  • CapryPhil

    Curly honeysuckle - honeysuckle. A magnificent vine, omnipresent, unpretentious, growing on any soils.

    Flowers in her - long, elongated bells, collected about, hack five spread fingers on the palm. It is white, it is lemon-yellow( this color is most often found), it can be red or purple. She has a very gentle and very persistent smell. After this, five beautiful red or bright orange berries are quickly formed, which hang very long, and therefore the liana remains decorative almost to the very end. I recommend that you buy such a plant. It is easy to find, it is many, who has it, and it can not cost much, the red one, however, is slightly more expensive, since it is less common in the gardens. By the way, there are varieties of early, middle and late flowering. Reddragon, for example, blooms from August to the very frosts.

    The most remarkable thing is that this liana can grow from the north side of the building, that is, in full shade, where few plants can grow, except red viburnum, virgin bird cherry, red Chinese bird cherry and some others. Capryfall must be planted in August in the same way as any other creeper. It reproduces very easily, with the help of the root offspring. Dig out the soil, separate a piece of root offspring or root and transplant. You can dig a brood, you can take a green stalk for reproduction. From seeds grows long.

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    Cut or cut a piece of green shoot into a trench, covering the internodes with soil and leaving the leaves on the surface. Or just press the internodes to the soil and make sure that the soil is wet all the time. The shoots immediately take root. From each node from the sinus leaves will go shoots. Next year you will have a green wall at once, just tie the plants to the supports. You can cut it into pieces, plant, sell, change with friends, plant it in any other place. You can land at any time, but it's better at the end of summer. Make sure that the roots do not dry out. You will feed and water it, it will bloom perfectly, if you do not take care of it, it will still survive. She does not die for the winter, sak and girlish grapes. Therefore, all this ugly rubbish will hang, as well as in Actinidia, or Schizandra, or maiden grapes. Early in the spring, it all turns green, and very quickly. The whole wall turns into a luxurious green carpet, it blossoms for about 3 weeks, in the shade the flowering period lengthens.

    An unpretentious and grateful plant. If at least once in five years you put a handful of AVA in the soil, then you will even be surprised how it will start to bloom. Organics can be poured once in 2-3 years, according to the vederochka under the plant, then it will give you an amazing bloom, a pleasant aroma and very elegant berries, which, unfortunately, are inedible. You can eat them, you will not get poisoned, but they are not tasty. Once you try - and you do not want to.