
How to adapt in a new team - the features of adaptation at work

  • How to adapt in a new team - the features of adaptation at work

    Becoming financially independent means, more often than not, finding a job. But this is only half the battle on the way to gain a foothold in your workplace and start climbing the career ladder. It will take a probationary period, a period of adaptation in the new conditions.

    Arrival or transition to a new job - the process is always stressful, complex. This applies especially to the first working day. In other words, "as you harness, so will you."Most mid-level managers engaged in recruitment in companies believe that the main factor in the successful adaptation of a new employee in the team is the level of availability of the "beginner" to information related to work in a particular workplace. For this purpose even special programs are created that will help the new person to protect themselves from stressful situations and fully demonstrate their efficiency.

    First day of work

    Helping a newcomer

    On the first day of work, a new person really needs support from a human resources department employee or, as we are called today, HR department. A new colleague is paid attention to create a positive attitude in his mind for further work, to minimize his psycho-emotional burden as much as possible. After all, the goal of the HR department is to preserve the cadres.

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    On the other hand, without the efforts of a beginner in the same direction, the HR employee is unlikely to achieve this.

    Please note! "Beginner" simply must not only show interest, activity( willingly get acquainted with colleagues, with generally accepted rules of this team, with the nature and scope of their work), but also self-adjust themselves morally to a positive result.

    We need concentration of our forces due to the fact that the first working day is full of events and a lot of information, the need to understand the structure of the company, in the features of the business process, in the style of the work of the immediate supervisor.

    General case of

    The result of such two-sided work largely depends on the scale of the organization, the volume and complexity of the tasks that face it. In a small business company to familiarize the new colleague with the rules is able to any nearest employee. A large organization will certainly need the help of a broader specialist to ensure that the new employee is not limited to only his duties, could clarify for himself the main goal that the corporation sets for itself. This will help him to assess the role of his work, his duties in the common cause. Not to mention the fact that a newcomer needs to be shown and told where everything lies, how to find the right departments, who to contact on one or another question. In turn, the colleagues of the department supplement the details with general information.

    For the period of adaptation to the beginner, it is useful to attach a personal mentor, to which you can, if necessary, ask for useful advice, which at any time will answer any question. After all, questions begin to arise only in the process of work. First time a beginner can often be embarrassed before the leadership or are afraid to distract colleagues from work. But a wrong decision or an incorrect act of ignorance can do much more harm not only to the beginner, but also to the common cause.

    Tactics of behavior

    Adaptation in the new team

    In the familiar environment for us, we know what to do to solve the problems that we face. In a new team in order to feel like a fish in the water, it is important to know how to behave yourself, so that the adaptation is successful, to know what is more important - maintaining your own style of work, your own rules and habits, or applying the generally accepted style of work in thisteam.

    Please note! HR specialists believe that it is very important to adhere to the "golden" middle, which implies the appearance of individuality.

    It can be very useful for improving the style of the team and the company as a whole. This fact can from the very beginning significantly "work" in favor of the beginner, raise his rating, if, of course, in the team there is a healthy psychological atmosphere. This will facilitate contact with colleagues, superiors. You can not ignore their proposals to participate in a joint dinner or a conversation on abstract topics, for example, in a smoking room. Overcoming stiffness in the process of such contacts contributes to an early adaptation to the new environment.

    Secrets of successful adaptation of

    Responsible performance of duties

    Secrets of successful adaptation are to, without showing special zeal, to perform their duties diligently, responsibly. The desire to immediately, from the first days strongly like it will hurt rather than bring you closer to success in the team. It has long been known that not a single collective accepts "upstarts" who "stick out with their own opinions".It is useful to wait until colleagues expressing experience, and then( preferably at their request) join in the discussion.

    And what should not be done at all is to delve into the process of gossip and, moreover, take someone's side in the squabbling on the topics that arose on the basis of events occurring before the arrival of a newcomer in this team.

    Gossip in the team

    Only desire to learn, the ability to painlessly accept criticism, patience, friendly attitude to all without exception, a moderate sense of humor will help very quickly to become a new collective in your person.

    It's no secret that the emergence of a new colleague is of particular interest to him the whole team, which consists of very different people, including very snooty. They will definitely try to test you "for strength", exacerbating the discomfort that you are experiencing. For old-timers, a newcomer to the team is a fresh opportunity to add adrenaline, the opportunity to stand out, increasing your self-esteem, feel like an experienced mentor.

    The interest of the team to the newcomer

    This is especially true for large, already conservative companies with a well-established line-up of colleagues who managed to overcome many professional barriers that have managed to get used to each other, and perhaps, get tired of each other.

    Please note! In such circumstances, it is important not only to perform its duties qualitatively, but also to acquire a "strong back", to find like-minded people and with their help to create a solid professional ground.


    Mobbing by

    employees The rejection of the new employee has acquired the modern name - mobbing. This phenomenon can be assessed as office hazing, harassment or persecution of an unsettled person. And this phenomenon can be observed not only by ordinary employees, but also by managers. The manifestation of such an unhealthy atmosphere in the team forced, for example, Sweden to develop a special anti-mobbing law.

    Mobbing by the head of the

    The stress of mobbing caused by fear and internal tension in the team, according to the research of European specialists of HR departments, can be stress conditions, headaches, insomnia, nightmares, detachment, doubts, guilt, shame and even paranoia andsuicide( in 10% of cases).What is the solution?

    First of all,

    • should analyze its behavior;
    • to improve their professionalism;
    • to watch what is happening in the team.
    Late work for

    Studies have determined the severity of some habits, which are useful to know: an empty conversation with colleagues and a tendency to gossip;frequent smoking;obtrusive, tactless and irresponsible behavior;delay;loud speech, especially by phone on a personal subject;meal during working hours;laziness;Inaccuracy with negligence and such vices as arrogance, lies, stupidity, denunciations and the manifestation of rudeness.

    Forbidden tactics of behavior in the team

    How to set up colleagues against themselves

    There is no doubt that the art of joining the team requires tension. It can always be reduced. Set up colleagues against themselves is very easy, because those wishing to apply the tactics of "who's new" are very quickly. To do this, we will reject the opposite and list the techniques that should be forbidden for the beginner.

    • Going to work, store the "equipment" in the form of a block of chewing gum, a bag of seeds, a perfume with a sharp odor, bright nail polish, which the ladies will apply without constraint and exclusively within the working time. Use this "arsenal" purely individually, not sharing with anyone.
    • Frankly demonstrate the availability of your "heaped" mobile phone with loud speakers, which are able to knock through their decibels any walls and partitions in the office. Reception and sending of calls should occur hourly and exclusively without a tactful exit from the office.
    Scandal at work
    • Adhering to the tactics "so that it does not happen", never hold back, until the scream and scandal are applied. Boldly and without delay, inform any colleague who does not like you that he does not like you.
    • Accelerated mood swings, rudeness and aggression are welcome on any more or less important issue.
    • For a change, alternate loud, harsh and bilious utterances with grumbling and whining about any occasion and at the address of everyone and everything. Under this impact, not only customers, but also bosses, colleagues and even the public transport driver, the shopkeeper, the city authorities,. .. the clouds in the sky should get under such influence.
    • Personal opinion on absolutely any issue must be expressed at the slightest opportunity, feeling confident in its exceptional right.
    • Do not hold back your desire to share the secret you trusted with at least five other colleagues, warning them that "nobody knows and should not know about this secret".
    • Show your "uncontrollable" performance by the end of the day with a delay in the office after the end of working hours. This will allow all colleagues to "realize", at last, what they are loafers.
    • For your home life always use someone else's lighters, office paper, handles-rulers-erasers. .., which you will take, leaving home.
    • Choose for yourself the most warm and comfortable workplace, not forgetting to open a window in the office often.

    Well, the other in a similar manner. .. At first glance, it would seem, in the above mentioned acts there is nothing particularly serious, the more criminal. But life, as we know, consists of small things, and dislike, as a rule, is gradually born from them. Your colleagues are not even able to formulate an answer to the question of why they so steadfastly dislike you.

    Please note! An important task is facing a new employee in a new team for him - to learn to analyze his actions and identify those that cause a negative reaction from colleagues.

    Comprehending the art of communication, it is quite realistic to acquire skills for overcoming obstacles in solving a sometimes difficult problem - how to adapt to a new team.