
How to take a loan - take a loan in a bank

  • How to take a loan - take a loan in a bank

    Over the past ten years, the number of credit institutions has increased about six times, or even more. This fact is explained by the fact that many people began to live on the principle of "here and now", and not dream of a beautiful future, putting off a penny from their wages.

    However, it is worth noting that, deciding to take a loan from a bank, a person assumes a great responsibility. After all, sooner or later the funds must be returned, otherwise the banking institution will select a part of your property and put you on a life-long black list.

    That's why, before turning to a financial company for a loan, experts recommend collecting more information about how to properly take out a loan and not become a victim of hidden commissions.

    Seven rules: how to take a loan in a bank

    Preliminary calculations of

    Rule one - preliminary calculations of .For sure, no one should be reminded that before taking a loan, you must necessarily make all the preliminary calculations, where you need to determine the specific amount that you can pay for the loan.

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    It is worth noting that, in the ideal situation, your monthly fee for a loan should not exceed 25 percent of the total profit for the whole month of .However, in some cases( in the absence of a family, a large number of children, elderly parents, debts, etc.), this figure can be increased to 40 units. Thus, if your income is 30 thousand rubles, then you can safely count on 7 500 thousand per month, and under certain circumstances and all 12 000 rubles.

    Rule two - reserve cash .If you want to issue a large loan, it is extremely important for to have available cash in stock, which you could use in case of sudden dismissal, illness, reduction of wages, etc. According to experts, this reserve should fluctuate around 4-5 monthly incomes. This is necessary in order that in the event of dismissal and in the process of finding a new job, you could, without any delays and fines, pay off existing debts.

    The choice of a credit institution

    The third rule is the choice of a suitable financial company .In order to understand how to properly take out a loan, first of all it is necessary to determine the choice of a suitable bank. To do this, you can resort to asking your friends and acquaintances, who often take loans from certain institutions, and collect information on the Internet.

    It is worth noting that the World Wide Web sometimes helps a lot when choosing the ideal bank with favorable terms. After all, many clients of financial institutions leave their feedback about companies where they had the honor to purchase a loan. Of course, most people leave only negative comments that concern only their private and unique case. However, they can also be used to determine what problems you may encounter when working with a particular company.

    The fourth rule is the choice of the ideal loan program .Very often, there are situations when the person who first applied for a loan goes to all the conditions of the first credit program that has come across. Such cases are fraught with the fact that in the end you overpay a financial institution not put 12 percent, and all 25 or even more. That is why, before contacting a banking institution, is recommended to familiarize yourself with the maximum number of loan programs and choose the most suitable conditions for yourself. Thus, you can avoid a large interest rate, hidden commissions and other nuances that are often hidden behind the small font of the contract.

    The fifth rule is the selection of the optimal loan term .Surely everyone knows that for a "long" loan, you have to overpay a large amount of money. In connection with this fact, many experts recommend choosing an average term, from the calculation of monthly payments of 25-40 percent of salary.

    Selecting the loan amount

    Rule six - choosing the optimal loan amount .Do not take too much money, if you are not sure that you will be able to pay them without any delay. It is also worth noting that with a significant loan, monthly payments and overpayments also increase significantly. Thus, it is recommended to take exactly the amount of money that is necessary to fulfill your goals.

    Rule Seven - use of insurance programs .Even if you have chosen the ideal financial company, have picked up a lucrative loan program, calculated all your expenses for payment on debt, left a decent amount of money in the reserve, this can not give you absolute certainty that you can easily repay the loan taken. After all, in life there are different situations that can catch you at the most inopportune moment. That's why you should always use insurance programs.