  • Weigel

    Family of honeysuckle.

    Homeland - East Asia. Deciduous shrubs up to 2.5 m high;leaves opposite, up to 10 cm long, oblong-ovate or elliptical, serrate along the edge;flowers in semi-zodiacal or little-flowered inflorescences, large( up to 5 cm in diameter), tubular-bell-chased or funnel-shaped, the color varies during different periods of flowering( usually lightens from the moment of blossoming to fading), one and the same bush can be observedat the same time many different shades;blooms in May. Weigel hybrid ♦ Has many varieties and shapes, differing in height, color and other features. The most common varieties: "Gustav Male" - height up to 2.5 m, carmine-pink flowers with a white border;"Debusi" - height up to 3 m, flowers crimson-red;"Eva Ratke" - height up to 1 m, flowers karmishshu-red;"Candida" - height up to 2 m, flowers white;"Pierre du Chartreur" - height up to one and a half meters, flowers are dark brown with a purple edge;and others. Veigel Middendorf ♦ Height up to 1.5 m;leaves oblong-ovoid;flowers are pale yellow. Especially hygrophilous appearance. Veigela obolnotsvetuschaya * Height up to 3 m, the branches are beautifully curved;leaves oblong-obovate;flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, vary from dark carmine to light pink.

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    Veigela blossoming * Height up to 3 m;leaves are elliptical or oblong-ovoid;flowers on short lateral shoots, up to 3.5 cm in diameter, white or pale pink in the throat, dark pink at the edges. Requirements for moisture: moisture-loving plant, when drought requires irrigation.

    Requirements for heat and light: a warm and sun-loving, but winter-hardy plant.

    Soil requirements: prefers fertile or strongly fertilized soils. When fertilizing better blooms.

    Propagation: seeds, cuttings( green and lignified), bush division, layers.

    Special notes: The location must be protected from wind. Frozen winter shoots are able to recover during the year and bloom. For the formation of the crown, pruning is necessary, it is carried out in the autumn.

    Usage: single plantings, hedges.