  • Bow

    Family lily.

    Bulb perennials;leaves radical, grooved or arched;peduncles high, inflorescences spherical or semi spherical, covered with blotches before flowering.

    Onion( Allium sulfur L.) is a two-year herbaceous plant. In the middle and northern parts of the Non-chernozem belt, onions are grown from seed to seed in three years. In the first year, small bulbs are given - sowing, on the second - large bulbs, and for the third year - seeds.

    Wild relatives of onions are found in Iran and Afghanistan, in the Altai Mountains and in Turkmenistan. This suggests that the home of the onion is Central Asia. Hence it spread to Europe and through centuries-old breeding has become a species that is now so highly valued. Onion is widely used in medicine, cosmetics, everyday life, cooking. And it's not just the phytoncids and essential oils contained in onion juice. Bulbs also contain sugars( 6-8%), about 2% protein, almost 1% mineral salts, vitamin B to 60 mg%, and in leaves - B, biotin, which plays an important role in the metabolism. Especially in onions vitamin C. Daily intake of the organism in this vitamin can be quickly satisfied with onion in the amount of 80-100 grams per day.

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    Onion Giant * Up to 140 cm tall;leaves are belt-shaped, gray;A spherical umbrella up to 8 cm in diameter;flowers are purple;blooms in June-July.

    Blue onion ♦ Up to 95 cm high;leaves trihedral, grooved, bluish;A spherical umbrella up to 7 cm in diameter;flowers blue;blooms in June-July.

    Onion karatava ♦ Up to 30 cm high;leaves are small( up to 3 pieces), oblong;Spherical umbrella up to 12 cm in diameter;flowers are pinkish-violet;blooms in May - June.

    Onions Neapolitan * Up to 40 cm high;leaves are arched, drooping( sometimes recumbent), bright green;umbrella semi-spherical, loose, up to 8 cm in diameter;flowers white, fragrant;blooms in May-June.

    Luh Khristof * Up to 80 cm high;leaves are belt-shaped, bluish-green;umbrella is spherical up to 30 cm in diameter;flowers are pinkish-violet;blooms in May-June. Unpretentious plants.

    Humidity requirements: drought-resistant, does not like excessive moisture.

    Requirements for heat and light: frost-resistant, photophilous plants.

    Requirements for soil, any permeable soil. Reproduction: by seeds, bulb-babies. Propagation is very easy, often gives a self-seeding.

    Features: blooms for the 2nd year and later. Usage: stony gardens, alpine hills, mixborders;for cutting, including for dry bouquets.