  • Care of flower gardens

    Any kind of floral design greatly benefits if timely remove weeds, dry leaves and stems, produce watering and loosening, the paths are sprinkled with sand.

    The perennials grow in the early spring., Leaves of tulips and daffodils sometimes appear directly from under the snow. Somewhat later, other flowers begin to turn green. At this time, in order to ensure an abundant and long flowering, add fertilizing, after cleaning from the dry leaves of last year, stems and loosening the soil.

    As fertilizer used organic and mineral fertilizers. Mullein take at the rate of one part for ten parts of water;mineral fertilizers - 40 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of ammonium nitrate and potassium salt per bucket of water. Feed one of these solutions. If the soil is dry, it is sprinkled with clean water prior to top dressing, and after fertilizing loosen or mulch.

    Timely transplantation and division of perennials are mandatory measures of care and play the role of plant rejuvenation. Most perennials require transplantation in four to five years. These include phloxes, irises, delphiniums, perennial asters, etc. The division can be made in the spring, as soon as the growth begins. Peonies grow well without transplantation for 10-12 years. To divide and transplant them better in August-September, it is permissible - in the early spring, before the shoots grow.

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    Bulbs of tulips and daffodils are planted in the soil in September. Spring transplants, as a rule, are unsuccessful. Sometimes it is possible to preserve plants and receive flowers only if they transfer bulbs with a large clod of earth and carefully care for transplanted plants.

    Perennials with a stem root( poppy, lupine, gypsophila) do not tolerate transplantation, they should be resumed by sowing seeds.

    In the Central Black Earth zone in conditions of unstable hydration, flower plantings require regular watering( only in this case the flowering is abundant and prolonged) and obligatory loosening.| |

    Continuous flowering is also facilitated by the regular removal of faded inflorescences or individual flowers. Leaving fruit with seeds before ripening, as a rule, stops flowering, therefore, for the purposes of seed production it is necessary to have special plots that are not related to flower-decorative design.

    For the maintenance of flower plantations in a healthy state, measures of protection against diseases and pests are applied. Different types of spotting, especially on perennials, give the plantations a sloppy appearance, and sometimes lead to complete death of plants. To protect against various types of fungal diseases, good results are obtained by spraying with a Bordeaux liquid.

    In those cases when spring flowers are not planted on flowerbeds intended for planting annual seedlings, they are carefully planned and processed anyway.

    In the system of measures for the care of flower beds, provision should be made for supports for tall, unstable and climbing plants, such as long-term delphinium, gladioli, lilies, dahlias, sweet peas, calisthea, morning glory, etc. Supports should be set so that theydid not spoil the flower design, were invisible to the eye.

    For dahlias, wooden stakes, peeled and covered with green paint, are used more often, about 2 centimeters thick and 1 meter high. Stakes are installed at the same time as planting. The ends of the stakes going to the ground, you must lightly sing on the fire to protect from decay. The same stakes, but somewhat higher, are used for garters of delphiniums.

    For smaller perennials( lilies, gladioluses), you can use painted metal tubes or iron bars. Bamboo sticks are good for this purpose.

    Large, abundantly flowering pion bushes well support round or four-pentagonal skeletons of metal pipes, rods, wooden rails, painted in green.

    For climbing plants, set up trellises, screens, pyramids, using twine, wire, thin metal tubes and other reinforcing material.

    To small, but unstable plants, it is sufficient to put small supports at the base of the bushes out of branching of tree branches. The height of the supports in such cases should not exceed half the height of the stems, so that they are hidden by the plants.