  • These simple makeup rules

    Decorative cosmetics( makeup) only then performs its function, when it helps you to hide minor cosmetic imperfections or emphasize your dignity. But she immediately fails when she is used, blindly imitating her ideal, regardless of the peculiarities of her own type of beauty. The fact that one woman looks good, at least originally, the other can look very bad or even funny. A good make-up is a real art, and often you have to work hard to achieve the desired effect.

    In general, in cosmetics, there are two ways to make-up the face, namely: day and evening make-up. Evening make-up is intended for evening time, especially for special occasions. Daytime make-up, called daytime make-up, should look completely different than the evening make-up. First of all daytime make-up should be so unobtrusive that the face looked almost uncolored;In addition, daytime make-up must necessarily match the color of the eyes, hair and generally the individuality of the woman as a whole.

    Evening make-up is characterized by greater intensity, it is more effective than daytime make-up. In the evening, you can make up more brightly and, in addition to the usual daytime make-up, you can use brighter, even silvery and golden tinted preparations. For solemn occasions, you can, for example, sprinkle your hair with a powder of metallic shine, and apply silvery or golden shiny shadows on your eyelids.

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    To learn the correct make-up of a face, you must always be in daylight. Only with the right daylight can be skillfully applied makeup. In this regard, make-up should always be at the window, so that the person was illuminated by daylight. Only if this condition is met, make-up will indeed be in harmony with the complexion of the face, hair and eyes. Remember this, because the colors vary greatly depending on what the lighting is. For example: beautiful in the sunlight "cyclamen" lipstick with fluorescent lamps gives the person the appearance of a real vampire, and the reddish lipstick gets a dirty gray-brown shade. But with candles, absolutely any person wins, any make-up: tenderness, femininity, soft features adorn every woman. So make sure to "dress rehearsal" make-up at home in this and that light, and when going to a party, a theater or a restaurant, figure out how there can be lighting.

    Having mastered the art of make-up, we will be able to disguise our shortcomings and emphasize the dignity of our appearance. After all, individuality is the most valuable thing that we have. And, no matter how much you want to completely copy the make-up of the announcer or movie star, properly check in front of the mirror, whether to face you this style.

    To make any make-up look attractive, you need to know simple, but mandatory rules.

    1. We impose makeup only on carefully cleansed skin.

    2. In the evening, too, you need to properly remove all the paints from your face. Only with this condition the skin in the morning will always be fresh.

    3. Blush, lipstick and nail polish, select one color and be sure to harmonize with the color of the clothes. It cuts the eye, when, for example, the lipstick is lilac, and the nails are red. Or when the lilac make-up we do under a bright red dress. The rule is old as the world, but, unfortunately, we often forget about it: to the dress of warm color we choose yellowish-red, to cold colors - pink shades of make-up.

    4. The art of make-up consists in making the face the most natural, lively, expressive. Therefore, make-up should be very thin, moderate, even if it is evening or extravagant.