  • Hydrangea

    Now I want to tell you more about hydrangeas. She is quite rightly called "the beautiful lady of the garden", because beautiful bushes are characterized by such a long flowering blossom, which truly are his best decoration.

    There are many species of hydrangeas, just keep in mind that those hydrangeas that are sold in pots are indoor hydrangeas. There are southern hydrangeas growing on the streets of southern cities. They blossom all summer with bright pink caps, sometimes they are brought from the south, but here in the North-West they do not winter and they will not grow in the room either.

    There are magnificent hydrangeas that luxuriantly bloom, although they freeze above the level of snow cover below -20 degrees below zero. However, this is not terrible, because the root system and the lower part of shoots under the snow, they do not freeze. Therefore, very quickly on the bark of the overwintered part of the stems, sleeping buds awaken, from which new shoots develop. And they blossom this summer, only a little later, not so splendid, of course, but also very beautiful, and the bush will still be elegant. This hydrangea for the winter is not necessary to close. This hydrangea is called umbellate, in the shape of the inflorescence, because its small flowers are collected in the form of an umbellate inflorescence. Still it is called hydrangea gray, for the color of the bark, since the cortex is gray.

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    Branches of umbrella hydrangeas can be cut, they stand perfectly in the water. But if you cut it off, and will be transported from the dacha to the city, you need to revitalize it, and it costs not so long. The water should be acidic, when you bring it home, you must throw a small crystal of citric acid in a cart with water.

    When planting hydrangeas it is better to use soil from coniferous forest or a mixture of peat with sand, but in no case do you need to apply ash to the soil. Just like in the case of the rhododendron, leave everything that the hydrangea sheds under the bush and bring there needlewood needles. To feed it is necessary "Kemira" or azofovskaja before flowering 1 time. Why not in the spring? Because these fertilizers contain nitrogen( urea, urea), and it reduces frost resistance, and in spring frosts the plant can even more freeze.

    There is also such a feature as in lilac: the hydrangea flower buds of the next year are laid at the very base of the blooming brush. Do not rip off the faded inflorescences, but gently cut them with a pruner, without touching the top of the branch, otherwise you will cut off all the kidneys. And even if it perfectly overwinter, then early in the summer it will not bloom. Flowering will begin from the sinuses of new leaves, from shoots that will go from the trunk, that is, bloom will be a month later and not so plentiful and lush.

    Hydrangea responds well to AVA fertilizer, but if you feed it with this fertilizer, then do not forget that you need to water it from time to time with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. And then the main thing - do not go too far, if you make a solution crimson, then your flowers will change the color from white to pink. If you insert metal shavings, rusty cans( they need to be pre-burned in a fire), then the hydrangea flowers will turn bluish. If you are watering potassium permanganate, the flowers will have pink veins and the petals will be white, so the inflorescence will actually have a mottled appearance, it's beautiful from afar, but not close to it. In my opinion, hydrangea is beautiful white. When the flowers begin to fade, the inflorescences acquire a brown color, far from spectacular, so remove the fading inflorescence in time so that it does not spoil the general appearance of the bush. You can not remove the fading inflorescences, survive this moment, waiting for them to dry, and then use them for various crafts.

    There is a panicle hydrangea, stunningly beautiful. It freezes much more strongly than the gray, but it has lower bushes, so they can be covered with porous lutrasilom. And it's even better to plant where there is a big snowdrift. Under the snow, it is also well preserved. All the requirements for it to planting, lighting and soil are the same as for a conventional hydrangea. These two hydrangeas differ in the form of inflorescence and flowers. In the paniculate, needless to say, the flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences, looking upward, lush, exceptionally beautiful, because there are large flowers, there are small belts on a thin leg, there are small flowers, that is, each stunning inflorescence consists of several types of flowers.

    The pink hydrangea grows and blossoms in the Northwest. She has lush, dense inflorescences larger than flowers of gray flowers. An exceptionally beautiful plant, but necessarily requiring shelter for the winter. In autumn, all leaves must be removed, if they, of course, do not fall out themselves. Weigh more( 30-40 cm) with peat and cover with linden until spring. At the end of April, the lapnika can be gradually started to be taken off, but it can be broken off after the end of frosts.