows down.

    It is believed that hair will grow faster if cut with a growing moon. If, on the contrary, you want to delay the visit to the hairdresser, so that the hair grows longer, you need to do a haircut on the waning moon( when the moon is in the form of the letter C).But this is all just a belief, and therefore you can deal with your hair when it's convenient for you!

    The structure of the hair

    The amount of hair in all people is different. However, on average, redheaded people usually have about 80,000 hair on their heads, about 100,000 in brunettes and about 120,000 in blondes. True, red hair has the thickest hair, brunettes have medium thickness, and blondes have the thinnest. In this case, we mean the natural color of hair.

    Hair consists of two main parts. The part that rises above the surface of the skin and which we see is called the core. The same part that is immersed in the skin and which we do not see is called the root.

    The root ends in a hair bulb, which, in turn, is located in the hair follicle( follicle).From the shape of the hair follicle, it depends on whether your natural hair is smooth or curly.

    From below, a hairy papilla is inserted into the hair bulb, which is suited to blood vessels and nerve endings - thanks to this, the hair is nourished and sensitive.

    The hair grows as follows: it receives nutrition, the bulb cells multiply, the hair extends and gradually emerges to the surface, turning into a rod.

    The outer layer is the cuticle, or, as it is otherwise called, the scaly layer. If the hair is healthy, the scales fit tightly to each other. Under the influence of temperature, chemical and mechanical factors( chemical wool, hair nails, etc.), the density of the adherence of the scales is disturbed, and this can cause the death of the hair.

    Cortical layer - follows immediately after the scaly layer, closer to the center of the hair. In this layer there are natural coloring pigments and air bubbles. It depends on the color of these natural pigments that determines the color of the hair we get. About 90% of the total weight of hair is achieved due to their cortical layer.

    The brain layer, or central one, is an "empty" airspace.

    The central layer is not exposed to cosmetic agents. The brain layer is not in every hair. For example, in very thin and natural light hair in a gun this layer is not at all.

    Additional hair formations - sebaceous gland and hair muscle. The channels of the sebaceous glands open into the hair follicle, and thanks to the fat that they secrete, our hair retains flexibility, elasticity, natural shine and some water resistance.

    Having got an idea of ​​how our hair is arranged, it's easier to understand the approaches to hair treatment and care.