  • Phlox multiyear

    ( paniculate)

    A very popular and unpretentious plant with fragrant, varied colors of flowers, blooms throughout the second half of the summer. The best grades are: Schneepyramid, Svetlana, Feierspiegel, Bonfire, Aida,( Pink sails, Novelty, etc.

    Breeds by the division of bushes, and by stem and root cuttings. The best timing of planting and planting of bushes: in autumn - September, in spring - early MayThe distance between planting between shrubs is 30-40 centimeters. Replacement by green cuttings is best done in the second half of May or beginning of June. . Root cuttings in hotbeds, nurseries or on open ground with application of shading and frequent spraying. You have to have an annual abundant flowering of phlox, bushes periodically( once every three to four years) are divided into parts and transplanted. If you want to plant phloxes in the same place, then organic and mineral fertilizers are introduced into the soil and dig deeper.

    The decorative appearance of phlox often spoilsappearance on the leaves, especially the lower ones, of various kinds of delicacies. In this case, periodically spraying with 1% Bordeaux fluid.

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    A phloox stem nematode is a dangerous pest of phlox, the sign of infection is the thinning and twisting of the upper part of the stem and leaves, the ugliness or absence of flowers and, finally, in severe damage, drying and death of plants.

    Phloxes infected with a nematode, at the end of May, when the nematode is still in the roots and lower part of the stems, is treated with antinematode pesticides. The plants are simultaneously irrigated and sprayed above their parts, repeating this every 20 days three to four times a season.

    At the same time, the cuttings are cut. Phloxes, grown from early cuttings, are usually healthy.

    Seeds multiply phlox in the breeding of new varieties, as well as to produce a mass of cut off-off material.

    Seeds sow in the ground late in the fall( winter) or in the winter in boxes with a two-three-week freezing.

    Phloxes are used in group plantings, for creating arrays, in mini-borters and on the job, sometimes as single plants.