  • Polyanthus roses, hybrid-polyanthus, floribunda

    These groups of varieties of roses combine a common origin and similar properties.

    Polyanthrozes - obtained from crossing tea-hybrid varieties with wild Far Eastern multicolor rose. They inherited from their parents the ability to form large inflorescences and bloom continuously until late autumn. The grades of this group are excellent curbstones. The bushes are not very large, compact, strongly branched. They are more winter-hardy than tea-hybrid roses, and are resistant to dampness.

    Group of hybrid-polyanthus roses was formed as a result of repeated crosses of polyanthus roses with tea-hybrid. Characterized by a larger size of bushes and larger flowers, which are also collected in the inflorescence, formed on the bushes throughout the summer. Even more resistant than tea-hybrid and polyanthus roses. Widely used for groups, borders, cottages.

    The group of floribund roses - is obtained from hybrid hybrid-polyanthus varieties again with tea-hybrid ones. Its properties are intermediate. From hybrid-polyanthus roses inherited multiflorous inflorescences, from tea-hybrids - mahrovost and good addition of flowers. . High winter hardiness and almost continuous flowering, a wide variety of colors make this group uninspired for gardening, replacing varieties of polyanthus and hybrid-polyanthus roses.

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    The best grades of these groups of roses:

    Iceberg - bushes vigorous, dense, slightly;sprawling. Flowers are pure white, broad-leaved, with a high center, large, terry, fragrant, collected in small inflorescences.

    Alen - bushes highly branched, bloom very, abundant until late autumn, resistant to disease and winter hardiness. The flowers are alo-red, medium, cup-shaped, in large inflorescences.

    Georg Elger - bushes are medium, strongly branched, stable, blooming abundantly. Flowers are medium, terry, well-shaped, yellow, in large inflorescences.

    Sondermeldung - bushes highly branched, spreading, blooming abundantly, winter hardy. The flowers are large, full, well shaped, bright orange-red, three to seven in the inflorescence.

    Zorin - bushes vigorous, compact, bloom very abundantly. Buds are long, slowly blossom into large light-salmon-orange flowers, small inflorescences. Suitable for landscaping and cutting,

    Yvonne Rabie - bushes are not very big, they bloom abundantly. Flowers are white, fragrant, small, terry, in large inflorescences.

    Kete Duvigno - bushes vigorous, 80 centimeters high, compact, winter-hardy, blooming abundantly. Flowers are dark red, medium, in small inflorescences.

    Concert - bushes are medium, 50-60 centimeters high, highly branched, blooming abundantly and continuously. Flowers are small, bright, orange-red, semi-double, form large inflorescences.

    Crown - bushes strong, 70 centimeters high, branched, very winter hardy, bloom abundantly and long. Flowers are sharlough-red, non-burning, full, well-shaped, resistant to cutting.

    Quine Elizabeth - bushes strong, erect, blooming abundantly. The leaves are large, leathery, shiny. Flowers of pure silvery pink color, wide-lobed, large, beautiful in shape, very fragrant, stable, one to three on strong peduncles. Recommended for landscaping and cutting.

    Lily Marley - bushes branched, resistant to diseases, bloom very abundantly. Flowers large, full, beautiful form, in large inflorescences, fiery red, very spectacular.

    Masquerade - bushes vigorous, 70 centimeters high, strong shoots, leaves dark green, shiny, resistant to diseases. Flowers as they blossom change color from yellow to pink and red, large, semi-double, fragrant.

    Orange Triumph - bushes are loose, slightly spreading, up to 50 centimeters high, blooming abundantly, resistant to fungus diseases, winter hardiness. Flowers bright, orange-red, do not fade, small, double, in large inflorescences.

    The flame of the East is a domestic selection of VN Klimenko( Nikitsky Botanical Garden) with cinnabar-red, medium-sized terry and fragrant flowers, solitary or in inflorescences. The bushes are medium, blooming abundantly.

    Pink Paulsen - bushes vigorous, 60 centimeters high, upright, blooming abundantly, winter hardy. Flowers are medium, terry, open, salmon-pink, with yellowness in the center.

    Spartan - bushes are medium, stable. Flowers are very large, full, elegant, stable.in any weather, fragrant, orange-red. Recommended for design and cut.

    Elsa Paulsen - bushes vigorous, blooming abundantly, very hardy. Flowers are medium, semi-double, pure-pink, persistent, in large inflorescences.