
How to start a business - a business for beginners

  • How to start a business - a business for beginners

    Have you decided that you are fully ripe for starting your own business? I would like to note that almost everyone has a chance to become a businessman. So, learn simple rules that answer the question of how to start your own business.


    Desire to be a businessman

    How does absolutely any business start? With a desire to open it, of course. But you just have to take into account a lot of details. In case you just dream of making your financial situation more stable, this does not mean that you need to start your own business.

    Not always your business makes a person rich. Even working for hire, in some cases, you can receive a salary that will far exceed the income from the business. So, maybe it's worth trying to reach heights in your field. You should understand that not always the presence of your own business equals an excellent financial position.

    Are ready to take risks

    Risk in business

    Have not changed your mind about opening your business? Then think about this: half, or even more, of the companies are closing already within the first year of their work. Moreover, of those that have lived this period, two-thirds are closed for the next year. It follows that a chance to survive afloat exists only in 10% of all emerging firms. Brutal statistics, is not it?

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    There is one more: before a person finds a really profitable business, he will have to try on average 6-7 times. So you must be prepared for so many defeats. Moreover, the most profitable projects are always associated with a huge risk. And the smaller it is, the less money you can earn. So, before you open your business, think about whether you are willing to take the risk.

    Education and experience

    For those who want to start their own business, it is very interesting what kind of education is necessary for this and what experience should be. What is noteworthy, businessmen with experience speak about the fact that both of them will not serve you well. Rather, even on the contrary, they will interfere.

    Life is flowing, everything is changing, people, unfortunately, do not get younger. The longer you work as an employee, the harder it will be for you to quit and start your own business. After all, this will have to change your life abruptly, and this is more difficult to solve with age.

    The same can be said about higher education. Of course, it never hurts anyone. But still, students get their knowledge for a reason. Many will say that during their studies they leave determination, initiative and freedom of love. And this is exactly the three qualities that are very necessary for a beginner entrepreneur. Especially in order to decide to take your first step.

    Just do not think that if you already have higher education and work experience in a certain position, it means that you are not capable of more than being a hired worker. This is not so. Simply, you should always take into account the moment that the older you become, the harder and harder you will decide to drastically change your life.

    With regard to knowledge and skills, which are obtained due to higher education and work, it is worth noting one thing: they are unlikely to be useful for you when you open and run your business. After all, those things that every owner of his own business should know personally, will not be able to teach you anywhere.

    Start-up capital of

    Naturally, starting capital is necessary for your business. But not always. Of course, if your goal is to open a fashionable restaurant, then you can not do without huge money. But still, maybe, you should not start with such a serious matter?

    If you go deep into the history of successful companies, you will realize that many of them started literally from kopecks. When you start the right business, soon enough, he will have to start feeding himself.

    Your task is to hold out for a while, about a quarter, on a "starvation ration."Somewhere in 3-4 months you will understand whether there is a prospect for your business and whether it is worth continuing. And can it be easier and more profitable to cover it?

    Bank loan

    Is it possible to get a loan from a bank to start a business of your own? Yes, it is quite real, but still quite difficult. Many Russian businessmen confidently state that if they were ruined today and they had to start everything from scratch, they would not even try to take loans.

    And anyway, you can start your business without money, and you can borrow money from relatives and friends. Then, after a year or two of hard work, you will have a wonderful opportunity to get any credit.

    You in fact should understand that banks are the same business and, naturally, they want to earn on issued loans. So why should they credit the company's opening when there is such a sad statistics that half of the newly formed firms are closed already during the first 12 months of their existence? You yourself understand that there is nothing to it.

    For the same reason, you can not call selling your own apartment in order to open your business, a good idea. If you have absolutely no experience of doing business, most likely, the money from the sale will be very senselessly spent.

    The new idea of ​​

    Everyone says that it's possible to become successful only by doing business that was based on an initially new idea, that is, a person came up with something that no one else had. In theory, such a thing should definitely bring the desired result. But still, many successful businessmen believe that this is one of the biggest misconceptions.

    In fact, big, really big, money brings the usual ideas, which have already been repeatedly checked by someone else. For example, the sale of furniture or supermarkets. In general, open an ordinary hairdresser or an ordinary cafe. Believe me, such a business already brings considerable sums to its owners, why not start making money for you?

    As you can see, opening your own business is not easy. But it is worth noting that everyone who succeeded in doing this, and who was able to turn his business into a more or less successful, never again return to work for hire. After all, they have already tasted real freedom, which will never be, if you remain working for another person.