  • Spring flowers

    After a long winter , the spring flowers of are especially pleasant and beautiful. The first flowers bloom in our conditions in mid-April. These are crocuses, sparrows, some varieties of tulips. In May, the number of flowers increases significantly: all varieties of daffodils and tulips, primrose primroses, hyacinths, violas( pansies), forget-me-not flowers, flox-grassy and some other perennial wintering plants blossom. At the end of spring peonies blossom, oriental poppy.

    There is a great variety of spring flowers, but the first place among them is by right the tulip, whose bright flowers are unmatched among the messengers of spring.

    In the world assortment, there are over ten thousand varieties of tulips, differing in color, flowering, height and other characteristics. Especially beautiful are the varieties with bright red very large flowers, derived in Holland: Bolshoi Theater, London, Parade. Beautiful varieties of domestic selection: Pomegranate bracelet, Violet glass, Effect, Crimson ringing.(For the technique of planting and caring for tulips and daffodils, see the section "Cut flowers".)

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    The difference in the flowering time of the varieties of tulips and daffodils is significant. The first in April among the tulips blossom varieties of the Tashkent Botanical Garden - Love Shevtsova, March 8, Sunrise. The latest varieties - Dillenburg, Unms, Alaska - bloom in late May. Each variety blooms 10-15 days.

    Thus, when selecting varieties of early and late, you can have blooming tulips for a month and a half.

    The greatest decorative effect is achieved when planting tulips in single-group groups of different sizes depending on the area of ​​the flower garden. The best flowering tulips look against the background of the lawn. Beautiful tulips in combination with blooming forget-me-nots, viola. So that after the flowering of the tulips there are no spots in the flower garden, seedlings of annuals are planted in their place - salvia, petunias, asters and other plants blooming in the summer.

    Almost simultaneously with tulips, daffodils bloom, beautiful, mostly white flowers that attract attention with their grace. Some varieties of daffodils have a delicate pleasant aroma. Of the numerous groups of varieties of narcissus, in our conditions, the most stable are the poetic ones.

    The group of bulbous early spring plants includes crocus, or saffron. It blooms a little before daffodils and tulips, but not for long - eight to ten days. Propagates by bulbs. Planting and caring for him are similar to tulips. Unlike the last crocus bulbs, they plant a little thicker and to a smaller depth in accordance with their size.

    Perennial winter-hardy plants - Primrose primroses bloom in May with flowers of the most diverse color. The most common species are crenellated, high and avicula primulas. Propagation of primulas by seeds and division of bushes. Seed sowing is early spring. The division of bushes into parts is better to produce in August - September. Primrose can not tolerate strong sunlight - these are semi-shade plants. Therefore, they are planted near shrubs or trees.

    One of the most common colors in the spring colors is the viola, or pansies. This biennial, the maximum flowering which takes place in the second year of life. Seed sowing is carried out in the first half of July. By the fall, seedlings are ready, which can be planted in a permanent place in late September or early spring. Blossoms blossom from early spring to mid-summer. In the early spring sowing the viola blossoms at the end of summer, but in this case the bloom is weakened.

    Best varieties of viola: Himmelkenig( blue), Abendglut( dark red), North Pole( white), Helios( yellow), Mars( dark blue), etc.

    The landing of the viola is most often used in the form of continuous flower beds and buntings,as well as spots on the lawn.

    Spring flower beds can also decorate such biennials as an Alpine forget-me-not. It blooms from May to mid-June very abundantly. The bright blue color of its flowers is rare, almost unique in other kinds of flowers. It goes well with pink, red and yellow flowers. Therefore, next to forget-me-nots, pink and red tulips, yellow violas, yellow-white daffodils will look good. Forget-me-nots are planted in the form of curbs, spots on the lawn, flowerbeds and rabatkah.

    Beautiful mixed plantings of forget-me-nots with tulips and daffodils. For this purpose, in the early spring, as soon as bulbous shoots appear, carefully prepared seedlings of forget-me-nots are carefully planted between them. During flowering, a colorful, very colorful carpet is formed.

    Propagate the forget-me-nots with seeds that sow in late June - early July. By the autumn bushes are formed, well hibernating in our conditions. Landing in a permanent place can be made in early autumn or early spring. Forget-me-not give good self-sowing, so in the backyard every year without much trouble you can have blooming forget-me-nots. Both viola and forget-me-not give perfect material for small table bouquets.

    An original star-shaped look gives the lawns a splash of daisies on them. For this purpose seeds of daisies are sown simultaneously with sowing of lawn grasses or later - on a grass stand. They bloom during May-June and are a good material for planting along the tracks, in the form of curbs. As a result, self-seeding daisies are renewed and bloom annually. Seeds of daisies are sown in July on the ridges, then dive, and in September( or early spring) are planted on a permanent place.

    Among the flowers of spring still occupy a small place, but such plants as flax sod, badan, or bergenia, Arabian alpine, Siberian Brunner deserve increased reproduction. These plants are distinguished by their exceptional winter hardiness and early flowering.

    Phlox turf is a perennial herbaceous plant with hard, subulate-shaped leaves, densely covering the steep stems, which causes a dense carpet 10-12 centimeters high when grown. In May, the carpet is covered with numerous stellate flowers of pink, blue or white color. Flowering lasts 30-40 days, sometimes somewhat more. After flowering, the decorativeness preserves the carpet of dark green leaves.

    Advantages of this plant are winter hardiness, drought resistance, unpretentiousness, ability to tolerate bright sun and partial shade, rapid growth and ease of reproduction. It reproduces mainly by early summer cuttings of stems into semi-shadowed ridges of open ground, less often - by dividing bushes.

    It is used to create perennial carpets, borders, patches on the lawn, in stony flower gardens.

    Badan, or bergenia, is perennial, the birthplace of which is Altai, which determines its high winter hardiness. The leaves are large, roundish, fleshy, shiny, decorative even without flowers. Flowers are purple-pink, collected in panicles, towering over the leaves for 20-30 centimeters. Flowering begins in the first half of May and lasts two to three weeks. At this time, there are still very few colors, and bahdan seems to fill the "window".Propagated by seeds and the division of bushes. Seeding of seeds is possible both in autumn and in spring. Division of bushes is better to make in the early autumn.

    It is used for planting on the rabbits, mixborders, along the tracks, in groups, in the form of a curb, on rocky slides.

    Arabian alpine, or rezuha, is a long-term low-growing plant from the family of crucifers with white simple or double flowers collected in a brush. Stems are recumbent with ash-gray leaves forming a silver carpet. During flowering it is covered with abundant white inflorescences, almost entirely covering the leaves. Blossoms for two to three weeks. Extremely winter hardy and unpretentious plant, suitable for planting on rocky slides, mikobordera, rabatkah, along the tracks.

    Propagates by dividing bushes( in autumn or spring), early-growing cuttings and seeds. Cuttings Very well rooted after flowering.

    Brunner Siberian - a long-term winter-hardy plant, originating from the Altai Territory, the leaves are large heart-shaped. The flowers are bright blue, reminiscent of forget-me-nots, collected in fairly high brushes. Bloomery blossoms begin in early May, somewhat earlier than Alpine forget-me-nots. It multiplies easily by dividing bushes that grow very fast and require obligatory periodic division every two to three years. Division of bushes is possible both in autumn and in spring, better - in early autumn, then in spring flowering is more full.

    Used in workbenches, in mixborders, groups.

    The list of spring flowers can be replenished with such, mainly as long as amateur plants, like Hionodox, Scylla, Frittillaria, Galanthus, White-flowered, Hyacinths. Particular attention is drawn to hyacinths, unfortunately, are not resistant to our conditions, requiring shelter for the winter.