  • Eremurus( shirash)

    Family lily.

    Grassy perennials with tuberous roots;leaves in the radical rosettes, semistate;inflorescences on tall peduncles, multiflorous, flowers of funnel-shaped or close to it form. Eremurus Himalayan * Flower stems up to 165 cm

    in height;rosette leaves large, leaves linear, keeled;inflorescence dense, cylindrical, white flowers, in the south blooms in April. Erezurus isabellum ♦ Flower stems up to 150 cm high;rosette leaves erect, pear-shaped, leaves linear, keeled, almost trihedral, slightly intertwined along the axis, greyish-green;inflorescence elongated, cylindrical, very dense, flowers small( up to 1 cm in diameter), yellowish-pinkish with long yellow-orange anthers, blossoms in June -July. Eremurus powerful ♦ Up to 2.5 m high;rosette semi-standing, leaves large, up to 60 cm long and 7 cm wide;inflorescence dense, cylindrical, up to 1 m in length, flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter, in bud pink, opened - lighter, fragrant;blooms in June-July, in the south - from May. Olga's Eremurus * Up to 1.5 m tall and taller;leaves narrow-linear, gray;inflorescence - a cone-shaped brush, flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, pale pink or white;blooms in June -July. Eremurus narrow-leaved * Up to 1.5 m tall and taller;Leaves narrowly linear, up to 1 cm wide;inflorescence - a cylindrical brush, flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, yellow. It reproduces well. Echmisu's Eremurus "Up to 175 cm tall;inflorescence ~ cone-cylindrical brush, pink flowers;flowers in May( south).

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    Well adapted to the conditions of the south, they can be considered unpretentious. In the middle belt, culture is difficult.

    Humidity requirements: drought-resistant, does not tolerate waterlogging.

    Requirements for heat and light: not sufficiently cold-resistant, in the temperate zone it needs shelter for the winter, warm and light-loving.

    Requirements for soil: prefers well-drained soils, can grow on poor rocky gravelly ground.

    Propagation: by seed in a seedling method, by dividing the bush.

    Features: transplants can be rare - after 8 years.

    Use: mixborders, stony gardens;Cutting for fresh and dry bouquets.