  • Almond

    A stunning plant called almonds. Two species are grown in the Northwest. One almond is low, or a steppe, or a bean. And another almond - triloba captivity, or prumus triloba, that is, the plum trilobate.

    Low almond - a bush very elegant, about 1 m high. Many people think that this is a stamping plant, since the lower part is bare and the crown is on high branches. It blooms in the middle of May, simultaneously with the opening of the leaves, and blooms about two weeks. Twigs from the bottom to the top are strewn with delicate roses. In nature, it grows in the North Caucasus, in Western Siberia and in Central Asia.

    A low almond requires a sunny location and prefers rich, clayey soil. Before planting, add a large amount of rotted organic matter or manure to the clay. It must be watered, the plant is hygrophilous, but nevertheless the almonds are not afraid of drought, frosts too, grows very quickly, gives abundant root shoots, which usually appears in the third year, maybe in the fifth. It can be used for reproduction, but it is best to plant freshly harvested seeds immediately after their ripening or at any time in the fall. If you want to sow in the spring, then you need a three-month stratification. If the shoots are not removed, then there will be no seeds, if the shoots are removed in a timely manner, then there will be seeds. The beaver can be grown from seeds, but much easier - from the root of the shoot.

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    Those who sell the planting material, I advise you to make a picture of the almond blossom. Looking at this blossoming miracle, you will quickly purchase almonds.

    The second kind of almonds is the prlomus triloba, very rare in our species, many do not even know it. It is a tree, and before the blossoming of the leaves the branches are entirely covered with large( 3-4 cm in diameter), dense pink, double flowers. They resemble roses. The view of the tree is so beautiful at the time of flowering, which lasts more than two weeks, that it, like the blooming cherry blossom, is grown both in Japan and the Far East.

    It is necessary to plant on a sunny place in loose, nutritious soil. Necessarily in a place protected from the wind, because branches of a bush easily break from strong winds. In the northwest, where the western winds predominate, it is on the west side that these plants should be covered by other plants.

    Flowers of this kind of almonds are sterile, they do not give seeds, so it can be multiplied by incubating in July to a plum or to the first kind of almonds - Bobovik. In August, you can propagate by planting on the turn. Well propagated by cuttings. Rarely found and its own species, then, of course, can be propagated and root offspring.

    Use of

    Fruits and oil are used for medicinal purposes.

    As proved by people's experience, almond oil has a calming, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect on the body, and also regulates the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Used for palpitations, pneumonia.

    Almonds are useful for exciting appetite and bloating.

    In heartbeats take almond oil inside 6-7 drops 3 times a day( sometimes and 1 teaspoon), and the fruit - 3 pieces, but without pits, which are poisonous.

    With headaches and ear diseases, almond oil is buried in the ear as an analgesic.

    As an anti-inflammatory and expectorant, almond oil is used for inflammation of the lungs, and externally for bedsores.