
Corporate New Year 2013 - corporate for the New 2013 year

  • Corporate New Year 2013 - corporate for the New 2013 year

    New Year is not only a joyful and magical holiday, but also a way of uniting and motivating staff, developing team spirit and corporate ethics. Modern trends of the business community have long been introduced into the fashion of teambuilding - the organization of active corporate recreation, literally "team building."

    Corporate New Year 2013 will help to feel the microclimate in the team, improve the psychological compatibility of employees. At the beginning of the event, it should be said about the goals and objectives of the outgoing period, to encourage particularly distinguished employees, to award prizes and presents. During the party, you can identify the favorites - the informal leaders of the team. Financial capabilities of the company and the number of the company are two important factors determining the direction and place of the solemn event, whether it will be a trivial celebration in the office or an incendiary party with a torch show and grandiose salute.

    Prepare a sledge in the summer

    instagram viewer

    People are beginning to prepare for the meeting of the brightest and most important holiday of the New Year in advance. Some companies are thinking about the planned organization of the celebration in the summer. The same companies that have recently come to their senses about the upcoming corporation, it remains to use not the most interesting and profitable offers. Therefore, if your company has a large staff, to apply for a New Year's celebration is recommended not later than the beginning of September. In autumn, the final distribution of the schedule of employment of professional leaders and artists.

    Sometimes the management of companies unreasonably postpones the organization of the New Year's event, remembering the approaching corporation on the eve of the holiday itself. Especially it concerns firms with a large number of employees. Small organizations are always easier to hold a collective event, since there is always the possibility at the very last moment to book a table in a cafe or restaurant or celebrate a corporate in the office.

    In the latter case, it is always necessary to appoint a person in charge of organizing the celebration, who can think through everything, solve organizational issues, call the holiday agencies and if you need to take on some of the obligations.

    Corporate presents for the New Year

    By a long tradition in the New Year everyone exchanges gifts and souvenirs. This also applies to corporate events. It is not an easy task for the company's management to choose good, functional or creative presents for its team. Official gifts in the form of notebooks, ballpoint pens, souvenirs of snakes or New Year's characters are too banal and will not cause special enthusiasm for subordinates. Another thing is a well-organized New Year corporate 2013, which can invite various artists and stage stars. Such a gift will be remembered for employees for a long time and will bring your company to a fundamentally higher level of corporate traditions.

    How to start preparing a corporate?

    How to start preparing a corporate

    Preparing a New Year's corporate requires careful organization, extraordinary thinking and not a hefty fantasy. You should start with the design of the office - tinsel, decorated Christmas tree, souvenirs, sweets, tangerines and champagne under the forest beauty. But do not limit yourself to this, you need to congratulate your subordinates in an original and unusual way. New Year's banquet can start with an entertainment program, prepare a masquerade ball with carnival costumes or hold a social party in business suits and evening dresses.

    The office can be stylized as a Hollywood film studio or an old castle, to beat the Oscar ceremony with real charters and praiseworthy works besides comic figurines. To revive the female audience will help the fashion show contest with a kind of defile and the presentation of the title "Miss Office".An alternative to the office will be the organization of a corporate trip to nature with relay races, sports events, kebabs, playing snowballs, jumping over a fire and dancing around a live spruce. Unlimited imagination and festive mood will help you to come up with and implement the most daring New Year projects, so that the New Year will become an original and extraordinary event.

    Original New Year Corporate Scenarios

    Corporate Scenarios

    CASINO "Serpent the Tempter"

    Attributes of these casinos are poker tables, roulette tables and Black Jack, where employees will have an excellent opportunity to play on the money of the corporation and subsequently exchange for worthy gifts at the exchange point. In the game of cockroach runs, the croupier and the podcast players-actors will give excitement. Tasting elite cocktails, savoring expensive cigars, learning the skill of card games. Guests of the event can be subjected to a comic robbery with the use of weapons and the presence of black masks of bandits, behind which the company's executives will hide. A win-win lottery, live jazz music and card tricks.

    AVTOKVEST "Cobras throw"

    Organization of automobile races with fulfillment of tasks for the main prize of the company. Tuples can be decorated in the style of reindeer sleds and Christmas sledges. Winners are a worthy prize, for example, a 25% salary bonus throughout the year.

    "81 day around the world"

    The hall is stylized as an airplane saloon and everyone is invited on board, with a mandatory visit to Dyuti Free. All participants go on a round-the-world trip to countries where representatives of different cultures and continents are waiting for each.

    Country corporate

    Book in advance a recreation center or a camp site, and go there with the whole team to go skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling, and then warm up by the fireplace or a fire.

    "Sushi Town"

    New Year in Japanese style in festive kimono, Japanese hairstyles, geisha, tea ceremony, master classes in calligraphy, origami, ordering sushi. Show of martial artists of the East.

    Rich fantasy and great desire will help to organize a luxurious, impressive and memorable holiday - New Year 2013.