  • Forms of flower decoration

    Recently, with the arrangement of parks, squares, and the planting of private plots, there is widespread use of a free landscape layout, that is, the placement of plants close to the natural one that occurs in nature. This applies to flowers. The best basic background is a green lawn made from perennial grasses. In an open area with a lawn, group planting of perennials, and sometimes solitary plants, is effective.

    Group planting of perennials can be from one species and variety, different varieties of the same species or different species that ensure continuity of flowering during the season. An example of such a combination can serve as tulips, irises and phloxes. The first bloom in May-June, the second in June-July and the phloxes - from July to autumn. To early flowering perennials can be planted annuals, giving flowers in the second half of summer.

    Groups of perennials combine well with decorative bushes, trees that serve as a vertical background. Groups of perennials are often given an undefined form, but it can be geometrically correct, especially in combination with decorative granite or other stone tiles.

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    Perennials look better on the lawn, if they are removed from the path by 10-15 meters. Groups of stunted plants, especially with a dark color of flowers, are placed closer to the paths - they form spots on the lawn.

    In front of small bushes, groups of tulips, daffodils, irises, phlox, chamomile, geranium, turkey carnation are planted. Against the backdrop of tall trees, higher perennials are planted - rudbeckiy, delphinium, mallow, canes, dahlias, solidago, etc.

    Arrays. In open areas of parks, squares, lawns perennials are often planted in the form of arrays of hundreds or thousands of plants. Arrays, as well as groups, can be homogeneous or consist of different species and varieties selected with regard to color, plant height, flowering time.

    Tapeworms - perennials with a beautiful structure of the bush, leaves, inflorescences, planted on the lawn by separate bushes. As solitaires plant peonies, delphiniums, rudbeckiyu, lupins, diklitru, funkiyu and some other plants.

    Mixboarder( mixed border) - a spectacular and original kind of floral design from perennials. It is a wide( 1.5-3 m) strip of different types of perennials, placed by arbitrary groups, taking into account all the qualities of plants. The variety of species and varieties creates continuity of flowering. Some perennials are also planted for perennials.

    Rabatka - a narrow long strip, 1-1.5 meters wide with a solid or ordinary planting of floral plants from perennials and annuals( peonies and lion's owl, irises and asters, etc.).Well-looking shoots from one species of a long-flowering plant with a low border edging look good. For example - in the center of salvia, border - cineraria maritime or lobelia. Rabbits can have a pattern, and then they are called complex. The simpler the pattern, the better it is perceived, and the fewer kinds of flowers, the better the cuttings are.

    The flower beds have, as a rule, a geometrically regular shape( round, oval, square, rectangular, triangular) and small size. The best impression is produced by flowerbeds, consisting, as well as rabatki, of one or two plant species, mostly annuals. For example, as the main culture, the petunia is planted red, and along the edge in the form of a curb - alissum or lobelia. Completeness gives the flower bed a fringing of turf, ceramic tile, side stone.

    Annuals are often planted with seedlings. The landing starts from the center in staggered order. It is also possible to sow seeds directly into the soil of the flowerbed.

    Some plants are afraid of frost, so they need to be planted later - it is salvia, dahlias, perennial, fragrant tobacco, verbena, nasturtium, and kosmeja. Light frosts carry asters, lemon, calendula, cloves - they can be planted earlier.

    A flower bed can have a certain pattern of a symmetrical or asymmetrical outline. However, do not complicate the picture, overload it with details and a variety of plants. The simpler, laconic the picture, the better it is perceived. It is very important to make a proper breakdown of the flowerbed and gently trim it.

    It is better to break up flower beds and flower beds in small flower gardens with a cord and small center stakes. Thus, a circular bed is broken with a cord and two stakes, one of which is placed in the center, and the second is drawn as a compass by a circle. In this case, the cord should be connected to the central peg with a free loop. To break up the oval flowerbed use a cord and three cola, two of which are driven in the middle line at an equal distance from the edges, and the third pull the cord and draw first one half of the oval, then the second.

    If you need to repulse straight angles( for example, when you break down rectangular flower beds), then do;this is with the help of serifs( see Fig.), restoring a perpendicular to a straight line. You can also use for this purpose a right-angled triangle, the simplest ecker. Large areas of the flower garden are broken with the help of goniometric tools and measuring tape.

    When dividing complex flower gardens, use a mesh or patterns. To indicate the lines on the flowerbed, use light sand or chalk powder, a pointed peg or sharp hoe.

    If the soil at the site of the flowerbed is fertile, it is deeply digged, fertilized, carefully leveled and planted flowers. If the main soil is unsuitable for plants, then the land mixture is imported, but in such quantity that there is not a strong rise of the flower bed above the surface. The edges of the flower bed above the surface should be raised by 5-7 centimeters. The center is sometimes a little higher.

    Flowerbeds, flowerpots and groups of flowers look better against the background of the lawn. Lawn can serve not only as a background, but also as an independent design element. Expensive flowering flower beds can be replaced without damage by a lawn with a small amount of flowers planted on the edge and in the center.

    In addition to annuals, two-year-olds and perennials can be used to decorate flowerbeds, mostly short stems: viola, forget-me-nots, daisies, tulips, daffodils, floccus dwarf and paniculate( low-growth varieties).

    Parterre is one of the largest in the form of flower design, an even, more often rectangular flower bed of considerable size. Parterre, as a rule, is placed in front of large buildings. They serve as if the front carpet, stretched in front of the entrance. A significant part of the stalls is a lawn and mostly low flowers, sometimes carpeted. A high decorative effect is created on the stalls of roses, especially stems.

    Portable boxes and vases - are widely used in the city, where it is not always possible to find a place for the arrangement of flower beds and planting flowers. Boxes and vases can be rectangular, square and hexagonal, vases also of various shapes, plastic or concrete.

    Small pendant boxes can be decorated with handrails of stairs and balconies, parapets of bridges, embankments. Assortment of colors For such design is extremely wide. First of all, these are pelargoniums - zonal and ivy, petunia, nasturtium, lobelia, viola and daisies, salvia, etc.

    Stony slides and snowmobiles have recently been widely used in floral decoration. The necessary element here is a stone. Neutral gray color and a variety of forms of a stone are well combined with a number of floral plants, mainly undersized ones. A rocky hill can be given a variety of shapes and heights, depending on the general nature of the flower garden. But the form should not be geometrically correct. The more it approaches the natural, the better it looks. Stony spawns can be straight or winding.

    For the construction of stony flower gardens, first make a mound of earth, first digging a site. To heavy clay soil add sand, humus. Stones of different sizes and shapes are laid out so that between them there are areas of land for planting. Plant plants with different periods of flowering.

    From wild-growing species widely on stony flower beds use carnations, bells, tulips, clarifiers and sedums, various kinds of primulas. Very fine here are small bulbous plants - muscari, sparse, crocuses, gallanthus.

    Of annuals, they planted portolac, aliceum, carnation Chinese, from perennials - aquilegia, bells, arabes. Practically, a set of such plants is not limited. Depending on the availability of material and imagination, you can create the most bizarre and simplest, small and large, low and high stony flower beds.