  • The test "and who is he, your companion?"

    It's not by chance that they say that love is blind: sometimes it really hinders how to properly discern who is next to you. Before deciding to link your life with the current fan, check whether your satellite is worthy of adoration, noting one of the answers.

    1. You came on a date in "fully armed".Seeing you, he exclaims:

    a) "Listen, can I be there when you start shooting all this?";B) it's like a fish;C) "You are very beautiful today."

    2. You flew to the first number from the authorities - so offensive that a whole week would not leave the house. You call the sweetheart to cry to him in the vest. He:

    a) after listening, he shows his readiness to comfort you - and then he comes, taking a half a kilo of your favorite ice cream;

    b) interrupts the conversation, explaining that his friends are waiting for him at the bar;

    c) listens, advises a good sleep and calls the next day.

    3. In bed, he tries to make you enjoy:

    a) if not with him, then right after;B) before he;C) I am sure that this is your concern.

    instagram viewer

    4. Sometimes, for no reason at all, you are seized with anxiety. Your friend:

    a) helps to find a good doctor;

    b) assures that these attacks are feminine whims;

    c) is worried or even scared.

    5. You are sitting in a cafe. When they bring in an invoice, your friend:

    a) remembers who ordered what, and carefully calculates how much you owe;

    b) looks at you with amazement, when you are pulling at the purse, and pays for itself;

    c) puts on the table exactly half of the amount specified in the invoice.

    6. When an amazing blonde passes you along the street, he usually:

    a) casts an appreciative glance at her;B) he looks after her for a long time;

    c) says: "Honey, she does not suit you with a candle".

    7. Usually after a quarrel:

    a) you are in complete despair, he is locked in himself, you are horrified by his behavior;B) you understand that you could come to an agreement;

    c) he is angry, but does not lose his composure.

    8. You confess that mom( sister, girlfriend) does not advise you to agree to an absolutely fantastic job offer. His answer:

    a) "Do not listen to her, everything will turn out great for you";B) "She's just afraid for you."But everything will turn out great for you ";C) "I never liked your mother."

    9. You had a great time at a party, had fun with all the heart and flirted with might and main( without going beyond decency).The next day your satellite:

    a) admires your unprecedented popularity;

    b) tenderly says how lucky he is because he took you home;

    c) is angry and makes you remark about the drunk the day before.

    10. When you spend a weekend together, you:

    a) feel lonely: he almost always sits in front of the TV or lying under the car;

    b) stay at the top of bliss: you walk a lot, laugh, enjoy love;

    c) sometimes you miss: in bed, he has no equal, but everything that does not concern her, you must think up yourself.

    11. How do your friends describe the person you are meeting? AD) the trophy of the year;

    b) nice young man who seems to adore you;

    c) a good guy, you can have fun with him, but - nothing serious.

    12. Mark all the statements that are fair to him:

    a) he does not show off his erudition and does not look down on you if you do not know something;

    b) he is ready to drink tablets from allergies, if it is caused by your favorite cat - just to live with you;C) he tries to enthrall you with the sport he is engaged in;

    d) his friends insist that he is proud of you;E) he does not really notice when you gain weight;

    f) he often surprises you - brings a cassette with the movie you wanted to see, your favorite cookie. ..;G) he is not angry when you cry, and does not get angry when you have PMS;H) he often holds your hand or hugs - and you feel in good hands;

    i) if he finds a purse full of bills, he will try to find the owner and return it;

    k) you think that he drinks, without going beyond the reasonable.

    Add three points for each marked statement.
















































    44 points or more. Our congratulations!

    Your elect is really worth a man. You are well and calm when he is near. You have common goals and interests, at any time you can rely on each other, with him you feel more confident. In addition, he is kind, noble, attentive. .. And not only with you! He is courteous and with your mother, and with neighbors, and with colleagues. True, there is still a need for conflict. But even after the most bitter quarrel you feel that you have even better recognized it, and it has become even closer to you. Consider that you are very lucky. Because those who accept each other with all the shortcomings, you can really call a happy couple. When two are not afraid of disagreements - everything is fine!

    26-43 points. There is something to work on.

    Of course, everyone has their pros and cons. The question is, can you put up with his shortcomings. Or you hope that eventually you will be able to re-educate him. Probably, you have often asked yourself whether there are qualities in your chosen one that you consider to be the most important in a man. .. To see a clear picture, write ten distinctive signs that are mandatory for the ideal, in your opinion, men( mind, kindness, sense of humoretc.).And if in your companion you find at least half of the indicators from this list, consider that it is not hopeless. Yes, you can try to change something in it, but you need to do it very delicately and with love! Do not forget that you can only hope for the best in one case - if he wants to change himself.

    26 points or less. Get your feet!