  • Juniper

    Among junipers, there are slender handsome men of a pyramidal shape of different shades - from light green to dark, almost black, color. Most often they grow in several trunks. To prevent the snow from breaking and spreading the trunks in different directions, they are tied with a strong wire, under which it is necessary to put rubber. Naturally, the harness must be made inside the crown so that it can not be seen. The same applies to the pyramidal western thuja. There are junipers growing in the form of a bush, for example, Cossack. There are stalking forms of junipers, often with a blue color of needles.

    Juniper is an absolutely wonderful plant, but it should not be brought from the forest, because junipers are listed in the Red Book. If you find a forester for their digging, the fine will have to pay very palpable. But if you find a small plant in the forest near the mother, then you must dig it out and transfer it to the site, as this you will save it from imminent death.

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    , but the fact that under a large oak tree other oak trees never grow except for very small ones? So, under the juniper, there are never grown plants, but only babies. Where do they grow up grown junipers or oaks? The fact is that for the germination and in the first years of life these young plants require a shadow, which is provided by the mother plant. But then, as young people grow up, young plants begin, like the whole green world, to need solar energy, which they obviously do not have enough under the parent's crown. The constant lack of light depresses the plant, and it dies. So, having dug the kid out from under the adult juniper, you will save him from imminent death.

    Digging should be deep, because juniper, like pine, has a root root. If it is cut off or chopped, it will not grow in depth, which means that the root system will not be powerful. Therefore, you will grow a frail plant, which is not suitable for decorating a garden. When you dig out juniper, wrap its roots in a damp rag or wrap it in moss or green grass and take it to the site.

    The landing pit should be of such depth that the roots can freely fit into it without bending. The emptiness around the roots should be filled with humus soil, but in no case should manure be introduced, since microfungi, always living on the roots of all coniferous plants, will perish, which will lead to the death of the coniferous plant itself, since the fungi protect the roots and bark of conifers, fromdiseases. In the soil, when planting, it is necessary to add sour peat, pine needles, but you can not add manganese, for the same reason as manure.

    Juniper is usually propagated not by seeds, but by cuttings. Cuttings build up the root system slowly, transplant, like adult plants, are not well tolerated, they take root in a new place hard. Therefore, do not drag them from place to place throughout the site, this is not furniture for you, which you put where it stands.

    Juniper does not like mineral fertilizing in general, however small doses of AVA fertilizer can be made( 1 tablespoon of granulated fertilizer once every 3 years around the perimeter of the crown).You can make for them coniferous needles, which always remain after removing lapnika, covering for the winter roses and other heat-loving plants. The Christmas tree before you throw it away, also shake well, and collect the fallen needles. You can occasionally pour peat around the perimeter of the crown and never bring ash. Another thing to remember is that junipers, like other conifers, are hygrophilous and often lose needles because of a lack of moisture in the soil and in the air.

    Juniper likes sunshine, although it can grow in partial shade, and stones that can be placed on the pit, iodine roots, and put them directly on the surface of the soil on the roots, or generally plant the plant among the stones. With the sun, there may be problems. Some species of junipers burn in the bright sun, especially at the end of winter and early spring, when snow still lies. They do not like the direct afternoon sun, it is better to place them where the shadow from other plants will fall on them at noon. All this should be taken into account when choosing a place for planting junipers, otherwise in February you will have to go to the site to cover plants with a white cloth, best of all with an old sheet. Lutrasil for this purpose is not suitable, because it misses the hard ultraviolet rays that cause a burn. A good protection against a burn is the drug "EcoBerin"( 2 grains per 1 liter of water).With systematic spraying in the spring( weekly), you can not only protect plants from burning, but help restore needles after a burn.

    In the apartment, junipers also grow well, but with the indispensable condition that you will spray them daily with water( preferably with "Healthy Garden": 2 grains per 1 liter of water) in the winter when our apartments are very dry. The phytoncides emitted by the needles of junipers kill all pathogenic microbes and viruses around them within a radius of 3-5 m. The resinous smell is useful and pleasant. When transplanting into a larger container, you should place a pebble on the bottom of a new pot, then sand, pour in humus soil. Put the plant directly on it in an old pot, then break the old pot and pull out the shards. Void around the plant to fill the prepared soil. After that, it is good to water the plant. Try to move the juniper in the apartment to keep its orientation to the south. The same thing should be done if you take it with you to the dacha, and then you take it back to the city. Just tie a ribbon from the south side of the plant. Once every three years, push a finger along the wall of the pot for the entire length of the finger 3-5 pellets of AVA fertilizer and pour over the soil of the needle from the New Year tree. In the winter, watering is done sparingly, and sprinkled daily. With the onset of spring, watering should be increased, and after the end of the heating season, spraying can be stopped.

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    The berries of the juniper are blue with a blue bloom. They exude a fragrance and possess bactericidal properties. If you have a rest in the South, string them on a strong thread in the form of beads and bring them with you. At home, they can be hung directly on the inner entrance door to protect against the penetration of microbes from the street. They act until they smell. They can decorate their anteroom in an original way, by the way, it's beautiful.

    Juniper berries are put into cabbage during souring, which gives it a peculiar taste, vodka insists on them. Of them, beer is prepared. By the way, this beer has long been cooked in Scotland. Cook it should be as follows:

    1. Take 200 g of juniper berries, 50 g of honey, 2 liters of water, a third of the shelf of yeast.

    2. Freshly picked berries to be boiled with water, boil but with low heat for 30 minutes, strain in a hot form, cool the broth.

    5. Add honey and yeast to the broth, stir and place in a warm and dark place for fermentation.

    4. When the yeast emerges and foam forms, mix again, pour into bottles, plug and put in a cool place for a week.