  • Track Device

    Good paths give beauty to the flower garden. It is enough to beat off the path with a clear line and sprinkle with sand, as the entire flower garden becomes elegant. It is even better to plant curbs on both sides of the path.

    More complicated, beautiful are the paths lined with brick, tiles and other materials.

    The simplest tracks do this: by cutting the edges of the cord, separating the path from the surrounding area. Earth from the edges is thrown out to the middle to get a convex canvas. The depth of the groove depends on the width of the track. With a width of 0.75 meters, it is sufficient to select 5-7 centimeters of land near the edge, and 10 to 12 centimeters at a width of 1.5 to 2 meters. The depth of the recess is gradually reduced from the edges to the center. After planning the path is rammed. Top poured fine slag or crushed stone and a small layer of sand or crushed brick, watered and rolled. To maintain the path in good condition, regularly destroy the germinating grass, sweep and sprinkle it with sand, and the edges trim.

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    Beautiful and comfortable track made of bricks, laid flat or herringbone.

    Narrow paths and paths are more often made ground, but it is especially good when stone( limestone or granite) slabs of uneven contour are placed on the lawn at a distance from each other so that grass breaks between them. You can lay out and concrete slabs, which are fairly easy to manufacture on site. For this purpose, gravel is mixed with sand( or just sand) and dry cement by volume in a proportion of 3: 1, mixed with water until a thick viscous mass is obtained. Fill this mass with a form of wooden boards. The form without the bottom should lie on a flat surface( plywood or aluminum sheet) covered with a wet newspaper. At first, carefully fill the corners with the corners and edges of the mold, then the rest. Together with the mass in the form of inserting pieces of wire, iron rods, the top is well leveled and carefully rammed. Covered with a wet rag or grass, leave for three or four days. Then the plate is taken out of the mold and lowered into the water for a week. . Do not leave the molds filled in the rain. The best size of a square shape is 40x40x5 centimeters. For convenience, the molds are made detachable.