  • Flowers in the gardening

    Flowers create a colorful addition to the green along the streets, parks, squares.

    The requirements for flowers in gardening are slightly different than for cut flowers, although decorative is the first place here. The main role is played not by a single flower or inflorescence, but by the ability to create a decorative effect in combination with joint mass plantings. Very rarely decorative is achieved by individual plants, so-called tapeworms.

    The greatest application in gardening is found in undersized flowers that can create carpets on flowerbeds, workbenches, stalls, and rarely tall ones. Great value in gardening has the duration of flowering of each species. One of the basic conditions for the arrangement of the flower garden is the continuity of the flowering of plants planted in it. This is achieved by selecting certain species and varieties that ensure the colorfulness of the flower garden throughout the season - from spring to late autumn.

    Due to the fact that each species and variety of ornamental plants has a certain period of flowering, distinguish the flowers of spring, early, late and annual flowering.

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    In spring and in the first half of summer, mainly perennials and biennials bloom. Flowering of annuals, as a rule, begins with the middle of summer.

    Annuals are planted annually by seedlings grown in greenhouses, or seed is planted directly into the soil. This is a fairly expensive group of flowers. Therefore, one should not get carried away by a large number of annuals. However, they can not be underestimated, especially when building parterre and low flower beds. Among the most common in the landscaping of the middle zone of annuals are salvia, petunia, aster, antirrinum( lion's pharynx), tagetes( marigolds), alissum, cosmeia, dahlias and some other dahlias.

    Biannuals blossom blossom in spring and in the first half of summer, unpretentious, simple in culture, easily reproduce. This viola( pansy), a Turkish carnation, an Alpine forget-me-not, a daisy, a bell( Campanula).Therefore biennials are widely used in floriculture. Sowing them, as a rule, produce on the eve of the year of flowering in spring or summer, depending on the type of plant. Wintering in the open, they blossom early next year.

    A group of perennial flowers should be predominant in the flower gardens due to the great decorativeness and less labor and time to care. As a rule, perennials are propagated by vegetative-dividing the bush, rhizomes, cuttings, tubers, bulbs, as when sowing seeds can be lost varietal qualities. Under condition of isolation, some perennials are propagated by seeds - delphinium, lupine, poppy and many others.

    An obligatory element of any kind of floral design should be a lawn, creating a background and perspective of the flower garden.